Medium: drawing
Richard Neutra’s Corona Avenue School
Richard Neutra’s Corona Avenue School22.03.2023
This project scrapbook traces the publication and exhibition history of Richard Neutra’s experimental Corona Avenue School, built in 1935 after the Los Angeles earthquake of 1933. The material for this scrapbook has been compiled by Nicholas Olsberg; his earlier text on the school for Drawing Matter can be read here.
Nancy Goldring: Drawings and Foto-Projections
Nancy Goldring: Drawings and Foto-Projections17.03.2023
– Leann Davis Alspaugh and Nancy Goldring
The following interview is reproduced from the publication Distillations: Nancy Goldring, Drawings and Foto-Projections, 1971–2021, published by ORO Editions. The interview was conducted by Leann Davis Alspaugh for The Hedgehog Review. The Hedgehog Review: In the 2014 summer issue of The Hedgehog Review, we ran two of your works ‘The… Read More
In 1975, OMA (the Office for Metropolitan Architecture) produced two projects for Roosevelt Island (formerly Welfare Island), in New York’s East River, between Manhattan and Queens. The thin sliver of land—historically treated as ‘a storehouse for “undesirables”’ [1]—was undergoing a process of redevelopment under the New York State Urban Development… Read More
Protected: Collection News: Binazzi and UFO, Burton, Gounod, Siza, Visconti and more
Protected: Collection News: Binazzi and UFO, Burton, Gounod, Siza, Visconti and more13.03.2023
– Editors
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Ghost Parking Lot
Ghost Parking Lot10.03.2023
SITE, an architecture and environmental art group, was founded in 1970 for the purpose of exploring new ways to bring a heightened level of communication and psychological content to buildings, interiors, and public spaces. Originally organised to research, assemble, and publish international documentation on other artists and architects of similar… Read More
Geography of Hope: Bruce Goff
Geography of Hope: Bruce Goff17.02.2023
This is the third of four extracts taken from an article first published in issue 40 on, dedicated to ‘New Views on Modern Architecture at Mid-Century’. ‘Aparture’: Bruce Goff in the Parched Land ‘For the Panhandle, …1956 became the seventh straight year of drouth. Except for one savage blizzard, it… Read More
In the Archive: de la Fuente, Unknown, OMA, Ellwood and Ponis
In the Archive: de la Fuente, Unknown, OMA, Ellwood and Ponis15.02.2023
Click on drawings to move and enlarge. In this series, Drawing Matter invites visitors to write about material in the archive or the libraries at Shatwell that they have viewed as part of their research. I first found myself at Drawing Matter to view the voiles produced by the Chilean… Read More
Aldo Rossi: Transforming Artefacts into Objects of Affection
Aldo Rossi: Transforming Artefacts into Objects of Affection13.02.2023
Michael Sorkin, in Drawings for Sale, draws a distinction between two levels of the impact of architectural drawings on their spectator: ‘the drawing as artefact and the drawing as the representation of certain ideas about some architecture’. Sorkin argues that the power of the impact of a drawing on its spectator… Read More
Emilio Ambasz’s ‘Italy, The New Domestic Landscape’ (1972)
Emilio Ambasz’s ‘Italy, The New Domestic Landscape’ (1972)09.02.2023
– Editors
Late last year Emilio Ambasz offered us a fascinating text in which he reflects on ‘Italy, The New Domestic Landscape’, the seminal exhibition he curated in 1972 for MoMA. We have taken his text as an invitation to informally bring together drawings and objects related both to the exhibition and to the radical practices… Read More
Pier Vittorio Aureli: Ambiguous Drawings
Pier Vittorio Aureli: Ambiguous Drawings07.02.2023
For the past two years, our Writing Prize has attracted a large number of thoughtful texts from participants all over the world. This year we partnered with the Architecture Foundation to sponsor one of their three writing prize categories. The Drawing Matter category, titled ‘Architecture and Representation’, invited entrants to… Read More
Letter of Authorisation to Discuss Late Ottoman Archive Drawings as Operational Images
Letter of Authorisation to Discuss Late Ottoman Archive Drawings as Operational Images06.02.2023
– Ecem Arslanay and Mina Gürsel Tabanlıoğlu
Southeastern Turkey and Northern Syria have been struck by a 7.7 magnitude earthquake, followed by a 7.5 tremor, killing more than 46,000 people. Ecem and Mina’s local NGO is AHBAP. Please click here if you would like to make a donation. For the past two years, our Writing Prize has… Read More
Le Corbusier: The ‘Open hand’ as an expression of freedom?
