Category: uncategorised

Alternative Histories: Bardakhanova Champkins on Virgilio Marchi

Alternative Histories: Bardakhanova Champkins on Virgilio Marchi

Had the Zuev Worker’s Club competition (Moscow, 1926) been won by Konstantine Melnikov, and not resulted in the well-known building by Ilya Golosov, perhaps a different strand of rationalism would have emerged in pre-war Italy. This could have extended the earlier speculations of Futurists such as Virgilio Marchi; Terragni’s NovoComum… Read More

Alternative Histories: Max Otto Zitzelsberger on Louis Tullius Joachim Visconti

Alternative Histories: Max Otto Zitzelsberger on Louis Tullius Joachim Visconti

Building upon Building Building upon buildings, drawing upon drawings, thinking upon thoughts. If this architectural drawing of Visconti has ever been realised, I do not know. In the end I am only interested in his architectural vision. Construction boards bear ideas and visions, before these become reality. They tell stories… Read More

Alternative Histories: Robbrecht en Daem Architecten on Le Corbusier

Alternative Histories: Robbrecht en Daem Architecten on Le Corbusier

A Rain of Light It is our true belief that light is particles of dust. When light is driven through impurities it intensifies, and we assign it a mineral quality. We feel empowered by the ‘photon theory of light’ by Albert Einstein. – Robbrecht en Daem Architecten, January 2019­

Alternative Histories: Jonathan Sergison on Carlos Diniz

Alternative Histories: Jonathan Sergison on Carlos Diniz

Carlos Diniz’s drawing for Hillrise Apartments represents of another architect’s work. Who this may have been remains unclear. Interpreting the work of others is a common aspect of developing architectural ideas; our many collaborators add to projects through their drawings and models, constantly adjusting arrangements and proportions. On other occasions,… Read More

Alternative Histories: GAFPA on Superstudio

Alternative Histories: GAFPA on Superstudio

We received a sketch made by Superstudio, the Italian architecture firm renowned for its conceptual architecture works.In the famous 1966 exhibition ‘Super Architecture’ the squared grid is used in a variety of scales from the simplest objects of furniture, such as a table, to an urban landscape.Through a series of… Read More

Alternative Histories: Wim Goes Architectuur On Cassius Goldsmith

Alternative Histories: Wim Goes Architectuur On Cassius Goldsmith

Alternative Histories: Olivier Goethal On Paul Rudolph

Alternative Histories: Olivier Goethal On Paul Rudolph

YOU CLOSE, YOU OPENYOU OPEN, YOU CLOSE model 1/20 & object 1/1.1952–2018. a reinterpretation of paul rudolph’s flaphouse. like a tiny temple, lifted from its surrounding. 400-800THz …a narrow window makes our observed gradient with colours of visible light. while reflecting the given context onto its surface,its structure expresses… Read More

Alternative Histories: Tony Fretton Architects on Erik Gunnar Asplund

Alternative Histories: Tony Fretton Architects on Erik Gunnar Asplund

We recognise modernism as a continuing program to find architecture for the present time, and Asplund’s work as part of its history.  Our project is a thought experiment on the central aspects of architecture’s modernism – social responsibility in combination with freedom to work with current sensibilities. It has proceeded… Read More

The Continuous Monument, Shatwell

The Continuous Monument, Shatwell

To provoke an archaeology of collage making Niall Hobhouse asked Adolfo Natalini and Gian Piero Frassinelli to prepare a last collage, some 50 years after the first Continuous Monument, to imagine that it had finally arrived at Shatwell.

Ephraim Joris

Ephraim Joris

Ephraim Joris

The idea of the Monolith Drawing was developed during my doctoral studies at RMIT. The PhD process allowed me to reflect on my architecture practice as part of AP [Architecture Project] contemplating the idea of history as the experiential content of speculative architecture. During this research I established a drawing… Read More

Netherfield Scroll One

Netherfield Scroll One

Chris Cross, Jeremy Dixon and Edward Jones

The following two-part conversation surrounds the acquisition of the Netherfield Scroll – a 20-foot-long drawing created c. 1971 by Chris Cross, Jeremy Dixon, Michael Gold and Edward Jones, otherwise known as the ‘Grunt Group’, for the commission of a low-density housing estate in Milton Keynes. The conversation with Jeremy Dixon… Read More

Alternative Histories: Atelier Tomas Dirrix & Boris de Beijer on Otto Schönthal

Alternative Histories: Atelier Tomas Dirrix & Boris de Beijer on Otto Schönthal

A few coloured washes present the frail idea for a cemetery church. The drawing, made by Otto Schontal, hardly seems to make a suggestion for a building. A blue and green blur with coloured stains loosely defines a sphere in which scale nor structure seems important. Following our interest in the… Read More

Ray Bradbury: Letterhead

Ray Bradbury: Letterhead

Dear Al: Just a note to tellyou not to worrryif one box of books is a bit late arriving.I sent one box out last week, but the otherwas delayed getting to the P. O. until today.So, both are on their way, but one willarrive much later. Best, as ever, Ray