Architect: Michael Graves
Thinking Through Twentieth-Century Architecture (2023) – Review
Thinking Through Twentieth-Century Architecture (2023) – Review17.08.2023
Philosophy has long played an influential part in architectural practice and discourse. In the last twenty years, several new publications have started to trace the histories of this phenomenon. Some, like Branko Mitrović’s Philosophy for Architects (2011), lay out introductory surveys of major figures, works, and ideas at the overlap… Read More
The Edge of Architecture: Cornices in the Drawing Matter collection
The Edge of Architecture: Cornices in the Drawing Matter collection21.02.2022
– Editors
The following group of drawings are presented here as additional illustrations to Maarten Delbeke’s essay The Cornice: The Edge of Architecture.
Michael Graves’ Rooftop Village (1985)
Michael Graves’ Rooftop Village (1985)01.06.2020
excerpted from The Critical Edge: Controversy in Recent American Architecture (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1985)
ETH Zurich: Casting the Cornice in Ticino
ETH Zurich: Casting the Cornice in Ticino08.01.2020
– Emma Letizia Jones and Erik Wegerhoff
From the fifteenth century onwards, the Swiss region of Ticino was famous for its stuccatori – the skilled decorative plaster workers that migrated down to Italy in search of work ornamenting the great palaces and churches of the Renaissance. Further generations of these craftsmen made their way over the Gotthard pass to… Read More
Alternative Histories: Lütjens Padmanabhan On Michael Graves
Alternative Histories: Lütjens Padmanabhan On Michael Graves09.03.2019
In our office we use a thermos tea pot designed by Michael Graves in 1994. The pot is a joyful, exuberant object made of greenish, bluish plastic. Because of its clunkiness, it remains visible in the midst of our office chaos; it has a presence in friendly dialogue with the models… Read More
Alternative Histories: De Vylder Vinck Taillieu on Michael Graves
Alternative Histories: De Vylder Vinck Taillieu on Michael Graves31.01.2019
Jan de Vylder records that as a child Michael Graves was given a set of painted building blocks by his uncle. The set was made of wooden offcuts found around the yard where the young architect grew up; they remained with him throughout his career. From: Jan De Vylder Sent:… Read More
Michael Graves: Fargo-Moorehead Cultural Bridge
Michael Graves: Fargo-Moorehead Cultural Bridge15.10.2018
The Fargo-Moorhead Cultural Bridge is an unrealised project combining infrastructural and cultural programs: a vehicular bridge between two cities over the Red River, a performing arts building in Fargo, North Dakota, the Red River Valley heritage interpretive centre in Moorhead, Minnesota, and at the centre over the river itself, an… Read More
Michael Graves
Michael Graves07.08.2016
When they were made and for a long while afterwards the drawings of Michael Graves were influential for a generation of American, Canadian and British architecture students who coveted their fine papers, delicate colouring techniques and characterful hand-drawn lines in pencil and ink. These all seemed so appropriate to the… Read More
The Lost Art of Drawing
The Lost Art of Drawing04.11.2015
The following has been excerpted from Architecture and the Lost Art of Drawing, New York Times, 2012. I personally like to draw on translucent … tracing paper, which allows me to layer one drawing on top of another, building on what I’ve drawn before, and again, creating a personal, emotional connection… Read More
The Evolving Role of Drawing
The Evolving Role of Drawing29.04.2022
– Nicholas Olsberg
This text was first published in The Architectural Review in 2013. Carlo Scarpa, in a famously infamous gesture, opened all his courses in design at the University of Venice by demonstrating the art of sharpening a pencil. That was the precise point, he claimed, from which all architecture proceeds. And… Read More
sketch theoretical & imaginary education DMC