Do You Remember How Perfect Everything Was? Zoe Zenghelis

21 May 2021 — 30 June 2021, Architectural Association, London
Curated by Hamed Khosravi
Presented alongside a new collection of interviews with the artist herself, Do you remember how perfect everything was? forms the first retrospective on the work of Zoe Zenghelis. From her beginnings with the OMA, to her influence over generations of AA students through her Colour Workshops, Zenghelis here appears as not only as the force behind the OMA aesthetic, but as a strong voice that found an ‘affinity with architecture’.

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These works were subsequently loaned to the exhibition Zoe Zenghelis: Fields, Fragments, Fictions at the Heinz Architecture Centre, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh (26 March — 24 July 2022). More information here.