Alternative Histories: 2A+P/A on Aldo Rossi

Starting from the analysis of a drawing by Rossi, made for the competition project on the student house in Trieste in 1974 – with the curious title “La vita Calda (The warm life)” – we begun to investigate a series of recurring elements in Rossi’s architecture, especially in his first works during those years. We then started to collect fragments that were explicitly present in that drawing, or which the drawing could have reminded, and then we combined them with objects from other contemporary Rossi’s projects. The drawing then slowly became a project, another project, made up of pieces and parts that belong to that drawing and to other drawings.
The drawing has converted into a shiny and colored object, like a ceramic, where each investigated element has become a clearly identifiable part: like a still life, formed by a base and a grid from which vertical shapes emerge.
– 2A+P/A