Tag: architectural drawing summer school

Notes on the 2024 Architecture Summer School

Notes on the 2024 Architecture Summer School


The Architecture Summer School took place over five days in mid-August, for the first time hosted in London at Drawing Room in Bermondsey SE1. Now in its eight year, the program is open to any student aged 15 and above who has an ambition to study architecture, with six young… Read More

Notes on the 2020 Summer School: Encounters in landscape

Notes on the 2020 Summer School: Encounters in landscape

Marwa El Mubark

The notion of the countryside as a space for radical transformation, a messy intersection of heterogeneity far removed from the homogenising forces of the city centre, makes it the perfect territory for experimentation. As a landscape where change is the only context, Shatwell Farm is the ideal setting for an… Read More

Notes on the 2017 Summer School

Notes on the 2017 Summer School

Nana Biamah-Ofosu and Bushra Mohamed

Drawing, Making, Thinking ‘Working in philosophy, like work in architecture in many respects, is really more a working on oneself. On one’s own interpretation. On one’s way of seeing things, (and what one expects of them).’ Ludwig Wittgenstein, Diary, 1931 Nana Biamah-Ofosu: In Wittgenstein’s words I recognise my own pursuit… Read More



Andrew Clancy

Programme Notes: Drawing Matter, Royal Fine Art Commission Trust, Kingston School of Art Summer School. The impossible whole It might be best to start this Summer School with a big question – what is the value of architecture? One way to think about such a general question might be to… Read More

Notes on the 2016 Summer School

Notes on the 2016 Summer School

Helen Mallinson

Found in translation At first it seemed hugely unfair to invite an audience of some thirty adept critics to review a week’s drawing work by eight students, the more so in the dauntingly Olympian cultural setting of Hauser & Wirth. The review was held in Smiljan Radic’s 2014 Serpentine Pavilion,… Read More