
Title Architect Writer Date
Haunted Venice William Hogarth and Mark West Mark West 21.02.2025
Protected: Curtains Petra Blaisse Petra Blaisse 20.02.2025
Protected: Aldo Rossi at Drawing Matter 18.02.2025
Josef Hoffmann: Placeholder Text Josef Hoffmann Rosie Ellison-Balaam 18.02.2025
Protected: Leicester Engineering Building: Un-detailing James Gowan and James Stirling Reyner Banham 17.02.2025
Drawing on Ideas Peter Eisenman Stan Allen 17.02.2025
Protected: DMJ – A Will to the City Lars Lerup 14.02.2025
Aldo van Eyck: Diruit, aedificat, mutat quadrata rotundis Aldo van Eyck Laura Harty 14.02.2025
Protected: Slaughterhouse as Spectacle James Bunstone Bunning and Charles Stanley Peach Rosie Ellison-Balaam 13.02.2025
Protected: River Arno Barroso and Ramos and Superstudio Ivo Poças Martins 13.02.2025
Adolf Loos: House Tzara, Paris, 1925-27 Adolf Loos Ralf Bock 13.02.2025
Protected: Broadcasting Time: Clock Drawings of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation Nils Holter Jørgen J. Tandberg 12.02.2025
Eisenman on Rossi Aldo Rossi Peter Eisenman 12.02.2025
Ernö Goldfinger: Westminster Bank Ernö Goldfinger Erin McKellar 11.02.2025
Protected: James Gowan: Living Rooms 11.02.2025
Álvaro Siza: SAAL Bouça Housing, Porto  Álvaro Siza Manuel Montenegro, Helen Thomas and Ellis Woodman 10.02.2025
Protected: Torrentius, or The Visage of Time Charles Vandenhove Pierre Chabard 07.02.2025
Lisson 1 + 2 Tony Fretton Architects and Tony Fretton Tony Fretton 07.02.2025
Protected: On Axonometric Drawing Dogma Martino Tattara 04.02.2025
Sixty Metres, Sixty Degrees Sverre Fehn Luis Callejas 04.02.2025
Richard Neutra at Drawing Matter Richard Neutra Editors and Nicholas Olsberg 03.02.2025
Buffington & Mies: Skyscrapers on Paper LeRoy S. Buffington and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Niall Hobhouse 31.01.2025
Anton Markus Pasing Anton Markus Pasing Peter Wilson 30.01.2025
Protected: Elizabeth Chesterton & Tomorrow Town: A New Town Thesis by Architectural Association Students 27.01.2025
Paul Rudolph: Transcending the Conventions of Architectural Drawing  Paul Rudolph Timothy M. Rohan 27.01.2025
The Grandest Form: Architects on Instruction-Based Art Herzog & de Meuron Philip Schmerbeck 24.01.2025
Dogma: Urban Villa – From Speculation to Collaboration Dogma James Payne 23.01.2025
For AP + AR Alberto Ponis and Annarita Zalaffi Kirsty Badenoch 20.01.2025
The Utzons go to Stockholm Erik Gunnar Asplund Jørn Utzon 17.01.2025
DMJ – Something in the Air: On the Atmosphere of a Lee Miller Photograph Mark Dorrian 16.01.2025
E. W. Godwin and the Mild Mild West Henry Crisp and E. W. Godwin Matt Page 13.01.2025
Montano – Don’t Speak About Me Giovanni Battista Montano Cammy Brothers 10.01.2025
Brunel’s Camera Lucida: A Closer Look Isambard Kingdom Brunel Pablo Garcia 09.01.2025
Ian Hamilton Finlay at Drawing Matter Ian Hamilton Finlay Matt Page 06.01.2025
Drawing as Travelogue Beth George and Emerald Wise Beth George and Emerald Wise 27.12.2024
Jéremie Engler and Lalie Porteret 19.12.2024
Emilie Hamel and Edouard Heinkel 19.12.2024
James Haynes and Sophie Sills 19.12.2024
Christelle Blanco and Kasia Stachnio 19.12.2024
Léa Guillotin and Michael Becker 19.12.2024
Léo Perrin and Polina Holub 19.12.2024
Two Lectures at Drawing Research Platform, Somerset, 2024, ENAC Summer Workshop Sergio Kopinski Ekerman 19.12.2024
Drawing Research Platform, Somerset, 2024, ENAC Summer Workshop Raffael Baur and Patricia Guaita 19.12.2024
Notes on the Visionary Spaces Exhibition at the Belvedere 21 Frederick Kiesler and Walter Pichler Emerald Wise 16.12.2024
