Showing 433–444 of 473 results for mIES van der rohe ordered by relevancy

Architecture at the Edge

Architecture at the Edge

Craig Moller and Marco Moro

…of the studio, but the ending materialised only at the end of the year when you collected all your studio projects into one folder, and that was actually when the…

High Ground

High Ground

Colette Sheddick and Pierre d'Avoine

School of Architecture and Landscape, Kingston University We have researched the Derwent Valley World Heritage Site (DVWHS) over the last three years. This year we investigated the impact of infrastructure…

Writing Prize 2020: Drawing People

Writing Prize 2020: Drawing People

Daniel Innes

…as follows: All CAD people are slim, and European. They wear normative clothing appropriate to their gender (which is, of course, never anything except one or the other). They have…

Alternative Histories: Taka Architects on Peter Märkli

Alternative Histories: Taka Architects on Peter Märkli

…back and interior rooms made specific through spatial divisions, decoration and architectural order. We know Markli’s house – with its stout singular form and enigmatic approach to order and decoration…

Soane’s Temple Stye

Soane’s Temple Stye

Rosie Ellison-Balaam

…lowly Tuscan order, a primitive, stocky building with deep hanging eaves. An approach which suits the animal’s low stature, and need for shade. The symmetry, and structure of the classical…

Outside In

Outside In

Emily Priest

…what is visually apparent in order to be told (in writing) that the fruit is plastic, urges us to reconsider the authenticity of the room just as much as the…

Hugh Ferriss

Hugh Ferriss

Helen Thomas

…It presents an image of how tall buildings could be shaped, or modelled, in order to retain the maximum mass and rentable volume while complying with the Zoning Ordinance. Ferris…

The Ultimate Climes of John Lautner (1986)

The Ultimate Climes of John Lautner (1986)

Esther McCoy

…gabled, and shingled roof bespeaking repose, its glass bringing in a placid sea. Lautner’s house under construction next door is a scene out of Piranesi. The first quick glimpse is…

Six Architects on their Dream Desks

Six Architects on their Dream Desks

Roz Barr, Biba Dow, Elizabeth Hatz, Emma Letizia Jones, Stephanie Macdonald and Helen Thomas

…of drawers hanging under it on the left to keep endless pencils, knives and masking tape. I need a large wall-mounted Anglepoise – or if possible an industrial Asplund! I…

The Story of the Pool (1978)

The Story of the Pool (1978)

Rem Koolhaas

…them. They had always dreamed of stainless-steel Chryslers and flying Empire States. At school, they had even much bolder visions, of which, ironically, the pool (almost invisible – practically submerged…

Liquid Paper

Liquid Paper

Mark Dorrian

…Paper, and Sea inke, they know ’T were not enough great Hempseeds worth to show. Indeed, Taylor works hard to convince his reader that hempseed is almost everything, or at…

Ernest Gimson: Against Hotch-Potch

Ernest Gimson: Against Hotch-Potch

Annette Carruthers, Mary Greensted and Barley Roscoe

…principles are so opposite to my own that I naturally should not think their influences the best that Humphrey could come under’. [2] His disapproval was primarily based on his…