Medium: drawing
Fernando Higueras: The Volcano, The Flower, and The Dromedary
Fernando Higueras: The Volcano, The Flower, and The Dromedary09.05.2022
From eighteenth century primitive huts to the rise of barn living in the 1970s, buildings have served as the conceptual boundary between primordial formlessness and the organised world. But what if architecture begins with the very nature that it was invented to exclude? In 1971, the Madrilenian architect Fernando Higueras… Read More
Do You Remember How Perfect Everything Was? The Work of Zoe Zenghelis (2021) – Review
Do You Remember How Perfect Everything Was? The Work of Zoe Zenghelis (2021) – Review26.04.2022
During the spring and summer of 2021, a two-part exhibition of the work of Zoe Zenghelis was shown in London. The first show was an enjoyably intimate immersion at Betts Project in Clerkenwell. The second, a more extensive review at the Architectural Association. Later that year a thick, crisply designed… Read More
Syon House and the Afterlife of Architectural Drawing
Syon House and the Afterlife of Architectural Drawing22.04.2022
His writing is not about something; it is that something itself. [1] I knew very little about the eighteenth-century architect Robert Adam prior to June 2014. When challenged to respond to his drawings of the Long Gallery at Syon House, my impulse was to visit and draw my way through… Read More
‘For the Curiosity of the Article’: Excerpts from Architectural Drawing (1870)
‘For the Curiosity of the Article’: Excerpts from Architectural Drawing (1870)19.04.2022
The following introductory text and drawings are reproduced from William Burges’ Architectural Drawing (1870). Each of the drawings has been chosen for its graphic interest or for the content of Burges’ commentary – which covers the problems of surveying buildings, the limits of nineteenth-century book printing, and his personal curiosity in… Read More
The Ruined Temple and Oberrealta Chapel
The Ruined Temple and Oberrealta Chapel14.04.2022
The plans of the Ruined Temple and Oberrealta Chapel were drawn nearly two hundred years apart, and yet they both speak to the Ruskian timelessness of the ruin. The temple and chapel are representative of their respective ages, with the former alluding to Romanticism’s longing for a pastoral past free… Read More
The Being of Drawing (2021) – Review
The Being of Drawing (2021) – Review04.04.2022
Joe Graham’s The Being of Drawing is the most recent book published by Marmalade Publishers of Visual Theory, the small press founded by the architect Gordon Shrigley in 2004. Marmalade’s catalogue of published titles challenges expectations of what a publishing house might be; to date, it has produced 12 books,… Read More
In the Archive: Laugier, Eisen, Boulogne, Petitot, Percier, Dumont and Hadid
In the Archive: Laugier, Eisen, Boulogne, Petitot, Percier, Dumont and Hadid22.03.2022
Click on drawings to move and enlarge. In this series, Drawing Matter invites visitors to write about material in the archive or the libraries at Shatwell that they have viewed as part of their research. On a crisp January morning I made my way to York railway station to visit… Read More
Wood & Harrison: A Film About a City
Wood & Harrison: A Film About a City21.03.2022
– Paul Harrison and John Wood
We are not architects. I mean, if you insist, we could probably knock something up, but we are not that good at maths, and not really that great with materials. ‘Wood and Harrison – Architects. You’ll be knocked out by our buildings’. But we have always been interested in architecture.… Read More
Inessential Colors: Architecture on Paper in Early Modern Europe (2021) – Review
Inessential Colors: Architecture on Paper in Early Modern Europe (2021) – Review17.03.2022
From the frescoes of Pompeii to the Great Hall of Siedlecin, from the Book of Kells to the Book of Hours, architecture has been depicted in full colour. Where colour has been largely absent in the history of architectural representation, however, is in the more technical drawings of architects themselves.… Read More
Entering the Imperial Palace
Entering the Imperial Palace16.03.2022
‘What a subject for John Martin!’ exclaimed a passer-by, as the hungry flames flickered up York Minster. Maybe they had in mind his apocalyptic painting The Fall of Nineveh, exhibited that same year at the Western Exchange on Old Bond Street and reproduced widely as a mezzotint print. Unbeknown to… Read More
Exhibition Design: Charging the Void
Exhibition Design: Charging the Void09.03.2022
Last year at Cornell University, five students in Alessandra Cianchetta’s design studio Global Artscapes worked on designs for a gallery in the valley at Shatwell. For this, they used photographs and videos in default of a site visit. The brief was for an exhibition space to accommodate the display of… Read More
Room at the Top?: Kate Macintosh, Denise Scott Brown and the Kingmaker-critic
Room at the Top?: Kate Macintosh, Denise Scott Brown and the Kingmaker-critic07.03.2022
All creative disciplines rely on the mythologies of heroes: intellectual bigwigs who shape a profession’s academic and visual frameworks. A lengthy period of university study gives plenty of time for architecture students to ruminate on which white, male ‘guru’ to call their own — Corb, Aalto, Rossi, Scarpa? Drawings are… Read More
The Extended Portal: Atcost
The Extended Portal: Atcost28.02.2022
On Shatwell farm, two barns stand side by side. The frames of both are precast concrete portal frames, made by Atcost in line with their standard profile and system which existed at the time. [1] A central line of columns is shared between both barns. Due to differing spans, the… Read More
What’s a Bludder Sketch?
