Tag: alternative histories (project)

Alternative Histories: Studio Thys Vermeulen on Sergison Bates

Alternative Histories: Studio Thys Vermeulen on Sergison Bates

Folly  The drawing we received was a pencil drawing showing a vertical elevation of Sergison Bates’s Tower House in Nutley. This proposal for a vertical country house, as explained by the architects, refers to the memory of an old water tower that stood on the same spot. Unlike the lightness… Read More

Alternative Histories: Rloaluarnad on Mario Sironi

Alternative Histories: Rloaluarnad on Mario Sironi

The model is a theatre within a city block.  A small volkshuis, a fun palace – a public interior with the shed as its inspirator. Meeting wall to wall with its neighbours, the theatre is a black box within the city block; to the rear is a light, interchangeable structure, clad… Read More

Alternative Histories: Descloux Engelschall on Louis-François Trouard

Alternative Histories: Descloux Engelschall on Louis-François Trouard

the duplicity becomes entity.the backside becomes frontside.the theatrical becomes ordinary.the disguise becomes a dress.the barracks become dwellings.the chimera becomes concrete.the rock becomes textile.the drapes become stone.the boulder becomes the domino.the domino becomes history.the tent remains. – Descloux Engelschall, 2018

Alternative Histories: Roz Barr Architects on John Freeman

Alternative Histories: Roz Barr Architects on John Freeman

John Freeman’s drawing for an arch at Fawley Court led to an intriguing insight: this study could have been part of the mausoleum or gothic folly he built on the grounds. Freeman was an amateur architect and a dabbler. The garden buildings and the mausoleum at Fawley Court show influences… Read More

Alternative Histories: Schneider Türtscher on Álvaro Siza

Alternative Histories: Schneider Türtscher on Álvaro Siza

Accumulation – arranged, adjusted, rearranged and painted / grey cardboard, corrugated cardboard, spruce sticks, pencil, glue, acrylic paint white, acrylic paint red, clear lacquer / 20 x 22.8 x 14.3 cm.  – Claudio Schneider, Michaela Türtscher

Alternative Histories: East Architecture on Otto Wagner

Alternative Histories: East Architecture on Otto Wagner

Otto Wagner’s self-initiated design for the Capuchin Church and Imperial Crypt in Vienna reveals a powerful civic pride and belief in the role of architecture to improve lives. His monument was more than a symbol of mass and space; its claddings and dressings were dramatically intended for social effect. The… Read More

Alternative Histories: Taka Architects on Peter Märkli

Alternative Histories: Taka Architects on Peter Märkli

Peter Märkli’s sketch of the plan for Haus Kuehnis seems to describe a compact building with a different front and back and interior rooms made specific through spatial divisions, decoration and architectural order. We know Markli’s house – with its stout singular form and enigmatic approach to order and decoration… Read More

Alternative Histories: Ryan W Kennihan Architects on John Nash

Alternative Histories: Ryan W Kennihan Architects on John Nash

1. The architecture of John Nash (1752-1835) may be said to oscillate between two distinct approaches depending on location. On the one hand, he creates an architecture in the city that is ordered, symmetrical, proportioned and rational (see Park Crescent, Hanover Terrace or the garden front of Buckingham Palace), on… Read More

Alternative Histories: Stephen Bates on Henry Thomas Cadbury-Brown

Alternative Histories: Stephen Bates on Henry Thomas Cadbury-Brown

Reading Jim Cadbury-Brown’s transcript of ‘Ideas of Disorder’ delivered at the Architectural Association in 1959, it is clear just how far he had moved from his functionalist modern movement origins towards a more expressive and instinctive idea of what architecture could be and mean. The drawing of a first scheme… Read More

Alternative Histories: 31/44 Architects on William Butterfield

Alternative Histories: 31/44 Architects on William Butterfield

Dear Sir William, Thank you for forwarding your drawing concerning the proposed alterations to Heath Court, Otter-St-Mary. It is indeed an exciting project. We heard rumour that (y)our client is actually the wealthiest family in Britain. We understand that came with a certain expectation of what their home would be… Read More

Alternative Histories: Carmody Groarke on Haus-Rücker-Co

Alternative Histories: Carmody Groarke on Haus-Rücker-Co

Ashtray Our interest in Haus-Rücker-Co’s drawing lies less in the technological implications that created the artificial environment and focusses instead on the spatial tension created between Mies van der Rohe’s Haus Lange and the heart-shaped bubble that surrounds it. The drawing removes reference to the context, within and outside the… Read More

Alternative Histories: Conen Sigl Architekten on Giuseppe Chiantarelli

Alternative Histories: Conen Sigl Architekten on Giuseppe Chiantarelli

Pompeiian Mausoleum for Extinct Animals (Associations about a mural painting of the Casa Pseudourbana in Pompeii) The painted structure on the plaster makes the wall appear as filigree and light – crumbled plaster shows the massive masonry behind, the actual construction of the wall. With a little bit of paint,… Read More