Tag: Perspective

Haunted Venice

Haunted Venice

Mark West

After Niall Hobhouse saw an image of my collage, Venice Haunted, he sent me some comparable images, including a Hogarth frontispiece for a book on perspective theory and practice (1745). Its caption reads: ‘Whoever makes a design without the knowledge of perspective will be liable to such absurdities as are… Read More

The Utzons go to Stockholm

The Utzons go to Stockholm

Jørn Utzon

‘…my parents went to visit the grand exhibition in Stockholm in 1930. Here the Scandinavian functionalism had its breakthrough in a society of exceedingly ornate style. Here [in Stockholm] they were exposed to a new and simple, white architecture that drew in light and air, one that let in the… Read More

Drawing as Signature: Paul Rudolph and the Perspective Section

Drawing as Signature: Paul Rudolph and the Perspective Section

Timothy M. Rohan

The following text delves into the drawing of the perspective section—a spatial and structural design tool as well as a specific type of architectural representation—through the drawings of Paul Rudolph, while also reflecting on a post-war Modern era of architectural design-thinking. The text is included in Reassessing Rudolph, ed. by… Read More

The Future of the Past: The ‘Round Church’, Cambridge

The Future of the Past: The ‘Round Church’, Cambridge

Nikolaus Pevsner

The war to restore to churches ritual and at the same time architectural dignity was waged by one man and one society, the man being a fervent convert to Catholicism, the society calling itself Catholic too, but meaning what is called Anglo-Catholic. They operated independently, but appreciated one another. The… Read More

Watchful Solitude: John Hejduk and Venice

Watchful Solitude: John Hejduk and Venice

Marina Correia

The Thirteen Watchtowers of Cannaregio (with Waiting House) and House for the Inhabitant Who Refused to Participate were conceived as an urban ensemble and laid the foundation for the later phase of John Hejduk’s work, which he described as an ‘architecture of pessimism’, and encompasses his best-known projects, such as… Read More

Branzi, Observed: Autocatalytic, Earnestly Jaded

Branzi, Observed: Autocatalytic, Earnestly Jaded

Julian Escudero Geltman

Andrea Branzi died on 9 October 2023 aged 84. The impact of one of his seminal works, No-Stop City, has been felt far and wide within architectural discourse. Since its production between 1967 and 1972, the drawings and collages of No-Stop City have haunted the camps within architectural academia that… Read More