Architect: Florian Beigel Architects
Alternative Histories: Philip Christou on Le Corbusier
Alternative Histories: Philip Christou on Le Corbusier21.03.2019
When asked to participate in ‘Alternative Histories’, I was pleased to be offered the large, elegant drawing by Le Corbusier of his proposal for the Bhakra Dam near Chandigarh, India. I remember seeing this drawing with Florian Beigel years ago in the Drawing Matter archive, and again in an important… Read More
Florian Beigel & Kisa Kawakami
Florian Beigel & Kisa Kawakami19.01.2018
– Florian Beigel and Philip Christou
Yokohama International Port Terminal Design Competition, Yokohama, Japan, 1994 The 500-metre-long, gently sloping body of the new pier lifts itself up over the water. It glows from the inside like the body of a transparent fish with all its internal organs visible. A model was made with clear perspex and… Read More
Florian Beigel Architects: Stage House
Florian Beigel Architects: Stage House12.10.2017
– Florian Beigel and Philip Christou
This photograph was made of a physical model as part of the ongoing process of working on the design. It was made to test the scale and dimensions of the various elements that make up the space of one of two large rooms within the ‘Stage House’, a small shed… Read More
Mystery as Ground
Mystery as Ground21.03.2019
– Andrew Clancy
I We could start here, with this image in the exhibition Disappear Here, found in Abraham Bosse’s (c. 1602–1676) Maniere universelle de M. Desargues pour pratiquer la perspective. Two men stand looking at a four-sided form projected on the ground. Rather than an orthogonal, universal perspective that privileges one point outside the picture,… Read More