Category: commentaries, rants & reflections
Resistance and the ‘Architecture of Pessimism’: John Hejduk’s House for the Inhabitant who Refused to Participate
Resistance and the ‘Architecture of Pessimism’: John Hejduk’s House for the Inhabitant who Refused to Participate05.08.2024
Many people reach a point in their lives at which they realise that they should protest the status quo. Some people make the realisation but remain frustrated, stuck, or blocked from enacting the necessary change. How do we face, name, and act according to our most fundamental realisations and what… Read More
Peter Wilson and Mark Dorrian in Conversation – Part 2
Peter Wilson and Mark Dorrian in Conversation – Part 222.07.2024
– Mark Dorrian and Peter Wilson
This is the second part of an edited transcript of a conversion held in Thurloe Sq, London, on 25 July 2020. Peter Wilson’s exhibition ‘Indian Summer and Thereafter’ had opened at Betts Project the previous evening. Mark Dorrian: Moving on to the Villa Auto and Clandeboye projects, both were sited… Read More
Object of Desire — Haff Cross-Hatch Machine
Object of Desire — Haff Cross-Hatch Machine18.07.2024
Leaving the Architectural Association and starting at Ahrends Burton and Koralek (ABK) in 1978 was a complete revelation to me. Here, instead of the layers of smudged graphite used to illustrate abstract drawings—as promoted by Dalibor Vesely for instance—graphite powder from your rotary pencil sharpener was used to shade the… Read More
Watchful Solitude: John Hejduk and Venice
Watchful Solitude: John Hejduk and Venice15.07.2024
The Thirteen Watchtowers of Cannaregio (with Waiting House) and House for the Inhabitant Who Refused to Participate were conceived as an urban ensemble and laid the foundation for the later phase of John Hejduk’s work, which he described as an ‘architecture of pessimism’, and encompasses his best-known projects, such as… Read More
Gavin Stamp: Interwar, British Architecture 1919-1939
Gavin Stamp: Interwar, British Architecture 1919-193908.07.2024
When the architectural historian Nikolaus Pevsner was asked to draw up an inventory of interwar buildings that deserved to be placed on the Statutory List, the so-called ‘Pevsner 50’ that resulted was almost entirely composed of the whitest of white modernist buildings. Similarly, John Summerson argued that the only thing… Read More
Shatwell Farm: Covering Over, Bagging Up, Tying Down
Shatwell Farm: Covering Over, Bagging Up, Tying Down01.07.2024
This text is the fourth in a series of studies of Shatwell Farm made by Emily Priest while staying on site in September 2023. Tarpaulin has its origins in 17th-century maritime communities. Sailors, who were nicknamed ‘tarpaulins’, used to sleep on decks under hard-wearing fabrics which were impregnated with tar- as a… Read More
Peter Wilson and Mark Dorrian in Conversation – Part 1
Peter Wilson and Mark Dorrian in Conversation – Part 120.06.2024
– Mark Dorrian and Peter Wilson
This is the first part of an edited transcript of a conversation held in Thurloe Sq, London, on 25 July 2020. Peter Wilson’s exhibition ‘Indian Summer and Thereafter’ had opened at Betts Project the previous evening. Mark Dorrian: What led you to architecture to begin with, Peter? You began studying… Read More
Hermann Czech: Approximate Line of Action
Hermann Czech: Approximate Line of Action09.05.2024
Hermann Czech: Ungefähre Hauptrichtung (Approximate Line of Action) is on show at Fanz-Josef-Kai 3, Vienna, from 16 March – 9 June, 2024. On 15 March 2024, an exhibition on the Austrian architect Hermann Czech’s work opened in Vienna at the exhibition space Franz-Josefs-Kai 3 (fJk3). It is the first retrospective… Read More
The Well-Constructed Joke: Comic Architecture
The Well-Constructed Joke: Comic Architecture01.05.2024
This article first appeared in German: ‘Der gut gebaute Witz’ in Der Architekt 4/21 ‘Effekt und Affekt, Psychologie in der Architektur’ (2021), 60-63. 18 September 2021 Kurt W. Forster writing to Holger Kleine (translated from German) ‘… reading your essay on Paul Rudolph’s Hastings Hall. A fabulous piece, itself a kind of… Read More
Mies van der Rohe: Clarity as the Aim
Mies van der Rohe: Clarity as the Aim17.04.2024
Mies’s work is an exemplary embodiment of the idea of architectural abstraction. His buildings are free of all the ‘figurative’ ingredients that characterise traditional architecture. They are made up of materials or constructive elements given cohesion and structure by a series of visual devices. But, although his language is so… Read More
Shatwell Farm: Appendages
Shatwell Farm: Appendages08.04.2024