Le Corbusier: The ‘Open hand’ as an expression of freedom?02.02.2023
Le Corbusier placed particular emphasis on the notion of freedom. In Où en est l’architecture?, he declares: ‘I accept a poem only if it is made of “words in freedom”’. [1] In the same text, Le Corbusier describes his conception of art as ‘individual manifestation of freedom’. [2] In Sur… Read More
Geography of Hope: John Lautner
Geography of Hope: John Lautner31.01.2023
This is the second of four extracts taken from an article first published in issue 40 on, dedicated to ‘New Views on Modern Architecture at Mid-Century’. Suspension and Poise: Lautner at Mountainside The first photograph of John Lautner that we know, shows him as a boy of about fourteen, standing… Read More
Shed for Carolyn
Shed for Carolyn26.01.2023
The drawing shown below was highly commended in the Working Drawing Award of the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2022. The Working Drawing Award is a special category within the exhibition that celebrates the role of drawing within architecture, design and making processes. Context Shed for Carolyn was a project to rehabilitate… Read More
Geography of Hope: Adolfo Natalini and Superstudio
Geography of Hope: Adolfo Natalini and Superstudio18.01.2023
This is the first of four extracts taken from an article first published in issue 40 on, dedicated to ‘New Views on Modern Architecture at Mid-Century’. As we descended into a World War that threatened the obliteration of decency and history, the poet Archibald Macleish, then Librarian of Congress,… Read More
Robert Bray: Design for a Playboy Duplex Penthouse, 1970
Robert Bray: Design for a Playboy Duplex Penthouse, 197017.01.2023
Watch Philippa Lewis’s recent lecture, ‘From Drawing to Text’, on how we tell stories from architecture, for The Berlage Center for Advanced Studies in Architecture and Urban Design at Delft University of Technology here. Geoff Freeman, sales director of a Northamptonshire shoe company, arrives at JFK Airport for his flight… Read More
W. R. Lethaby: Apprenticeship and Education
W. R. Lethaby: Apprenticeship and Education13.01.2023
This is the fourth text in this series, where Hugh Strange visits key texts throughout W. R. Lethaby’s life. The building sites of London in the late nineteenth century desperately lacked adequate skills, and this need was being addressed neither on the job nor through appropriate training. The first prospectus of… Read More
The ESB’s New Clothes
The ESB’s New Clothes12.01.2023
In 1965 sixteen late-eighteenth-century houses on the east side of Fitzwilliam Street Lower, Dublin were demolished. They had served as headquarters of the Electricity Supply Board (ESB) and in their place was to be a new company HQ, a 1961 competition-winning scheme by the partnership of Sam Stephenson and Arthur… Read More
Materia 4: Brick
Materia 4: Brick10.01.2023
This text is the fourth in a series by Gordon Shrigley titled ‘Materia’ in which the architect meditates on the physical and semiotic nature of a number of everyday construction products. Coarse rectangular lumps of clay mixed with straw and water, small enough to be carried in one or two hands, are laid… Read More
The Wessex Project: Thomas Hardy, Architect: Part III
The Wessex Project: Thomas Hardy, Architect: Part III06.01.2023
This is the final of three extracts, each a series of vignette studies; they are all taken from Kester Rattenbury’s fascinating full-length study: The Wessex Project: Thomas Hardy, Architect, which approaches the great author from the perspective of his first career as a young architect in London and Dorset. As he… Read More
The Work of Ernest and Esther Born: World’s Fair
The Work of Ernest and Esther Born: World’s Fair05.01.2023
Ernest and Esther Born trained as architects at Berkeley in the early 1920s and worked with great distinction in all aspects of architecture and the allied arts, from graphics and illustration to display design and architectural photography. This project marks one of their first endeavours on returning to San Francisco… Read More
Geography of Hope: Hans Hollein and John Hejduk
Geography of Hope: Hans Hollein and John Hejduk01.03.2023
– Nicholas Olsberg
This is the final of four extracts taken from an article first published in issue 40 on, dedicated to ‘New Views on Modern Architecture at Mid-Century’. Extrusion: Hollein in the Southwest The Austrian architect Hans Hollein, for many years a leading figure in the international avant-garde, was a student at… Read More
landscape land DMC