Superstudio: Cinematography

It is distinctive that in Superstudio’s practice, the search for the means of manifestation was as rigorous as the research itself. The first major work where Superstudio seems to have found the pace it was to follow was Un Viaggio nelle Regioni della Ragione. This project, first appearing in 1966 and translated by the group itself as Voyages in the Realms of Reason, is an exploration of architecture’s inner logic and its relation to other objects and their potential environments. The ideas are presented through a distinctly narrative pictorial device, a storyboard, where fundamental forms and their transformations lead to the creation of both single objects and complex volumetric composition. These objects are then placed in landscapes in views using a central perspective which, together with the strip of images, creates a feeling of a cinematic movement. The simple compositions, in which a road heads onward towards infinity, act as the backdrops for this conceptual journey where perspective functions as the means making the newly conceived objects part of our world of order and reason.
– Eszter Steierhoffer