Architect: Francesco di Giorgio
Visualizing the Renaissance Worksite and the problems of graphic translation
Visualizing the Renaissance Worksite and the problems of graphic translation 17.01.2024
– Jarne Geenens and Elizabeth Merrill
Francesco di Giorgio’s autograph manuscript of machine design, the Opusculum de architectura is among the most enigmatic records of early modern architecture.[1] Dedicated to Duke Federico da Montefeltro, the compact vellum manuscript celebrates the art and ingenuity of technical design, while simultaneously capturing the energy and ambition of the fabled… Read More
Liquid Paper
Liquid Paper15.11.2019
In The Praise of Hemp-Seed, John Taylor – the self-styled Jacobean ‘water poet’ – at one point asks why poets have never sung the virtues of the plant before. It is, he answers himself, because their words run dry in the face of the limitless goods it brings – ‘the… Read More