Deanna Petherbridge

Professor emeritus Deanna Petherbridge CBE was an artist, writer and curator. She was a member of the DMJournal Committee from the journal’s inception until 2024. Her practice was drawing-centred and she celebrated a retrospective at the Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, 2016–17. Her triptych The Destruction of the City of Homs, 2016 was on display at Tate Britain 2019–2020 and subsequent drawings dealt with war and forced migration, environmental destruction and the Covid pandemic. She held three professorships in drawing including the Royal College of Art and authored The Primacy of Drawing: Histories and Theories of Practice (2010) as well as numerous publications on art and architecture including Drawing as Metaphor for Drawing Matter. Curated exhibitions include The Quick and the Dead: Artists and Anatomy, Hayward Touring, 1997; Witches and Wicked Bodies, National Galleries of Scotland & British Museum 2013-15; Artists at Work, Courtauld Gallery, 2018. She was an International Scholar, Getty Research Institute, 2001-2 and was a Associate Fellow, Warburg Institute, University of London.