Le Corbusier (1887–1965), Letter to Louis Sciarli, Unite d’habitation, 1955. Typewritten letter on headed paper, 268 × 208 mm. DMC 1602.4.
This letter from Le Corbusier, to Marseille photographer Louis Sciarli, responds to a request from Elle magazine for photographs of the school on the rooftop of the Unité. Le Corbusier includes a drawing that instructs the unfortunate photographer as to exactly how he would like the children to be posed.
M. Sciarli did his best, and kept the letter in his archive.
Le Corbusier (1887–1965), Illustrated letter, Unite d’habitation, 1955. Ink on tracing paper, 280 × 418 mm. DMC 1602.1.Louis Sciarli, Schoolchildren, Unité d’habitation, Marseille, 1960. Silver print, 130 × 180 mm. DMC 1602.2.Louis Sciarli, Schoolchildren, Unité d’habitation, Marseille, 1960. Silver print, 130 × 180 mm. DMC 1602.3.
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