Architect: Ludwig Wittgenstein

Ludwig Wittgenstein (and Gustav III of Sweden), Designing Gardens

Ludwig Wittgenstein (and Gustav III of Sweden), Designing Gardens

Tim Richardson

In the following extract, from his book Cambridge College Gardens, Tim Richardson describes the incident that made philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein sketch out his ideas for an alternative garden design at Trinity College in Cambridge, alongside a letter Wittgenstein wrote to the College Garden Committee objecting to the plans for their… Read More

Decoding Wittgenstein’s Stonborough Villa

Decoding Wittgenstein’s Stonborough Villa

Akira Koyama

God does not reveal himself in the world. The facts all belong only to the task and not to its performance. — Ludwig Wittgenstein [1] In the 1980s, the beginning of widespread personal computing, we didn’t buy readymade software like today. Every night found me frantically writing a thousand lines… Read More