Peris+Toral Arquitectes: Modulus Matrix Peris+Toral Arquitectes Peris+Toral Arquitectes 13.12.2024
Drawing as Signature: Paul Rudolph and the Perspective Section Paul Rudolph Timothy M. Rohan 12.12.2024
Notes from the Architecture Foundation Summer School Anne Femmer, Adam Khan and Florian Summa 09.12.2024
Protected: The Significance of Drawing Álvaro Siza Álvaro Siza 06.12.2024
The Improvising Bouwmeester,* or: How Raymaekers’ Buildings Got Built  Marcel Raymaekers Arne Vande Capelle, Stijn Colon, Lionel Devlieger and James Westcott 05.12.2024
Impressions of the Siza Exhibition Álvaro Siza Sergio Kopinski Ekerman 02.12.2024
Swimming in Pixel Fuzz Herzog & de Meuron Will Fu 28.11.2024
Protected: Site Drawing: GPS on Architecture Anton Ripon 26.11.2024
Sol LeWitt: Non-visual Structures Sol LeWitt Lucy Lippard 25.11.2024
José Oubrerie, In Memoriam José Oubrerie Luis Burriel Bielza 21.11.2024
Cedric Price: Parc de la Villette Joan Littlewood and Cedric Price Ana Bonet Miró 18.11.2024
On Origins and Originality Louis de Boulogne, Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen and Ennemondo Alessandro Petitot Niall Hobhouse 15.11.2024
DMJ – Five Episodes from the History of Drawing Instruments Neil Bingham 14.11.2024
Protected: Per Line’s Basement: An Archive between Sky and Sea Per Line Isabella Cederstrøm Palliotto 13.11.2024
Fuglsang Kunstmuseum: Facts and Interpretation in Staging a Museum Tony Fretton Architects and Tony Fretton Tony Fretton 11.11.2024
PostDigital Collage: Naivety as an Ideo-aesthetic Technique Dogma and OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen Alejandro Carrasco Hidalgo 07.11.2024
In the Archive: Riefenstahl, Hitler, Ebhardt, Sironi, Brasini Armando Brasini, Fritz Ebhardt, Adolf Hitler, Ernst Petersen and Mario Sironi Editors 04.11.2024
OMA: Rem Koolhaas—Initiative Rem Koolhaas Richard Hall 31.10.2024
L’architecture des réalités mises en scene: (re)construire Disney OMA and Aldo Rossi Fabrizio Gallanti 28.10.2024
DMJ – Devices of Dream-Like Precision: Tracing the Streets of Kyoto using Photogrammetry and Layered Drawing Sayan Skandarajah 24.10.2024
Protected: Reading Between the Lines: The Language of Structural Engineers Mamoru Kawaguchi, August Kommendant and Mahendra Raj Gina Morrow 23.10.2024
Drawing Without Erasing Flores i Prats Architects Ricardo Flores 21.10.2024
Luigi Moretti and Spazio: Structures and Sequences of Spaces Luigi Moretti Marco Vanucci 17.10.2024
Goldfinger—Planning Your Neighbourhood Ernö Goldfinger Erin McKellar 14.10.2024
Photo City: How Images Shape the Urban World Fabrizio Gallanti 11.10.2024
Retreat and Commemoration: Heath’s Court, 1878–82 – Part 3 William Butterfield Nicholas Olsberg 10.10.2024
Protected: Carcassonne and Viollet-le-Duc Eugène Viollet-le-Duc Henry James 08.10.2024
Streetscapes: Bath Ptolemy Dean 07.10.2024
Retreat and Commemoration: Heath’s Court, 1878–82 – Part 2 William Butterfield Nicholas Olsberg 03.10.2024
OMA: Collaborators—Allies Claudi Cornaz, Rem Koolhaas, Frans Pathesius, Vincent de Rijk, Madelon Vriesendorp, Hans Werlemann, Elia Zenghelis and Zoe Zenghelis Richard Hall 30.09.2024
2024 Architecture Summer School: Translations between drawings and models Jesper Authen and Matt Page 27.09.2024
Luigi Moretti and Spazio: Abstract Forms of Baroque Sculpture Luigi Moretti Marco Vanucci 26.09.2024
Retreat and Commemoration: Heath’s Court, 1878–82 – Part 1 William Butterfield Nicholas Olsberg 23.09.2024
Notes on Nabokov Michael Becker 19.09.2024
A Poetic Peak: Architecture and planning at the AA in the 1930s Elizabeth Chesterton Editors and John Summerson 16.09.2024
