Architect: Zünd-Up
Zünd-Up’s Great Vienna War of Dreams
Zünd-Up’s Great Vienna War of Dreams14.03.2025
‘Only the realization of utopias will make man happy and release him from his frustrations! Use your imagination! Join in… Share the power! Share property.’ Wolf Vostell, Cologne 1969 [1] On June 28, 1969, the four members of the Viennese collective Zünd-Up presented their student project, The Great Vienna Auto-Expander, for Karl… Read More
Zünd-Up: ‘Psycho-dynamic’ Street and Park System
Zünd-Up: ‘Psycho-dynamic’ Street and Park System23.10.2015
An element in this Viennese collective’s proposal to extend the city into a newly ‘psycho-dynamic’ street and park system, this ‘Cortina-Bob-Bahn’ would have ornamented the gardens of the Prater with a drive-yourself roller-coaster tower some 1500 metres high.
Zünd-Up: Erotische Architektur
Zünd-Up: Erotische Architektur27.05.2017
– Erik Wegerhoff
Collage was a favourite medium of Pop artists, since it inherited from its forerunners the quality of enabling chance meetings, and allowed artists to assemble images from the by then endless reservoir of commercial culture. This collage from the series Erotische Architektur (Erotic Architecture), dated 1969 and signed by the Viennese activist and architecture group Zünd-Up, can… Read More
presentation theoretical & imaginary social engagement DMC