Mark Dorrian

Mark Dorrian holds the Forbes Chair in Architecture at ESALA, University of Edinburgh, and is Co-Director of the practice Metis. His work spans topics in architecture and urbanism, art history and theory, and media studies, and has appeared in publications such as Architecture & Culture, Cabinet, Chora, Cultural Politics, Journal of Architecture, Journal of Narrative Theory, Log, Parallax, Radical Philosophy, Theory Culture & Society, and Word & Image. Mark’s books include Writing On The Image: Architecture, the City and the Politics of Representation (2015), and the co-edited volumes The Place of Silence: Architecture / Media / Philosophy (2019) and Seeing From Above: The Aerial View in Visual Culture (2013). He has held awards from various bodies including the British Academy, the Graham Foundation, the Canadian Centre for Architecture, and the Monument Trust – the latter to support a period of study in the Department of Prints & Drawings of The British Museum.