Period: c21st

High Ground

High Ground

Colette Sheddick and Pierre d'Avoine

School of Architecture and Landscape, Kingston University We have researched the Derwent Valley World Heritage Site (DVWHS) over the last three years. This year we investigated the impact of infrastructure on community and landscape. Transport networks and sites of extraction have scarred the English landscape over millennia. The pragmatics of… Read More

Beyond Object-ness, a Good House

Beyond Object-ness, a Good House

Florian Beigel and Philip Christou

The Sir John Cass Faculty of Art, Architecture and Design, London Metropolitan University In the design research we do in practice and in our discussions with students, we are continuously working with ideas of space. We are not interested in form following function.  Firstly it should be a good room,… Read More

Casswell Bank Architects: The Shed Project

Casswell Bank Architects: The Shed Project

Alex Bank and Sam Casswell

The Garden Rooms academy drawing by Casswell Bank Architect’s is a depiction of the relationship between the new shed, the Maltings buildings and its gardens located at the western edge of Bruton. The drawing extends beyond the adjacent road connecting the town with the countryside and the river Brue that… Read More

The Stones of John Ruskin

The Stones of John Ruskin

Karen Eve Johnson, Nicholas Olsberg and John Ruskin

Ruminations on the collection of siliceous minerals What follows is a selection from the collection of minerals given to and arranged for St. David’s School, Reigate, by John Ruskin, who prepared a full printed Catalogue of the Collection of Siliceous Minerals, dated 1883. The collection is still largely intact. Stones… Read More

The Marriage of Reason and Squalor

The Marriage of Reason and Squalor

Pier Vittorio Aureli

The Marriage of Reason and Squalor is a set of drawings I’ve produced since 2001. They are an investigation into what, in the absence of a better definition, I’ve called ‘non-compositional architecture’. Since the very beginning, I’ve conceived of these drawings as something to be executed by the simplest of means,… Read More

Seven Farmyards

Seven Farmyards

Five Obelisks

Five Obelisks

The Birth of the Column

The Birth of the Column

Álvaro Siza

The following text is excepted from an interview with Kate Goodwin, in: Sensing Spaces, Architecture Reimagined, Royal Academy of Arts, 2014. All drawings are by Álvaro Siza, 2013–2014, for the design, placement and installation of three columns in precast yellow concrete, first in the courtyard of Burlington House and then in… Read More

This Was Tomorrow: Reinventing Architecture 1953–1978

This Was Tomorrow: Reinventing Architecture 1953–1978

Markus Lähteenmäki, Manuel Montenegro and Nicholas Olsberg

This Was Tomorrow: Reinventing Architecture 1953–1978 is an exhibition about architectural imagination and the power, processes and poetics of creation and invention. It presents a series of twelve episodes – beginning in the 1950s – that look at the ferment of new ideas as architects began to reconceive space in response… Read More