Writer: Desley Luscombe
The Routledge Companion to Architectural Drawings and Models (2021) – Review
The Routledge Companion to Architectural Drawings and Models (2021) – Review24.11.2022
A book like The Routledge Companion to Architectural Drawings and Models cannot be read with speed. Each chapter is finite, and although linked by others into sections, each forms a stand-alone reading event. It also cannot be seen as a book about architectural drawing. The photographic reproduction is poor, often… Read More
Zaha Hadid
Zaha Hadid27.11.2018
When, in January 1983, Peter Cook reviewed a recently held exhibition for Zaha Hadid’s 59 Eaton Place, he spoke of the resonance between the individual and their education in developing an architectural identity. [1] He pondered on the development of Hadid over that period, What if fate had led her… Read More
Mies: The Double or Panoramic Structure of the Perspective
Mies: The Double or Panoramic Structure of the Perspective24.10.2016
– Desley Luscombe
What is compelling about the sketches of Mies van der Rohe is their reliance on a pictorial composition that actively distorts perspectival conventions. This type of distortion is evident consistently across his more finished presentations drawings as well as his sketches. In using perspective as his main visualising tool Mies… Read More
projection (axonometric isometric) domestic DMC sketch