Fragments of a Polychrome Mosaic of a Roman Bath Building

Quantum Collecting: A Few Principles and Mechanisms for the Acquisition of Architectural Drawings

Connor Street: Made by Many Hands

SeriesMade by many hands

Drawing Research Platform, Somerset, 2023, ENAC Summer Workshop

Raffaello. Nato architetto (2023) – Review

Keep digging and you will find what you are looking for: Alvar Aalto in Germany

DMJ – Drawing Instruments from Sir John Soane’s Office


Repton does a Bernini – A crescent for The Ham

Upper Lawn Pavilion: Strategy and Detail, Drawing / Feeling everything at once

Remembering Architecture

Owen Jones and the V&A (2023) and Style and Solitude (2023) – Review

Fragmentary Notes on Unclaiming the Life of a Drawing

Judit Reigl: Invisible Cities

Gothic Put to Use: The Viollet-le-Duc Album

François Cointeraux: the Architect of the ‘Agricultural Proletariat’

DMJ — Of Lines Terrestrial and Occult: Friedrich Gilly, Alberto Sartoris, Adolphe Appia, and the Matter of Perspective


Portals: The Visionary Architecture of Paul Goesch (2023) – Review

Gathered Moments: Asplund’s Villa Snellman

Hans Hollein & Spiritual Expression in Architecture

Work with your hands: AUB Summer School 2023

Trevor Dannatt: St Mary’s Grove — Garage door trio

Elbe and Marte

Architecture and Real Abstraction: Adler & Sullivan

Jérôme-Charles Bellicard: Metamorphoses