Architect: Robbrecht en Daem
Paul Robbrecht: Drawn Closer
Paul Robbrecht: Drawn Closer12.05.2020
Initiatief 86 was important because (as Robbrecht en Daem) it was more or less our first real work for art. It was also an important moment for the Belgian art scene. That summer Jan Hoet curated Chambres d’Amis, exhibiting the work of 50 artists in homes across Ghent. At the… Read More
Alternative Histories: Stephen Taylor Architects on Robbrecht and Daem
Alternative Histories: Stephen Taylor Architects on Robbrecht and Daem01.07.2019
Our proposal reimagines the Aue Pavilions project by Robbrecht en Daem through an extreme exaggeration and distortion of the original work’s spatial ideas. The ensemble of carriage-like volumes are reimagined as a continuous sinusoidal form which opens up to the park, raised on stumpy pilotis. Instead of a series of… Read More
Alternative Histories: Dow Jones Architects on Robbrecht en Daem
Alternative Histories: Dow Jones Architects on Robbrecht en Daem15.03.2019
Our starting point is a drawing by Robbrecht en Daem dated 2000: a sketch in red ink of a small pavilion which sits on a platform and is approached by a path raised off the ground. The pitched roof and the space of the platform create a horizontal emphasis, and… Read More
Alternative Histories: Robbrecht en Daem Architecten on Le Corbusier
Alternative Histories: Robbrecht en Daem Architecten on Le Corbusier12.01.2019
A Rain of Light It is our true belief that light is particles of dust. When light is driven through impurities it intensifies, and we assign it a mineral quality. We feel empowered by the ‘photon theory of light’ by Albert Einstein. – Robbrecht en Daem Architecten, January 2019
Paul Robbrecht
Paul Robbrecht02.11.2016
– Rosemary Willink
Watercolour is not the traditional medium one associates with architectural plans, particularly those that are realised in built form. I believe this is what caught my eye while searching for a drawing by Walter Pichler and instead discovered a portfolio of drawings by Paul Robbrecht. Aue Paviljoenen project B depicts… Read More
sketch exhibition design exhibition DMC