Architect: Deanna Petherbridge
Talking to Drawings
Talking to Drawings08.06.2018
Talking to Drawings was produced to accomapny the exhibition Disappear Here (RIBA, 2 May – 7 Oct 2018), which explored the history, application and implications of perspective, how it spans truth and illusion, linking the disciplines of art, architecture and mathematics, through material from the RIBA and Drawing Matter collections.… Read More
The Destruction of the City of Homs
The Destruction of the City of Homs28.11.2016
A photograph of the bombed-out shell of Dresden, destroyed in February 1945 when I was six years old, has lived potently in my life-long memory bank. This, like other black and white photographs of the time, depicted a ghastly desolation in which empty-windowed facades tapering sharply from jaggedly pointed upper… Read More
In Defence of Metaphor
In Defence of Metaphor09.12.2021
– Deanna Petherbridge
This text concludes Deanna Petherbridge’s series Drawing as Metaphor. The complete series will appear as a printed publication in the new year, designed by Studio Christopher Victor; the drawings will be on show at the Art Space Gallery (84 St Peter’s Street, London N1 8JS) in an exhibition titled Deanna Petherbridge: Drawing… Read More
art practice drawing as metaphor (series)