Tag: DMC
Leicester Engineering Building: Un-detailing
Leicester Engineering Building: Un-detailing21.03.2025
The building is in many ways as extraordinary as its details. At ground-floor level it confronts the visitor with a blank wall of hard-faced red brick, which is occasionally pierced with a rather private-looking doorway, except at the point where the glazed main-entrance lobby splits this defensive podium into two… Read More
Aldo Rossi at Drawing Matter
Aldo Rossi at Drawing Matter20.03.2025
– Editors and Nicholas Olsberg
Aldo Rossi started as a painter, working in the tradition and model of Mario Sironi, whose metaphysical landscapes echo throughout his later work. Although his architectural career commenced with writing, editing and teaching, drawing—especially drawing with colour—remained the principal means to explore and communicate his ideas, and to evoke the… Read More
Protected: Trevor Dannatt: St Mary’s Grove —The Study
Protected: Trevor Dannatt: St Mary’s Grove —The Study19.03.2025
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Protected: In the Archive: Abattoirs, Boucheries, and Slaughterhouses
Protected: In the Archive: Abattoirs, Boucheries, and Slaughterhouses17.03.2025
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Zünd-Up’s Great Vienna War of Dreams
Zünd-Up’s Great Vienna War of Dreams14.03.2025
‘Only the realization of utopias will make man happy and release him from his frustrations! Use your imagination! Join in… Share the power! Share property.’ Wolf Vostell, Cologne 1969 [1] On June 28, 1969, the four members of the Viennese collective Zünd-Up presented their student project, The Great Vienna Auto-Expander, for Karl… Read More
Protected: Isou’s Bouleversement
Protected: Isou’s Bouleversement07.03.2025
– Editors
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Protected: Les Fantasmes de l’origine: A Reverse Archaeology of the Désert de Retz
Protected: Les Fantasmes de l’origine: A Reverse Archaeology of the Désert de Retz 04.03.2025
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Making their Curves Come True…
Making their Curves Come True…28.02.2025
– Editors
By the 1950s, a generation of architectural draughtsmen had abandoned their Beaux Arts ‘curves’ for the rulers and set squares of High Modernism; they had to be tempted back, by whatever means, to drawing the irregular curves that were both a possibility—and a feature—of the new architecture of structural concrete.… Read More
8 Smart’s Place: Making Sense
8 Smart’s Place: Making Sense24.02.2025
This text concludes a series of studies by Emily Priest that began at Shatwell Farm during her stay on site in September 2023. How do you organise an architectural archive? Should it be ordered alphabetically? Should it be ordered by date? Should it be ordered by size? Should it be organised by type of object? How do… Read More
Haunted Venice
Haunted Venice21.02.2025
After Niall Hobhouse saw an image of my collage, Venice Haunted, he sent me some comparable images, including a Hogarth frontispiece for a book on perspective theory and practice (1745). Its caption reads: ‘Whoever makes a design without the knowledge of perspective will be liable to such absurdities as are… Read More
Josef Hoffmann: Placeholder Text
Josef Hoffmann: Placeholder Text18.02.2025
Designed to match the neoclassical grandeur of Peter Behrens’s Festival Hall, Josef Hoffmann formulates this monumental scheme for the Werkbund’s first exhibition in Cologne. Its facade is dominated by a propylaeum-like entrance, lined with fluted pillars. Above, stepped attics raise the gable fronts upward. The lettering is an appropriately Werkbund… Read More
Aldo van Eyck: Diruit, aedificat, mutat quadrata rotundis
Aldo van Eyck: Diruit, aedificat, mutat quadrata rotundis14.02.2025
‘He pulls down, he builds up, he exchanges square for round.‘Horace—Epistles. I. 1. 100[1] The Aldo van Eyck drawing currently on show at 13 Lincoln’s Inn Fields appears, at first glance, to do precisely this. A preliminary drawing, one made for the design of the architect’s own house, on transparent… Read More
Adolf Loos: House Tzara, Paris, 1925-27
Adolf Loos: House Tzara, Paris, 1925-2713.02.2025
