Showing 409–420 of 473 results for mIES van der rohe ordered by relevancy



Rosa Nussbaum

…annotated in a somewhat obstinate tone with diligently assigned labels for each of the four identical drawers. Further ‘divisions for papers’ bring much needed order to the veritable no man’s…

BV Doshi: Drawn Closer

BV Doshi: Drawn Closer

Balkrishna Vithaldas Doshi and Sarah Handelman

…pond, you look up at the sky and wonder, ‘where is the building?’. But isn’t life a fluid thing that always makes us wonder and admire? And can’t architecture be…



Charles Moore

…a sacred area, 30-degree or 36 degree segments of a circle radiated. The corners of all buildings completely closed the view (in the Doric order) or opened a single segment…

Paul Robbrecht: Drawn Closer

Paul Robbrecht: Drawn Closer

Paul Robbrecht

…now 36 years later, this drawing doesn’t seem chaotic. There is a sense of order, and I see myself working through things. First, there is a clear direction – you…

Jean-Baptiste Lassus

Jean-Baptiste Lassus

Martin Bressani

After a brief passage at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris in the studio of Henri Labrouste from 1828 to 1830, French architect Jean-Baptiste Lassus fell under the sway of…

Alternative Histories: Edelaar Mosayebi Inderbitzin Architekten on Alvar Aalto

Alternative Histories: Edelaar Mosayebi Inderbitzin Architekten on Alvar Aalto

…weniger Anleitung für unsere Arbeit am Projekt alternative history, sondern eröffnete vielmehr einen Imaginationsraum – nicht zuletzt, weil der markante Rathausturm im Entwurf von Aalto gar nicht realisiert wurde. Unsere Recherche…

Netherfield Scroll Two

Netherfield Scroll Two

Michael Gold

…dozen grades to 4H. The harder grades enabled more accurate and thinner lines, but really too difficult to erase, using either the type of rubber at one or the harder

The James Clarke Remake

The James Clarke Remake

Oscar Binder and Nikolaus Podlaha

…Auflage. J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen 1975. Oscar Binder and Nikolaus Podlaha are both currently studying for their Masters in Architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. This text…

In search of an honest map

In search of an honest map

Nicholas Herrmann

…interactions with our surroundings, encouraging the dérive, or ‘drift’: aimless, unplanned explorations of an urban landscape, navigated by chance and emotion. Out of context, Debord’s map is a drawing that…

Behind the Lines 12

Behind the Lines 12

Philippa Lewis

…days to shore up the crumbling masonry and failing piers. They failed. Hills had been the last man to leave and had written in The Builder a few months later: ‘Chichester has…

The Architect and the Matador

The Architect and the Matador

Thomas Gould

…choreographic kinship. A shared tendency toward spectacles of improbable precision, which all boils down to decisions about which lines to take and which lines not to take.   I wonder how…

The Perpetual Race of Piranesi and the Tortoise

The Perpetual Race of Piranesi and the Tortoise

Marc McGowan

…an entity and non-entity, something we can shape and mould, but never grasp, something we can divide yet never truly measure. In order to concisely consider Piranesi’s relationship with infinity,…