Tag: alternative histories (project)

The Matter of Drawing

The Matter of Drawing

Freddie Phillipson

The Primitive Hut staggers into three dimensions. Wiry pen scribbles go technicolour, underground. A vermiculated arch becomes an intricately hollowed monolith. A coat of fur replaces the ragged edge where plaster gave way to brick. We are not in a hall of mirrors; instead we are looking at a group… Read More

Alternative Histories: Knapkiewicz & Fickert on Charles Barry

Alternative Histories: Knapkiewicz & Fickert on Charles Barry

Axel Fickert and Kaschka Knapkiewicz

Even though we live in a different culture and the world has changed, our rites and experiences have evolved. The incredible might and strength of these spaces touches us deeply. It is a splendid sequence of spaces that leads to the inner sanctuary of the temple of Amon. A sequence… Read More

Alternative Histories: Professur Lehnerer ETH & Klara Bindl On SUperstudio

Alternative Histories: Professur Lehnerer ETH & Klara Bindl On SUperstudio

Alternative Histories: Raamwerk on Tony Fretton

Alternative Histories: Raamwerk on Tony Fretton

Alternative Histories: Sam Jacob Studio on Archizoom

Alternative Histories: Sam Jacob Studio on Archizoom

What might the purpose of an alternative history be? How might we collaborate with the past? What passes from one generation to another or from one hand to another? Is the construction of a (new) model of an (old) project a way of producing an alternative past? Or different present?… Read More

Alternative Histories: Veldwerk Architecten on Gabriel Pierre Martin Dumont

Alternative Histories: Veldwerk Architecten on Gabriel Pierre Martin Dumont

Paper Mountain Like the models it displays, the paper mountain exhibition scenography finds its origins in a historic drawing from the Drawing Matter archive. Gabriel Dumont’s section of a theatre auditorium and balcony seating, drawn c.1770, proposes a structure that holds the audience as if they were godly statues of a stacked temple, suspended… Read More

Alternative Histories: Nikolaus Bienefeld on James Gowan

Alternative Histories: Nikolaus Bienefeld on James Gowan

Die ersten Modelle einer Entwurfsskizze verkörpern den architektonischen Gedanken.So, wie die Skizze durch die Art des Striches, der Farbigkeit, der Detaillierung eine oder viele Interpretationen ermöglicht, so eröffnet die Wahl und der Umgang mit dem Material des Modells eine größtmögliche Offenheit im architektonischen Prozess. The first models of a design sketch… Read More

Alternative Histories: NoAarchitecten on Álvaro Siza

Alternative Histories: NoAarchitecten on Álvaro Siza

When we look at Siza’s drawing we try to forget the project we know. We see the beautiful irregularity of a pencil perimeter, defined by obstacles of all sorts. Within it, the architect added straight lines, an attempt to bring order and create a place to dwell, to find shelter.… Read More

Alternative Histories: Noreile Breen on Louis Kahn

Alternative Histories: Noreile Breen on Louis Kahn

Kahn’s drawing is composed of solid and dotted hard pencil lines with red hatching on coloured paper; conventions representing elements above, below and through a cut line. Parallel lines and breaks between lines give an indication of scale. Curious, massive, triangular, hollow and inaccessible forms meet broken lines in a… Read More

Alternative Histories: Oda Pälmke Architektin on Archizoom

Alternative Histories: Oda Pälmke Architektin on Archizoom

Alternative Histories: muf architecture/art on John Hejduk

Alternative Histories: muf architecture/art on John Hejduk

John Hejduk’s drawing sketches a house for a couple, or two coupled houses, composed of two almost identical small buildings connected to each other by a walkway which holds each house at a distance apart. Each house has its own spiral stair for independent movement and what looks like its… Read More

Alternative Histories: Monadnock on James Stirling

Alternative Histories: Monadnock on James Stirling

All fragments of this illusionary city by Stirling are once more getting aroused.A re-assemblage brings the possibility for orchestrating a vertical narrative instead of the intended horizontal scheme.Gaining iconic strength, this reinterpretation of a reinterpretation – in an attempt of finding a new cohesion – opens up for new gestures.Gestures which are… Read More