Architect: Charles Moore
Architectural Anxiety
28 September 2011
Architectural Anxiety28 September 2011
– Niall Hobhouse and Nicholas Olsberg
This instalment explores the rich pathologies of architectural anxiety: the nagging pressure of what architects know and admire, or have seen and rejected. Or of what it is in the work of other architects, and in their own past practice, which they are driven always to acknowledge in the buildings… Read More
Startha Éagsula: GKMP architects on Charles Moore
17 December 2020
Startha Éagsula: GKMP architects on Charles Moore17 December 2020
– GKMP architects
The sketch sections by Charles Moore are dense with ideas. They suggest an intriguing disparity between the exterior form and the interior space, a type of Baroque poché created by a thicket of lines. The structure is tree-like, with trunks and branches shaping the space of the undercroft. Our model… Read More
DMC alternative histories (project)