Architect: John Soane
DMJ – Drawing Instruments from Sir John Soane’s Office
DMJ – Drawing Instruments from Sir John Soane’s Office25.10.2023
This display of drawing instruments, which can be seen in the newly restored Drawing Office at Sir John Soane’s Museum, rather charmingly evokes the atmosphere of the office when in the early nineteenth century it was the busy epicentre of Soane’s architectural practice, filled with his young apprentices and clerks.[1]… Read More
Neighbours in Space and Time: Grafton Architects at the Soane Museum – Review
Neighbours in Space and Time: Grafton Architects at the Soane Museum – Review25.01.2023
Between 19th October 2022 and 8th of January 2023, the calm galleries and vitrines at no.12 Lincoln’s Inn Fields were host to an exhibition called Neighbours in Space and Time: Grafton Architects at the Soane Museum. Organised around a dramatic comparison between the thoughts and work of two architects –… Read More
Sir John Soane’s Involvement in House Flipping
Sir John Soane’s Involvement in House Flipping10.01.2022
Any architectural scheme with a lone surviving drawing is likely to be confounding. The lack of graphic context can easily lead to misunderstanding, as was the case for Sir John Soane’s work on 28 Bruton Street. It is my privilege to care for Soane’s drawings collection, and I felt quite… Read More
Survey: John Goldicutt, Temple of Vespasian
Survey: John Goldicutt, Temple of Vespasian25.08.2021
Climbing and surveying the ruins of Rome was potentially dangerous, and there are reports of near-fatal accidents involving falls from height. George Wightwick, who would be employed by Soane on his return from Italy, advised students ‘not to risk [their] neck in measuring, for the thousandth time, a Roman ruin’.… Read More
Soane’s Temple Stye
Soane’s Temple Stye16.12.2020
A temple for pigs? for swine? for hogs? Not a temple to worship them in, nor a temple for them to be sacrificed in. A temple for them to live in. These are not the pigs which invented their own form of latin, or those powerful Orwellian pigs, but normal… Read More
Raymond Erith On Soane at Tendring Hall
Raymond Erith On Soane at Tendring Hall13.10.2020
The following notes were composed by Pierre du Prey to accompany his gift of the sketches pictured above to Drawing Matter, 16 September 2020. The circumstances surrounding two detailed sketches by Raymond Erithof the John Soane gate lodges at Tendring Hall, Suffolk, remain stronglyimpressed on the tablets of my memory.… Read More
Soane’s Designs for Combe House, Continued
Soane’s Designs for Combe House, Continued30.07.2020
When Drawing Matter recently reproduced a preliminary ground plan for Combe House near Gittisham, Devon, by John Soane, I had a moment’s sudden recollection. Ptolemy Dean’s penetrating analysis of this precious if battered sheet of paper – entirely in the astonishingly fluid and energetic hand of the architect – set me to search… Read More
Soane: Energy and Frustration
Soane: Energy and Frustration24.06.2020
This seemingly benign-looking plan is in fact a thrilling drawing. It shows Sir John Soane’s cerebral struggles in attempting to resolve a number of key competing design elements in the planning of a country house. The drawing exudes energy and frustration. The challenge of designing buildings symmetrically is hard work… Read More
Ray Bradbury: Letterhead
Ray Bradbury: Letterhead01.08.2016
Dear Al: Just a note to tellyou not to worrryif one box of books is a bit late arriving.I sent one box out last week, but the otherwas delayed getting to the P. O. until today.So, both are on their way, but one willarrive much later. Best, as ever, Ray
Sir John Soane’s Museum: Bound Legacy
Sir John Soane’s Museum: Bound Legacy09.02.2021
– Alexandra Politis
John Britton, a topographer and antiquarian by trade, began preparations to publish a guidebook to John Soane’s house-museum in 1825. The earliest mention of such an endeavour appears in a letter to Soane dated 3 November, in which Britton outlines his desire to ‘produce a vol to surprise the public, and… Read More
DMC plan section elevation publication correspondence letters ephemera drawing matter writing prize 2020