Showing 25–36 of 481 results for in the archive ordered by relevancy

The Wessex Project: Thomas Hardy, Architect: Part I

The Wessex Project: Thomas Hardy, Architect: Part I

Kester Rattenbury

…coloured brick look like a textbook exercise in formal style. Detail of the section of Hardy’s unbuilt church design. Courtesy Dorset Museum/Thomas Hardy archive at the Dorset History Centre. But…

Architecture in Archives: The Collection of the Akademie der Künste (2016) – Review

Architecture in Archives: The Collection of the Akademie der Künste (2016) – Review

Irina Davidovici

Archives, particularly architecture archives, are having a moment. Writers of postcolonial histories increasingly wrangle with their neatly preserved and selected records. Predominantly, documentary evidence under archival care formed the basis…

Learning From Machine Learning, on designer trees and architectural historiographies of the digital

Learning From Machine Learning, on designer trees and architectural historiographies of the digital

Sylvia Lavin

themselves increasingly subject to the growing dominion of digital research protocols, accelerated by the many digitization projects that developed in response to COVID-related limitations on physical access to archives and…

Writing Prize 2021: Itsuko Hasegawa, Capturing an Infinite Distance

Writing Prize 2021: Itsuko Hasegawa, Capturing an Infinite Distance

Ahmed Belkhodja

Itsuko Hasegawa, Ensemble de 12 négatifs couleur (4 pour le projet Bizan, 6 pour le projet Yaizu 2 et 2 pour le Mix), 1985. Archives du Centre Pompidou. As published…

Lenin’s Tomb, the Second Version

Lenin’s Tomb, the Second Version

Niall Hobhouse and Markus Lähteenmäki

…‘IV-894’ seems the most interesting – it seems strangely familiar, could be a standard marking of the Museum of architecture photo archive or some other archive where I spent a…

MJ Long’s Doll House

MJ Long’s Doll House

Elena Palacios Carral

…looking. I was aware that MJ Long’s personal papers and work were being stored at the RIBA as part of the Colin St John Wilson & Partners archive, to which…

Writing Prize 2020: The Anatomy of an Oyster Theatre

Writing Prize 2020: The Anatomy of an Oyster Theatre

Emilie Banville

Luc Laporte (1942–2012), evolution of the core drawing, un théâtre comme une huître (‘A Theatre like an Oyster’), 1986. Archives Luc Laporte. In the beginning, there was only a shell. An…

Archives, or Ardor

Archives, or Ardor

Iris Moon

…gone unnoticed in Derrida’s account of the archives is that this originary notion of the archive was already the home and the house of the archon. This means that official…

The Routledge Companion to Architectural Drawings and Models (2021) – Review

The Routledge Companion to Architectural Drawings and Models (2021) – Review

Desley Luscombe

their good reads. For me there are three or four that stand out. One favourite was the first chapter by Alba Di Lieto, ‘The Well-sited Archive: The Carlo Scarpa Archive

Hugh Strange: the Archive

Hugh Strange: the Archive

…proposal for extended archive storage, which began to acquire other possibilities. Lying empty at the base of a steep slope, the Barton continues the monolithic presence of the Archive and together…

Building as Drawing: the Cowshed (2021) at Shatwell Farm

Building as Drawing: the Cowshed (2021) at Shatwell Farm

Helen Thomas

the archive room in that it includes a series of built and unbuilt commissions made for a landscape that is cultural, both conceptually and physically. The cowshed in this setting…

Sant’Elia and Global Futurist Architecture

Sant’Elia and Global Futurist Architecture

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti

‘Found’ in the archive at Drawing Matter, this wild text by Marinetti on his friend and collaborator Sant’Elia seems not to have been previously translated. Its occasion was a commemorative…