Medium: drawing
Aldo Rossi at Drawing Matter
Aldo Rossi at Drawing Matter20.03.2025
– Editors and Nicholas Olsberg
Aldo Rossi started as a painter, working in the tradition and model of Mario Sironi, whose metaphysical landscapes echo throughout his later work. Although his architectural career commenced with writing, editing and teaching, drawing—especially drawing with colour—remained the principal means to explore and communicate his ideas, and to evoke the… Read More
Protected: Trevor Dannatt: St Mary’s Grove —The Study
Protected: Trevor Dannatt: St Mary’s Grove —The Study19.03.2025
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Protected: Trevor Dannatt: St Mary’s Grove — Pot Plants & Pottery
Protected: Trevor Dannatt: St Mary’s Grove — Pot Plants & Pottery19.03.2025
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Protected: In the Archive: Abattoirs, Boucheries, and Slaughterhouses
Protected: In the Archive: Abattoirs, Boucheries, and Slaughterhouses17.03.2025
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Protected: Pembroke’s Archives
Protected: Pembroke’s Archives17.03.2025
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DMJ – A Will to the City
DMJ – A Will to the City17.03.2025
Nine unfinished drawings from 15 years ago; a text titled Phobos, which later appears in print; a story by Emilio Gadda and a brief encounter with agoraphobes; Denis Hollier’s work on Bataille’s aversion to monuments; Michel Serres’ Rome: The Book of Foundations; Aldo Rossi’s fabricca; Michel Foucault’s panopticism; Borges’ fear of mirrors; 50 years of sporadic visits to… Read More
Zünd-Up’s Great Vienna War of Dreams
Zünd-Up’s Great Vienna War of Dreams14.03.2025
‘Only the realization of utopias will make man happy and release him from his frustrations! Use your imagination! Join in… Share the power! Share property.’ Wolf Vostell, Cologne 1969 [1] On June 28, 1969, the four members of the Viennese collective Zünd-Up presented their student project, The Great Vienna Auto-Expander, for Karl… Read More
Broadcasting Norwegian Time
Broadcasting Norwegian Time13.03.2025
All drawings were done by Nils Holter Office during the NRK project period 1941-47, each made in pencil on paper with the initials of the draughtsman who drew it. Drawings from Nils Holter’s archives/Jan Bauck Arkitektkontor. Photographs courtesy of Jørgen Johan Tandberg. In the summer of 2024, and after several… Read More
Protected: The Eternal Change – The Coming of a Ruin
Protected: The Eternal Change – The Coming of a Ruin11.03.2025
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The Cypress and the Arch
The Cypress and the Arch07.03.2025
The following text first appeared in Bohdan Kryzhanovsky, Architecture After War: A Reader (London: MACK, 2024), 9–24. Architecture in the present is closely related to the past, to culture, and to collective memory. We always build and design in context, and each building grows from the precedents of hundreds of previous… Read More
DMJ – Place is the Principle of Generation
DMJ – Place is the Principle of Generation06.03.2025
The essay takes the theme of storytelling and architecture as an opportunity to reframe the received generalisations of time and space. Roger Bacon’s insight that place is intrinsically temporal anticipates the description of ‘scene construction’ by neuroscientists Demis Hassabis, Dharshan Kumaran and Eleanor A. Maguire as that which ‘constitutes a common process underlying episodic memory’.… Read More
Protected: Les Fantasmes de l’origine: A Reverse Archaeology of the Désert de Retz
Protected: Les Fantasmes de l’origine: A Reverse Archaeology of the Désert de Retz 04.03.2025
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On Axonometric Drawing
On Axonometric Drawing27.02.2025
In the work of our practice, since the very start, we have placed a great deal of attention towards drawing and representation. The recent exhibition in Antwerp—The Urban Villa—is a good example of our work, which is based on the combination of design with research; both of these two activities… Read More
Protected: Curtains
Protected: Curtains20.02.2025
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Drawing on Ideas
Drawing on Ideas17.02.2025
In 1972, when Peter Eisenman’s House II was published in L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, the editors confused a photograph of the built work for an image of a model. The house was located in Southern Vermont, and had been shot from a low angle against a uniform grey sky with a snow-covered hillside… Read More
Aldo van Eyck: Diruit, aedificat, mutat quadrata rotundis
Aldo van Eyck: Diruit, aedificat, mutat quadrata rotundis14.02.2025
‘He pulls down, he builds up, he exchanges square for round.‘Horace—Epistles. I. 1. 100[1] The Aldo van Eyck drawing currently on show at 13 Lincoln’s Inn Fields appears, at first glance, to do precisely this. A preliminary drawing, one made for the design of the architect’s own house, on transparent… Read More
Adolf Loos: House Tzara, Paris, 1925-27
Adolf Loos: House Tzara, Paris, 1925-2713.02.2025
In 1924, Adolf Loos decided to leave Vienna and move his office to Paris. This decision was prompted by the politically motivated closure of the Settlement Office in Vienna. Loos had been the chief architect of the Settlement Office and was deeply committed to the settlers’ movement and the young… Read More
Eisenman on Rossi
Eisenman on Rossi12.02.2025
Rossi’s analogous drawings, like his analogous writings, deal primarily with time. Unlike the analogous writings, however, the drawings represent the suspension of two times: one processual—where the drawn object is something moving toward but not yet arrived at its built representation; and the other atmospheric—where drawn shadows indicate the stopping… Read More
Ernö Goldfinger: Westminster Bank
Ernö Goldfinger: Westminster Bank11.02.2025
Looking at Ernö Goldfinger’s drawing for Westminster Bank at Alexander Fleming House in London, the first thing that stands out is its grid-like form. The frame of the building and its windows form a grid, and a grid within a grid, respectively. A peek inside the carefully drawn ground-floor windows… Read More
Álvaro Siza: SAAL Bouça Housing, Porto
Álvaro Siza: SAAL Bouça Housing, Porto 10.02.2025
– Manuel Montenegro, Helen Thomas and Ellis Woodman
This drawing has two layers and two authors. Francisco Guedes de Carvalho made the draft perspective when he was a collaborator working in Siza’s office after studying under him at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Porto (FAUP). Guedes de Carvalho worked on the Bouça housing project both… Read More
Lisson 1 + 2
Lisson 1 + 207.02.2025
LISSON GALLERY 1, 1986. Bell Street, London NW1 Tony Fretton, Michael Fieldman, Ruth Aureole Stuart. We were invited to discuss a new building for the Lisson Gallery. Meetings took place in the office of their existing premises, that the Director and his colleagues shared. To reach it you walked in… Read More
Elizabeth Chesterton & Tomorrow Town: A New Town Thesis by Architectural Association Students
Elizabeth Chesterton & Tomorrow Town: A New Town Thesis by Architectural Association Students10.03.2025
– Mary Mitchell
In 1999, I was an undergraduate at Edinburgh University studying Architectural History when I undertook a work placement at the university archives. Here I was asked to help organise an uncatalogued collection received from the Patrick Geddes Centre at the Outlook Tower. Within this collection were 12 portfolios. Portfolio 7… Read More
theoretical & imaginary civic & municipal housing urban form DMC student work