Christelle Blanco and Kasia Stachnio

All of us got to build a 4 meters tall pyramid out of small wooden sticks. We used this structure as a starting point for our drawing. As we visited the site, we were struck by the arch, that was very conveniently right in front of our sculpture. Thus we decided to put those two elements in relation, trying to understand in what way, although completely different, are similar.
Stripping the arch to its structure, we ended up with two skeletons. We noticed all the complexity was in the joints, whether they were intertwining beams or sticks tightly tied up to one another with string.
As someone who rarely adventures themselves in drawing, it was challenging to understand how to represent objects into a flat piece of paper. Working on site was really helpful in that matter as anytime there was an issue understanding the drawing, one simple look up answered the questions.
We left Shatwell Farm feeling very proud of ourselves. Half of us being in other fields of the building environments than architecture, we really got to discover unknown territories. Thanks to this workshop, we got to immerse ourselves into a new world, the one of drawings.