Architect: Mário Ramos
The Cod of São Victor
The Cod of São Victor01.08.2022
The following text on Mário Ramos and Fernando Barroso’s student work at the Porto School is excerpted from the publication Porto School, B Side 1968–1978 (An Oral History) (CIAJG & Documenta, 2014). Jacinto Rodrigues recalls that in 1976 Mário Ramos, Fernando Barroso, Graça Nieto Guimarães and Maria de Lurdes Mendonça developed a project to… Read More
Porto School, B Side: Insurrectional Organization of Space
Porto School, B Side: Insurrectional Organization of Space29.09.2021
The following text on Mário Ramos and Fernando Barroso’s student work at the Porto School is excerpted from the publication Porto School, B Side 1968–1978 (An Oral History) (CIAJG & Documenta, 2014). Collages from the project are included in the exhibition At Play at Garagem Sul, Centro Cultural de Belém… Read More
Porto: Paving Work on Rua de António Sardinha
Porto: Paving Work on Rua de António Sardinha14.02.2023
– Ivo Martins
In the photograph on the left from 1939, found in the municipal digital archive, Porto’s civic centre is still under construction. The image captures half-paved new roads, with curious people milling around the freshly built City Hall. Viewing this photograph recalls the collages of Fernando Barroso and Mário Ramos, where… Read More
DMC civic & municipal exhibition politics