What’s a Bludder Sketch?28.02.2022
As a timid foreigner in the Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design, shuffling through hundreds of important-looking drawings, I stumbled across a funny little sketch in whose lines I found some humanity. It was made by Bengt Lindroos in 1981 and is an imagined view of his office with the… Read More
The Edge of Architecture: Cornices in the Drawing Matter collection
The Edge of Architecture: Cornices in the Drawing Matter collection21.02.2022
– Editors
The following group of drawings are presented here as additional illustrations to Maarten Delbeke’s essay The Cornice: The Edge of Architecture.
The Cornice: The Edge of Architecture
The Cornice: The Edge of Architecture21.02.2022
The following essay was first published as the introduction to ‘The Cornice’, GTA Papers 6 (2021). It is one of the outcomes of the work done in preparation for the exhibition The Hidden Horizontal: The Cornice in Architecture and Art, which was on show at the Graphische Sammlung of ETH… Read More
Sigurd Lewerentz: Punctum. Seeing the Detail
Sigurd Lewerentz: Punctum. Seeing the Detail14.02.2022
In his book on photography, Camera Lucida, Roland Barthes introduces the concept of ‘the Punctum’. The Punctum is something in a photograph that etches itself in the consciousness of the viewer. It is often a small detail that evokes emotions long after the gaze has left the picture: an experience that is born in the viewer’s… Read More
Growth or Composition? Colin Rowe to Louis Kahn
Growth or Composition? Colin Rowe to Louis Kahn10.02.2022
Extracted, with permission, from Louis Kahn: The Importance of a Drawing edited by Michael Merrill, published by Lars Müller Publishers © 2021. Click here to read a review of this book by Stan Allen. An auspicious meeting: At the end of 1955, a thirty-five-year-old academic named Colin Rowe visited the office… Read More
Louis Kahn: The Importance of a Drawing (2021) – Review
Louis Kahn: The Importance of a Drawing (2021) – Review10.02.2022
I’ll confess, I ordered a copy of this book reluctantly. I had received one of those ‘We think you might be interested…’ notices, but my bookshelves are overburdened, and already include a number of books on Kahn, among them one of Michael Merrill’s previous collaborations with Lars Müller, Louis Kahn:… Read More
Charles Stanley Peach: Pioneer in Power
Charles Stanley Peach: Pioneer in Power08.02.2022
Charles Stanley Peach set up his architectural practice in 1884, just as the public’s access to electricity was established. Through his contacts in the engineering world, he became involved in designing power supply infrastructure, including Brown Hart Gardens, a substation and Italianate garden in Mayfair. The following excerpt is taken… Read More
The Urban Fact: Aldo Rossi, Student Housing, Chieti
The Urban Fact: Aldo Rossi, Student Housing, Chieti07.02.2022
– Kersten Geers, Stefano Graziani and Jelena Pancevac
The 1976 competition for student housing was part of a development scheme for the recently founded D’Annunzio University, a joint initiative by the neighbouring provinces of Chieti and Pescara in the Abruzzo region of southern Italy. The town of Chieti is located 200km northeast of Rome, on the ancient main… Read More
The Evolving Role of Drawing
The Evolving Role of Drawing29.04.2022
– Nicholas Olsberg
This text was first published in The Architectural Review in 2013. Carlo Scarpa, in a famously infamous gesture, opened all his courses in design at the University of Venice by demonstrating the art of sharpening a pencil. That was the precise point, he claimed, from which all architecture proceeds. And… Read More
theoretical & imaginary education DMC sketch