Tag: art practice

Do You Remember How Perfect Everything Was? The Work of Zoe Zenghelis (2021) – Review

Do You Remember How Perfect Everything Was? The Work of Zoe Zenghelis (2021) – Review

Richard Hall

During the spring and summer of 2021, a two-part exhibition of the work of Zoe Zenghelis was shown in London. The first show was an enjoyably intimate immersion at Betts Project in Clerkenwell. The second, a more extensive review at the Architectural Association. Later that year a thick, crisply designed… Read More

Wood & Harrison: A Film About a City

Wood & Harrison: A Film About a City

Paul Harrison and John Wood

We are not architects. I mean, if you insist, we could probably knock something up, but we are not that good at maths, and not really that great with materials. ‘Wood and Harrison – Architects. You’ll be knocked out by our buildings’. But we have always been interested in architecture.… Read More

Tom de Paor: ‘i see Earth’, Building and Ground 1991–2021 – Review

Tom de Paor: ‘i see Earth’, Building and Ground 1991–2021 – Review

Andrew Clancy

On the morning of 12 April 1961, the cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was launched into orbit, strapped into a spherical capsule fixed to the top of a modified intercontinental ballistic missile. The first to see our planet in its totality, his words were simple: ‘I see Earth. It is so beautiful.’… Read More

In Defence of Metaphor

In Defence of Metaphor

Deanna Petherbridge

This text concludes Deanna Petherbridge’s series Drawing as Metaphor. The complete series will appear as a printed publication in the new year, designed by Studio Christopher Victor; the drawings will be on show at the Art Space Gallery (84 St Peter’s Street, London N1 8JS) in an exhibition titled Deanna Petherbridge: Drawing… Read More

Architectonic Landscapes

Architectonic Landscapes

Deanna Petherbridge

This text is the fifth in a series by artist Deanna Petherbridge in which she comments on a number of her recent pen and ink drawings. The drawings use imagined architectural imagery as a metaphorical means to deal with complex subject matter about social and political issues. Read the introduction to the series, here.… Read More

The Order of Terror

The Order of Terror

Deanna Petherbridge

This text is the fourth in a series by artist Deanna Petherbridge in which she comments on a number of her recent pen and ink drawings. The drawings use imagined architectural imagery as a metaphorical means to deal with complex subject matter about social and political issues. Read the introduction to the series, here.… Read More

The Silo at 40Hz

The Silo at 40Hz

Joe Banks and Jonah Ginsburg

DISINFORMATION, CLOSED CIRCUIT, 2021Video documentation recorded on August 1, 2021 – the last day of the installation. Headphones recommended. ‘Architecture is the simplest means of articulating time and space, of modulating reality and [of] engendering dreams’, and, perhaps paradoxically, in the silo at Shatwell, a familiar architectural form is re-purposed… Read More

Unpeopled Places

Unpeopled Places

Deanna Petherbridge

This text is the third in a series by artist Deanna Petherbridge in which she comments on a number of her recent pen and ink drawings. The drawings use imagined architectural imagery as a metaphorical means to deal with complex subject matter about social and political issues. Read the introduction to the series, here.… Read More

Superstudio: Finding the Horizon

Superstudio: Finding the Horizon

Gian Piero Frassinelli

Until not too long ago, I would be asked to explain to youngsters accustomed to digital graphics how I used to make montages. I felt like an archaeologist, explaining how, in the Palaeolithic era, Neanderthals used to make their tools.  Across several workshops, I have realised that the techniques today… Read More

Forced Migrations, Barriers and Vanishing Asylums

Forced Migrations, Barriers and Vanishing Asylums

Deanna Petherbridge

This text is the second in a series by artist Deanna Petherbridge in which she comments on a number of her recent pen and ink drawings. The drawings use imagined architectural imagery as a metaphorical means to deal with complex subject matter about social and political issues. Read the introduction to the series,… Read More

36 Elevations

36 Elevations

Calum Storrie

I began this series of drawings with something else in mind. The first picture was to be drawn freehand, but I took a wrong turn straight away by setting up a structure using a set-square around which the composition would be based. I realised that the structure was already a… Read More

Disinformation: Closed Circuit

Disinformation: Closed Circuit

Joe Banks

If we sit and talk in a dark room, words suddenly acquire new meanings and different textures. They become richer, even, than architecture, which Le Corbusier rightly says can best be felt at night. – Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media, 1964.  ‘Architecture is the simplest means of articulating time and space,… Read More