Adam Bede’s ‘Discourse on Building’ (1859)
This speech on building – and architects – was made by Adam to Mr Poyser in Chapter 49 of George Eliot’s novel.
It was pointed out to us by the Eliot scholar, Dermot Coleman, who added that ‘it is generally a safe bet that views on such matters expressed by Adam Bede are those of the author’.
But he’s [the new steward] got no notion about buildings: you can seldom get hold of a man as can turn his brains to more nor one thing; it’s just as if they wore blinkers like th’horses, and could see nothing o’ one side of ‘em. Now there’s Mr Irwine has got notions o’ building more nor most architects; for as for th’ architects, they set up to be fine fellows, but the most of ‘em don’t know where to set a chimney so as it shan’t be quarrelling with a door. My notion is, a practical builder, that’s got a bit o’ taste, makes the best architect for common things; and I’ve ten times the pleasure i’ seeing after the work when I’ve made the plan myself.
George Eliot, Chapter 49, Adam Bede (1859)