In 1924, Adolf Loos decided to leave Vienna and move his office to Paris. This decision was prompted by the politically motivated closure of the Settlement Office in Vienna. Loos had been the chief architect of the Settlement Office and was deeply committed to the settlers’ movement and the young… Read More
Ernö Goldfinger: Westminster Bank
Ernö Goldfinger: Westminster Bank11.02.2025
Looking at Ernö Goldfinger’s drawing for Westminster Bank at Alexander Fleming House in London, the first thing that stands out is its grid-like form. The frame of the building and its windows form a grid, and a grid within a grid, respectively. A peek inside the carefully drawn ground-floor windows… Read More
Álvaro Siza: SAAL Bouça Housing, Porto
Álvaro Siza: SAAL Bouça Housing, Porto 10.02.2025
– Manuel Montenegro, Helen Thomas and Ellis Woodman
This drawing has two layers and two authors. Francisco Guedes de Carvalho made the draft perspective when he was a collaborator working in Siza’s office after studying under him at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Porto (FAUP). Guedes de Carvalho worked on the Bouça housing project both… Read More
Lisson 1 + 2
Lisson 1 + 207.02.2025
LISSON GALLERY 1, 1986. Bell Street, London NW1 Tony Fretton, Michael Fieldman, Ruth Aureole Stuart. We were invited to discuss a new building for the Lisson Gallery. Meetings took place in the office of their existing premises, that the Director and his colleagues shared. To reach it you walked in… Read More
Richard Neutra at Drawing Matter
Richard Neutra at Drawing Matter03.02.2025
– Editors and Nicholas Olsberg
Richard Neutra trained in Vienna, for a time under Karl Moser and Adolf Loos, did wartime service in Serbia, and spent six years working first in Switzerland with the landscape architect Gustav Ammann; then in Berlin—for the last two years as project manager for Erich Mendelsohn; and finally in Chicago… Read More
Buffington & Mies: Skyscrapers on Paper
Buffington & Mies: Skyscrapers on Paper31.01.2025
The ‘skyscraper’ was conceived in Minnesota in 1871; its designer, LeRoy Buffington, described it in the patent he registered seventeen years later: ‘as a building having a continuous skeleton of metal, a covering of veneer, and a non-conducting packing between the skeleton and veneer.’ His innovation—which he struggled to defend… Read More
For AP + AR
For AP + AR20.01.2025
Long, thin and crisp, sun-bleached, rose-blushed. Thousand-time photocopied notations of notations. Struck-through with highlighter, corrected and recorrected re-negotiated, scribbled and walked across. I walk together with AP e AR, our thin nibbed-shoes picking careful tracks between sharpie chasms. We leak behind us inky trails, to be washed away by the… Read More
The Utzons go to Stockholm
The Utzons go to Stockholm17.01.2025
‘…my parents went to visit the grand exhibition in Stockholm in 1930. Here the Scandinavian functionalism had its breakthrough in a society of exceedingly ornate style. Here [in Stockholm] they were exposed to a new and simple, white architecture that drew in light and air, one that let in the… Read More
E. W. Godwin and the Mild Mild West
E. W. Godwin and the Mild Mild West13.01.2025
From this drawing it would seem unlikely that the side elevation at its centre would one day be photographed thousands of times and attract the interest of people from all over the world. It appears unremarkable, especially when compared to the gutsy brick detailing and gothic flourishes of the building’s… Read More
Montano – Don’t Speak About Me
Montano – Don’t Speak About Me10.01.2025
Dear Niall, Before I forget, I wanted to send you the transcription from the Montano sheet. You can post it as my little discovery. Non dir di me se su di me non sai senza di te che poi di me dirai?Non fare ad aloro quello che a te non piace … Read More
Elizabeth Chesterton & Tomorrow Town: A New Town Thesis by Architectural Association Students
Elizabeth Chesterton & Tomorrow Town: A New Town Thesis by Architectural Association Students10.03.2025
– Mary Mitchell
In 1999, I was an undergraduate at Edinburgh University studying Architectural History when I undertook a work placement at the university archives. Here I was asked to help organise an uncatalogued collection received from the Patrick Geddes Centre at the Outlook Tower. Within this collection were 12 portfolios. Portfolio 7… Read More
civic & municipal housing urban form DMC student work theoretical & imaginary