Cartographies of the Imagination
2 – 31 July 2021, OmVed Gardens, London
Curated by Kirsty Badenoch and Sayan Skandarajah
In July 2021 the OmVed Gardens and Glasshouse were filled with drawings. These were sketches and plans chosen because of the stories they told, and the journeys they encouraged the viewer to make. Maps imply both the past and the future—they record what journeys have already been made, and what has already been marked, and at the same time they promise that another journey will be possible for the reader.

‘Cartographies of the Imagination’ was a reflection on how drawing becomes mapmaking—how even OMA’s hyper-digital plans encourage exploration, and how the land the buildings stand on reassert themselves within the drawings made.

Find the drawings loaned by Drawing Matter and read the curators’ reflections here.