This text is the third in a series of studies of Shatwell Farm made by Emily Priest while staying on site in September last year. We regularly speak of reusing and refurbishing at the scale of a building but talk less about small gestures of fixing and repair. As secondary or even… Read More
Trevor Dannatt: St Mary’s Grove — Through the Door
Trevor Dannatt: St Mary’s Grove — Through the Door03.04.2024
This is the sixth part of Adrian Dannatt’s series of reflections on his family home, frequently remodelled and extended over 45 years from 1955, by his father, the architect Trevor Dannatt. Read the introduction to the series, here. Entering the house the first thing one sees is the entrance door to my… Read More
The Captive Globe
The Captive Globe28.03.2024
This essay is about a drawing—or rather, about the insight embedded within that drawing and the life it has taken on in the forty-five years since it was made. The drawing in question is The City of the Captive Globe. It was created in 1972, first published in 1978 by… Read More
Branzi, Observed: Autocatalytic, Earnestly Jaded
Branzi, Observed: Autocatalytic, Earnestly Jaded25.03.2024
Andrea Branzi died on 9 October 2023 aged 84. The impact of one of his seminal works, No-Stop City, has been felt far and wide within architectural discourse. Since its production between 1967 and 1972, the drawings and collages of No-Stop City have haunted the camps within architectural academia that… Read More
Connor Street: Made by Many Hands
Connor Street: Made by Many Hands18.03.2024
The following text is the fifth and final in a series by architect Kieran Hawkins, Director of Cairn, tracing the design and construction of an extension to a Victorian House in East London, recounting the everyday realities of the project and, in the green text, the broader environmental issues incumbent on architects to address. The texts have… Read More
Shatwell Farm: Sheds and Silos
Shatwell Farm: Sheds and Silos11.03.2024
This text is the second in a series of studies of Shatwell Farm made by Emily Priest while staying on site in September last year. Shatwell sits on dusty yellow Bridport sand encircled by limestone. Most of the farm’s ground is flat, except for its western edge, which creeps up… Read More
Nobuo Sekine: The Weight of Things
Nobuo Sekine: The Weight of Things04.03.2024
‘A stone yearning for the sky.’[1] Such was the sort of rock Nobuo Sekine sought out at a quarry near Udine in the months prior to the opening of the 1970 Venice Biennale. A hulking, oblong piece of unfinished stone perched precariously upon a stainless-steel pillar, Sekine’s sculpture Phase of… Read More
Shatwell Farm: Cars
Shatwell Farm: Cars19.02.2024
This text is the first in a series of studies of Shatwell Farm made by Emily Priest while staying on site in September last year. I first came to Shatwell Farm on a wintery November morning in 2022 to see the drawing archive with some friends. On arrival, Niall recommended… Read More
Connor Street: Made by Many Hands
Connor Street: Made by Many Hands12.02.2024
The following text is the fourth in a series by architect Kieran Hawkins, Director of Cairn, tracing the design and construction of an extension to a Victorian House in East London, recounting the everyday realities of the project and, in the green text, the broader environmental issues incumbent on architects to address. The texts have been developed… Read More
In the Archive: Alejandro Carrasco Hidalgo
In the Archive: Alejandro Carrasco Hidalgo05.02.2024
In this series, Drawing Matter invites visitors to write about material in the archive or the libraries at Shatwell that they have viewed as part of their research. During the peaceful and beautiful train ride that goes from London Paddington to Castle Cary, I dedicated time to thinking about what… Read More
Trevor Dannatt: St Mary’s Grove — I’m Going to Get Medieval on Your Ass!
Trevor Dannatt: St Mary’s Grove — I’m Going to Get Medieval on Your Ass!16.11.2023
‘I’m going to get medieval on your ass!’ Any analogy between the hefty massing of the middle-ages and soi-disant Brutalism is here revived in the bold metal hinges of our garage door, worthy of some château fort. Likewise the solid lead parapet of the roof could well guard a fortress, if also reminiscent of the… Read More
The Future of the Past: The ‘Round Church’, Cambridge
The Future of the Past: The ‘Round Church’, Cambridge09.08.2024
– Nikolaus Pevsner
The war to restore to churches ritual and at the same time architectural dignity was waged by one man and one society, the man being a fervent convert to Catholicism, the society calling itself Catholic too, but meaning what is called Anglo-Catholic. They operated independently, but appreciated one another. The… Read More
section elevation survey interior Perspective DMC