Period: c20th
The Utzons go to Stockholm
The Utzons go to Stockholm17.01.2025
‘…my parents went to visit the grand exhibition in Stockholm in 1930. Here the Scandinavian functionalism had its breakthrough in a society of exceedingly ornate style. Here [in Stockholm] they were exposed to a new and simple, white architecture that drew in light and air, one that let in the… Read More
DMJ – Something in the Air: On the Atmosphere of a Lee Miller Photograph
DMJ – Something in the Air: On the Atmosphere of a Lee Miller Photograph16.01.2025
Frontispieces are to do with storytelling and we find a curious example of this at the start of Humphrey Jennings’ posthumously published book Pandaemonium 1660–1886: the Coming of the Machine Age as Seen by Contemporary Observers. It is a photograph by Lee Miller of Jennings himself, a filmmaker, writer and… Read More
Ian Hamilton Finlay at Drawing Matter
Ian Hamilton Finlay at Drawing Matter06.01.2025
Ian Hamilton Finlay (1925–2006) was born in Nassau, Bahamas, and educated in Scotland from the age of six. He briefly studied at the Glasgow School of Art and joined the British Army in 1942. After the war, Finlay worked as a shepherd while producing paintings, short plays and stories. He… Read More
Two Lectures at Drawing Research Platform, Somerset, 2024, ENAC Summer Workshop
Two Lectures at Drawing Research Platform, Somerset, 2024, ENAC Summer Workshop19.12.2024
The following text is a brief reflection on two lectures delivered at Shatwell Farm in August 2024 as part of the ENAC EPFL Drawing Research Platform. To read the students’ reflections and view their drawings, click here. To read an account of the week, click here. The two lectures at… Read More
Notes on the Visionary Spaces Exhibition at the Belvedere 21
Notes on the Visionary Spaces Exhibition at the Belvedere 2116.12.2024
I arrive at the Belvedere 21 after visiting Walter Pichler’s famous farmhouse in Sankt Martin an der Raab, only a few days prior—it is a stiflingly hot day in Vienna and for some reason, I have chosen to walk. I arrive at the Belvedere 21 to attend the Visionary Spaces exhibition that showcases some of Walter Pichler’s works in… Read More
Drawing as Signature: Paul Rudolph and the Perspective Section
Drawing as Signature: Paul Rudolph and the Perspective Section12.12.2024
The following text delves into the drawing of the perspective section—a spatial and structural design tool as well as a specific type of architectural representation—through the drawings of Paul Rudolph, while also reflecting on a post-war Modern era of architectural design-thinking. The text is included in Reassessing Rudolph, ed. by… Read More
Protected: The Significance of Drawing
Protected: The Significance of Drawing06.12.2024
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The Improvising Bouwmeester,* or: How Raymaekers’ Buildings Got Built
The Improvising Bouwmeester,* or: How Raymaekers’ Buildings Got Built 05.12.2024
– Arne Vande Capelle, Stijn Colon, Lionel Devlieger and James Westcott
The following text first appeared in Arne Vande Capelle, Stijn Colon, Lionel Devlieger, and James Westcott, Ad Hoc Baroque: Marcel Raymaekers’ Salvage Architecture in Postwar Belgium (Brussels: Rotor, 2023), 168, 174-178. *Master builder, from the middle ages, responsible for materials, design, construction, workforce, and client liaison.[1] Raymaekers rejected the modern diminution of the architect’s… Read More
Impressions of the Siza Exhibition
Impressions of the Siza Exhibition02.12.2024
When I was an architecture exchange student at Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP), between 2000 and 2001, there was a legend you could knock at Álvaro Siza Vieira’s office door and end up working there as an intern—the equivalent of walking into Mount Olympus to collaborate with… Read More
Swimming in Pixel Fuzz
Swimming in Pixel Fuzz28.11.2024
– Will Fu
In 1979, the community of Riehen in Switzerland toured an indoor and outdoor swimming pool proposal by Herzog & de Meuron in the comfort of their private dwellings. Shared as a TV still of a video simulation, the shadowy figures and pliable ceiling surfaces, finished with a grainy wash of… Read More
Sol LeWitt: Non-visual Structures
Sol LeWitt: Non-visual Structures25.11.2024
One of the most particular of LeWitt’s preoccupations is his long-standing desire to infer the existence of unseen or interior facts or objects. The concept of encasing in a block of cement the Cellini cup or the Empire State Building runs counter to the unsecretive quality of his open frameworks,… Read More
José Oubrerie, In Memoriam
José Oubrerie, In Memoriam21.11.2024
