Tag: social engagement
Roger Katan and Forum
Roger Katan and Forum05.10.2022
I consider it a good rule for letter-writing to leave unmentioned what the recipient already knows, and instead tell him something new—Sigmund Freud The first time Louis Kahn ate couscous was some time around 1962 or 1963, at Roger Katan’s house. Katan was relatively new to Kahn’s office but as… Read More
Power & Public Space 10: Dank Lloyd Wright – Meme Space
Power & Public Space 10: Dank Lloyd Wright – Meme Space05.08.2022
– Matthew Blunderfield and Dank Lloyd Wright
Power & Public Space is a podcast from Drawing Matter and the Architecture Foundation hosted by Matthew Blunderfield. You can find the full podcast series here. Or listen now: Memes are increasingly permeating architectural discourse, with Instagram accounts like Dank Lloyd Wright ‘holding models of power to account, especially when power… Read More
Pan Scroll Zoom 2: Flores & Prats
Pan Scroll Zoom 2: Flores & Prats01.09.2020
– Ricardo Flores, Fabrizio Gallanti and Eva Prats
This is the second in a series of texts edited by Fabrizio Gallanti on the challenges in the new world of online architectural teaching and, particularly, on the changing role of drawings in presentations and reviews. In this episode Fabrizio interviews Ricardo Flores and Eva Prats of the Barcelona-based practice,… Read More
Hybrid Studio
Hybrid Studio23.07.2020
Describing how architects work, Liz Diller noted that in her office ‘we draw, we look in each other’s eyes, we argue, we throw things around the room, we make models and break them apart, and somehow stuff gets made.’ However, things suddenly changed in March 2020. It became ‘very sanitized…… Read More
Lantau Commune
Lantau Commune19.10.2017
This collection of drawings is about process, both literal and methodological. It is about how the appreciation of the process of making and dwelling leads to an architectural proposition, as well as how that appreciation translates into a drawing method. Certainly we appreciate architecture as a spatial presence, but there… Read More
Design Earth
Design Earth27.07.2017
– Rania Ghosn and El Hadi Jazairy
A Geology of Building Architecture How do we make sense of the environment at a time when human beings have declared themselves geologic agents? Design Earth proposes aesthetic forms of environmental engagement, using architectural drawing to synthesise sciences and scales of knowledge on complex techno-environmental issues. The drawing illustrates thus… Read More
Zünd-Up: Erotische Architektur
Zünd-Up: Erotische Architektur27.05.2017
Collage was a favourite medium of Pop artists, since it inherited from its forerunners the quality of enabling chance meetings, and allowed artists to assemble images from the by then endless reservoir of commercial culture. This collage from the series Erotische Architektur (Erotic Architecture), dated 1969 and signed by the Viennese activist and architecture group Zünd-Up, can… Read More
Relational Design
Relational Design10.03.2017
From layering to weaving, a language based on exploring relations, showing growth patterns caused by environmental feedback, which makes sense, becomes unique, authentic because they are in dialogue with the ground, the site, the neighbourhood, the local materials industry and crafts, politics and economy… It is not a pure language,… Read More
Beevor Mull Architects: Pikpa Refugee Camp
Beevor Mull Architects: Pikpa Refugee Camp13.10.2016
This is one of a series of interactive drawings made with refugees and volunteers at Pikpa Camp on Lesvos, Greece. The camp there supports vulnerable and bereaved refugees who have arrived by dinghy from Turkey; it provides medical support, counselling, clothes, food and legal advice. Our project envisions new external… Read More
Drawing as Advocacy
Drawing as Advocacy28.03.2022
– Stephanie Davidson and Mary Vaccaro
These drawings are the result of research conducted by the [in]visible project. [in]visible is a community-based research project involving women (two-spirited, trans, and cis included) without children in their care, who are experiencing long-lasting homelessness in Hamilton, Ontario. Seventy women participated in the project and shared the ways they have… Read More
projection (axonometric isometric) housing interior social engagement