Architect: Henry Thomas Cadbury-Brown
Take One: Henry ‘Jim’ Cadbury-Brown and Richard Wentworth on the Royal College of Art
Take One: Henry ‘Jim’ Cadbury-Brown and Richard Wentworth on the Royal College of Art27.03.2020
Take One is a collaboration between Drawing Matter and the Architects’ Lives oral history project run by National Life Stories. Each episode pairs a drawing or visual element with a short audio extract, showing the image alongside the voice of its creator or an informed commentator. The audio extracts are taken from life… Read More
Alternative Histories: Stephen Bates on Henry Thomas Cadbury-Brown
Alternative Histories: Stephen Bates on Henry Thomas Cadbury-Brown22.02.2019
Reading Jim Cadbury-Brown’s transcript of ‘Ideas of Disorder’ delivered at the Architectural Association in 1959, it is clear just how far he had moved from his functionalist modern movement origins towards a more expressive and instinctive idea of what architecture could be and mean. The drawing of a first scheme… Read More
Architectural Anxiety
Architectural Anxiety28.09.2011
– Niall Hobhouse and Nicholas Olsberg
This instalment explores the rich pathologies of architectural anxiety: the nagging pressure of what architects know and admire, or have seen and rejected. Or of what it is in the work of other architects, and in their own past practice, which they are driven always to acknowledge in the buildings… Read More
Cadbury-Brown: Royal College of Art Extension
Cadbury-Brown: Royal College of Art Extension28.04.2020
– Lionel Brett
The counter-reformation did not last long. In the end I think what reconciled us was that everything I attempted failed. By way of diversion from internal dissension, like any politician, I switched to foreign affairs. There were two things which, as an architect, I was expected to achieve for the… Read More
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