Tag: DMJ 3 – Storytelling

DMJ – Place is the Principle of Generation

DMJ – Place is the Principle of Generation

Peter Carl

The essay takes the theme of storytelling and architecture as an opportunity to reframe the received generalisations of time and space. Roger Bacon’s insight that place is intrinsically temporal anticipates the description of ‘scene construction’ by neuroscientists Demis Hassabis, Dharshan Kumaran and Eleanor A. Maguire as that which ‘constitutes a common process underlying episodic memory’.… Read More

DMJ – Something in the Air: On the Atmosphere of a Lee Miller Photograph

DMJ – Something in the Air: On the Atmosphere of a Lee Miller Photograph

Mark Dorrian

Frontispieces are to do with storytelling and we find a curious example of this at the start of Humphrey Jennings’ posthumously published book Pandaemonium 1660–1886: the Coming of the Machine Age as Seen by Contemporary Observers. It is a photograph by Lee Miller of Jennings himself, a filmmaker, writer and… Read More