Writer: Alvar Aalto
Aalto on Asplund: Stockholm Exhibition (1930)
Aalto on Asplund: Stockholm Exhibition (1930)09.03.2020
Alvar Aalto, from an interview for the Swedish newspaper Åbo Underrättelser, May 22, 1930. Reprinted in Göran Schildt, ed., Alvar Aalto: Sketches, trans. Stuart Wrede (London: MIT Press, 1979), 16.
Instead of an Article (1958)
Instead of an Article (1958)03.06.2020
– Alvar Aalto
‘As I cannot write an article, this dialogue is intended to replace it. It is only partially authentic, but that, of course, is also the case with the classical dialogues.’ Alvar Aalto in Arkkitehti-Arkitekten (1958): Sigfried Giedion: ‘What do I see, old friend, are you planning to write?’ Alvar Aalto:… Read More
humour & satire