Writer: Rebecca Siefert
Tradition and Modernity, Continuity and Critique
Tradition and Modernity, Continuity and Critique04.03.2021
The following text is excerpted from Rebecca Siefert’s recent book Into the Light, the first comprehensive study of the work of Lauretta Vinciarelli. The book is available to purchase here. The grid has served as ‘the image of an absolute beginning’, as Rosalind Krauss affirmed in 1986 in ‘The Originality of… Read More
Lauretta Vinciarelli: Homogeneous and Non-Homogeneous Grids
Lauretta Vinciarelli: Homogeneous and Non-Homogeneous Grids11.03.2021
– Rebecca Siefert
The following text is excerpted from Rebecca Siefert’s recent book Into the Light, the first comprehensive study of the work of Lauretta Vinciarelli. The book is available to purchase here. The grid is loaded with symbolism and history: it is emblematic of origins, order, systems, utopias and dystopias, and the inevitable susceptibility… Read More
projection (axonometric isometric) competition theoretical & imaginary urban form DMC