Period: c21st

Drawing Without Erasing

Drawing Without Erasing

Ricardo Flores

The following text first appeared in Drawing without Erasing and Other Essays, by Flores & Prats (Barcelona: Puente editores, 2023), 16-23. Not so long ago, a journalist interviewed us for the British magazine Architecture Today, and the resulting article was called ‘Dirty Drawings’. This suggestive title might bring to mind a… Read More

Photo City: How Images Shape the Urban World

Photo City: How Images Shape the Urban World

Fabrizio Gallanti

A long time before the surge of the Internet and the diffusion of portable devices connected to it, seeping into our eyes incessant flows of images, the relationship of people to their surroundings was profoundly altered by photography, and then cinema. The carefully curated exhibition Photo City: How Images Shape the… Read More

Streetscapes: Bath

Streetscapes: Bath

Ptolemy Dean

The following text is excerpted from Ptolemy Dean’s new book Streetscapes: Navigating Historic English Towns, published by Lund Humphries. Find out more about the book and purchase a copy here. ‘Bath is, beyond any question, the loveliest of English cities’, wrote Walter Ison, whose 1948 work on the city continued:… Read More

2024 Architecture Summer School: Translations between drawings and models

2024 Architecture Summer School: Translations between drawings and models

Jesper Authen and Matt Page

Drawing is the act of translating a thought to a mark on the page—where the hand is in conversation with the mind. This conversation is marked by an unbridgeable gap between the idea and the output—sometimes betraying and exposing the thought, and other times surprising you with an unintended vigour… Read More

DMJ – Sir John Soane’s Office

DMJ – Sir John Soane’s Office

Helen Dorey

Sir John Soane’s drawing offices at Nos 12 and 13 Lincoln’s Inn Fields were the fulcrum of his practice between 1794 and his retirement in 1833. His unique surviving ‘upper’ office was restored in 2022–23. In this article, I will trace the history of the office and recount its use… Read More

Suddenly This View

Suddenly This View

Drawing Architecture Studio

Suddenly This View begun as a series of architectural models and evolved into a collection of model photography. It is an ongoing project investigating everyday spaces, exploring how architectural models and their derivative creations can be used to convey spatial narratives. The subjects of Suddenly This View are everyday buildings… Read More

Seeing Fire | Seeing Meadows

Seeing Fire | Seeing Meadows

Holger Kleine and Anna Kostreva

‘The architecture of agency is the architecture of the cemetery. The power to change is the power to say goodbye.’ (Epigraph, Seeing Fire | Seeing Meadows) ‘The cemetery is a place made for the living to spatialize their emotions; certain things can happen there that can’t happen in other places.’… Read More

Drawings as Cosmovisions

Drawings as Cosmovisions

Fernanda Canales

My decision to become an architect was triggered by my love of drawing. But during my university years in the 1990s, when digital techniques became widespread, nothing was more distant than the relationship between architecture and manual drawing. Without hand-drawn images, the connection between the body and ideas was gone,… Read More

Adolfo Natalini with Superstudio at Drawing Matter

Adolfo Natalini with Superstudio at Drawing Matter

James Dunbar and Editors

Adolfo Natalini (1941–2020) was an Italian architect. A member of the ‘School of Pistoia’ Pop Art group in the early 1960s, Natalini combined his Pop aesthetic with critique and irony in his thesis work at the University of Florence School of Architecture, graduating in 1966.[1] Soon after, he co-founded Superstudio… Read More

Peter Wilson and Mark Dorrian in conversation – Part 2

Peter Wilson and Mark Dorrian in conversation – Part 2

Mark Dorrian and Peter Wilson

This is the second part of an edited transcript of a conversion held in Thurloe Sq, London, on 25 July 2020. Peter Wilson’s exhibition ‘Indian Summer and Thereafter’ had opened at Betts Project the previous evening. Mark Dorrian: Moving on to the Villa Auto and Clandeboye projects, both were sited… Read More

Shatwell Farm: Covering over, bagging up, tying down

Shatwell Farm: Covering over, bagging up, tying down

Emily Priest

This text is the fourth in a series of studies of Shatwell Farm made by Emily Priest while staying on site in September 2023. Tarpaulin has its origins in 17th-century maritime communities. Sailors, who were nicknamed ‘tarpaulins’, used to sleep on decks under hard-wearing fabrics which were impregnated with tar- as a… Read More

Protected: A Will to the City

Protected: A Will to the City

Lars Lerup

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.