Architect: Winold Reiss
The Future City
9 June 2021
The Future City9 June 2021
Antonio Sant’Elia foresees the technological cities of the mid to late 20th century. High-rise towers shooting skyward, train lines and highways articulated as horizontally streaking into vanishing points, and aeroplanes arriving and departing omnidirectionally. Similarly, Winold Reiss’s Future City: Study for a Mural, is an homage to technological advancement, and… Read More
Future Scenarios, Part I
30 May 2013
Future Scenarios, Part I30 May 2013
– Niall Hobhouse and Nicholas Olsberg
Capturing the rainbow: the city of tomorrow On any given day late in the 1930s, so someone has calculated, more than 30,000 Americans either bought a train ticket or ordered lunch looking at one of the murals of the designer Winold Reiss. With each new commission, and as the burdens… Read More
elevation work on paper (series) projection (axonometric isometric) DMC art practice theoretical & imaginary domestic exhibition public space theatre