Writer: Francesco Marullo
Writing Prize 2020: Figures of War
Writing Prize 2020: Figures of War29.09.2020
Niccolò Machiavelli concludes his treatise on the art of war (Dell’Arte della Guerra, 1521) with a series of diagrammatic ‘figures’ illustrating the arrangements of troops known as ordinanze. Rather than using human silhouettes, the ordinanza links alphabetical signs to specific roles and positions of the soldiers, reducing the army to… Read More
Architecture and Real Abstraction: Adler & Sullivan
Architecture and Real Abstraction: Adler & Sullivan12.09.2023
– Francesco Marullo
This film is part of series of posts of selected papers from the study symposium at Shatwell Farm, hosted by Drawing Matter and convened by KU Leuven and TU Delft on 27 and 28 April 2023. More about the symposium, and other films and written papers, can be found here. The… Read More
construction drawing symposium april 2023 (series) DMC industry & infrastructure