Architect: William Lethaby
W. R. Lethaby: Apprenticeship and Education
W. R. Lethaby: Apprenticeship and Education13.01.2023
This is the fourth text in this series, where Hugh Strange visits key texts throughout W. R. Lethaby’s life. The building sites of London in the late nineteenth century desperately lacked adequate skills, and this need was being addressed neither on the job nor through appropriate training. The first prospectus of… Read More
W. R. Lethaby: The Church of Sancta Sophia, Constantinople
W. R. Lethaby: The Church of Sancta Sophia, Constantinople28.11.2022
This is the third text in this series, where Hugh Strange visits key texts throughout W. R. Lethaby’s life. William Lethaby’s second book, The Church of Sancta Sophia, Constantinople: A Study of Byzantine Building, published in 1894, could hardly have started on its subject more emphatically, ‘Sancta Sophia is the most… Read More
W. R. Lethaby: The Builder’s Art and the Craftsman
W. R. Lethaby: The Builder’s Art and the Craftsman24.10.2022
This is the second text in this series, where Hugh Strange visits key texts throughout W. R. Lethaby’s life. Dissatisfied with his first book, Architecture, Mysticism and Myth, a year later William Lethaby indicated a significant shift in thinking with the essay, ‘The Builder’s Art and the Craftsman’. The text… Read More
W. R. Lethaby: Architecture, Mysticism and Myth
W. R. Lethaby: Architecture, Mysticism and Myth10.08.2022
This is the first text in this series, where Hugh Strange visits key texts throughout W. R. Lethaby’s life. Here we start at the beginning with Architecture, Mysticism and Myth, first published in 1891. In many respects, and certainly in relation to his later output, William Richard Lethaby’s first book,… Read More
W. R. Lethaby: Philip Webb and His Work
W. R. Lethaby: Philip Webb and His Work03.02.2023
– Hugh Strange
This is the fifth and final text in this series, where Hugh Strange visits key texts throughout W. R. Lethaby’s life. Philip Webb was William Lethaby’s great hero; he considered his life and work the model for an architect. Webb was a generation older than Lethaby, and the two men most… Read More
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