Very few contemporary buildings take nearly 50 years to be finished. Just this fact tells us a lot about the intensity, resilience, passion and patience of José Oubrerie, who passed away on March 10th, at 91. Aged only 27 when joining the atelier Le Corbusier in 1959, the church of… Read More
Cedric Price: Parc de la Villette
Cedric Price: Parc de la Villette18.11.2024
The following account looks into the drawing DMC 1438 related to Price’s Parc de la Villette competition entry, to quest for the modes in which this media object resituates his design approach of design for pleasure, not only as the evolution of his practice, but crucially as part of an… Read More
DMJ – Five Episodes from the History of Drawing Instruments
DMJ – Five Episodes from the History of Drawing Instruments14.11.2024
Instruments of Building in Ancient Rome Vitruvius, writing in the first century BC, portrays being an architect (architectus) in ancient Rome as a daunting task. The knowledge of the architect, he notes, must encompass the understanding of geometry, engineering, optics, history, philosophy, astronomy, and even music and medicine. At a… Read More
Protected: Per Line’s Basement: An Archive between Sky and Sea
Protected: Per Line’s Basement: An Archive between Sky and Sea13.11.2024
– Isabella Cederstrøm Palliotto
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In the Archive: Riefenstahl, Hitler, Ebhardt, Sironi, Brasini
In the Archive: Riefenstahl, Hitler, Ebhardt, Sironi, Brasini04.11.2024
Click on drawings to move and enlarge. Premiered at this year’s La Biennale di Venezia, was Andres Veiel’s documentary on Leni Riefenstahl, the German film director known for Olympia (1936) and Triumph des Willens (1935). Framed through archival material Veil’s Riefenstahl (2024) demonstrates how her work was inextricably linked to… Read More
OMA: Rem Koolhaas—Initiative
OMA: Rem Koolhaas—Initiative31.10.2024
This is the sixth and final post, in the series titled OMA CONVERSATIONS. The series is the result of a collaboration between Drawing Matter and architect Richard Hall who, over the past two years, has conducted twenty-three in-depth conversations with key collaborators working with OMA during its formative years. Drawing… Read More
L’architecture des réalités mises en scene: (re)construire Disney
L’architecture des réalités mises en scene: (re)construire Disney28.10.2024
Drawing Matter asked Fabrizio Gallanti, Director of the arc en rêve – centre d’architecture, for an informal commentary on the content and presentation of their current exhibition L’architecture des réalités mises en scene: (re)construire Disney, open until January 2025. We are arc en rêve. We do exhibitions. In Bordeaux, South-West of France.… Read More
Protected: Reading Between the Lines: The Language of Structural Engineers
Protected: Reading Between the Lines: The Language of Structural Engineers23.10.2024
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Luigi Moretti and Spazio: Structures and Sequences of Spaces
Luigi Moretti and Spazio: Structures and Sequences of Spaces17.10.2024
Marco Vanucci and Drawing Matter revisit three seminal texts of Luigi Moretti, not generally available in translation. Christopher Huw Evans has translated the three texts for Drawing Matter. The first post presented Luigi Moretti’s article ‘Eclecticism and Unity of Language’ (published in the first issue of Spazio), and the second post featured Moretti’s… Read More
Goldfinger—Planning Your Neighbourhood
Goldfinger—Planning Your Neighbourhood14.10.2024
At first glance Planning Your Neighbourhood appears as a series of prints in a case, and its use is unclear. This series of twenty prints was created by modernist architect Ernö Goldfinger, artist Ursula Blackwell, illustrator Shiela Hawkins, landscape architect Peter Shepheard and their assistant Martin Cobbett. Rather than solely… Read More
Photo City: How Images Shape the Urban World
Photo City: How Images Shape the Urban World11.10.2024
A long time before the surge of the Internet and the diffusion of portable devices connected to it, seeping into our eyes incessant flows of images, the relationship of people to their surroundings was profoundly altered by photography, and then cinema. The carefully curated exhibition Photo City: How Images Shape the… Read More
Protected: Carcassonne and Viollet-le-Duc
Protected: Carcassonne and Viollet-le-Duc08.10.2024
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For AP + AR
For AP + AR20.01.2025
– Kirsty Badenoch
Long, thin and crisp, sun-bleached, rose-blushed. Thousand-time photocopied notations of notations. Struck-through with highlighter, corrected and recorrected re-negotiated, scribbled and walked across. I walk together with AP e AR, our thin nibbed-shoes picking careful tracks between sharpie chasms. We leak behind us inky trails, to be washed away by the… Read More
landscape DMC topographic/cartographic