Claude Parent at Drawing Matter Claude Parent Editors and Chloé Parent 12.09.2024
DMJ – Sir John Soane’s Office Helen Dorey 09.09.2024
Notes on the 2024 Architecture Summer School Editors 06.09.2024
Suddenly This View Drawing Architecture Studio Drawing Architecture Studio 05.09.2024
Wolkenbügel: El Lissitzky as Architect El Lissitzky and Jacobus Johannes Pieter Oud Richard Anderson and Markus Lähteenmäki 02.09.2024
OMA: Big Competitions—Reorienting the Modern Project Xaveer de Geyter, Marion Goerdt, Mike Guyer, Georges Heintz, Rem Koolhaas and Luc Reuse Richard Hall 29.08.2024
Fabric Object: Diana Agrest and Mario Gandelsonas Diana Agrest and Mario Gandelsonas Erin Besler, Marshall Brown, Sylvia Lavin and Michael Meredith 26.08.2024
A Missing Drawing Charles II John Evelyn 22.08.2024
Seeing Fire | Seeing Meadows Anna Kostreva Holger Kleine and Anna Kostreva 19.08.2024
Seven Facets of Architectural Disegno Leon Battista Alberti, Donato Bramante and Giorgio Vasari Cara Rachele 16.08.2024
Drawings as Cosmovisions Fernanda Canales 12.08.2024
The Future of the Past: The ‘Round Church’, Cambridge A. W. N. Pugin, Anthony Salvin and William Wilkins Nikolaus Pevsner 09.08.2024
Resistance and the ‘Architecture of Pessimism’: John Hejduk’s House for the Inhabitant who Refused to Participate John Hejduk Anna Kostreva 05.08.2024
DMJ – Brunel’s Camera Lucida Philip Steadman 01.08.2024
Luigi Moretti and Spazio: Eclecticism and Unity of Language Luigi Moretti Marco Vanucci 31.07.2024
Adolfo Natalini with Superstudio at Drawing Matter Adolfo Natalini and Superstudio James Dunbar and Editors 29.07.2024
In the Archive: New and Found 4 Richard Buckminster Fuller, Richard Neutra, Tim Robinson, John Rocque, Robert Smithson and Superstudio Editors 26.07.2024
Fabric Object: Diana Agrest and Mario Gandelsonas Diana Agrest and Mario Gandelsonas Darell Wayne Fields, Anda French, Tessa Kelly, Paul Lewis and Michael Meredith 25.07.2024
Peter Wilson and Mark Dorrian in Conversation – Part 2 Peter Wilson Mark Dorrian and Peter Wilson 22.07.2024
Object of Desire — Haff Cross-Hatch Machine Jeremy Peacock 18.07.2024
Watchful Solitude: John Hejduk and Venice John Hejduk Marina Correia 15.07.2024
Relics of Electronic Hallucinations Uri Wegman 11.07.2024
Manufacturers Trust Bank Arthur Frappier, Kahn & Jacobs and Godwin, Thompson and Patterson Janet Parks 09.07.2024
Gavin Stamp: Interwar, British Architecture 1919-1939 Edwin Lutyens, Cedric Price and Giles Gilbert Scott Otto Saumarez Smith 08.07.2024
Sydney’s Infill Facades Ellie Skinner 05.07.2024
Shatwell Farm: Covering Over, Bagging Up, Tying Down Emily Priest 01.07.2024
OMA: Rotterdam—Child’s Crusade Kees Christiaanse, Herman de Kovel, Willem Jan Neuterlings, Ruurd Roorda and Paul de Vroom Richard Hall 28.06.2024
Fabric Object: Diana Agrest and Mario Gandelsonas Diana Agrest and Mario Gandelsonas Stan Allen, Beatriz Colomina, Michael Meredith, Jesse Reiser and Mark Wigley 27.06.2024
Frank Lloyd Wright at Drawing Matter Frank Lloyd Wright Editors and Nicholas Olsberg 25.06.2024
Peter Wilson and Mark Dorrian in Conversation – Part 1 Peter Wilson Mark Dorrian and Peter Wilson 20.06.2024
The Poetry of Concrete Lina Bo Bardi Lina Bo Bardi 17.06.2024
On the Street Edwin Heathcote 14.06.2024
Lapo Binazzi: Casa a Diacceto Lapo Binazzi Beatrice Lampariello 10.06.2024
DMJ – Burning Drawing Paddi Alice Benson 06.06.2024
The GSD Sketching Group and the Call for Sketchbooks Exhibition Juan Fernández González 03.06.2024
OMA: Elia Zenghelis—Watersheds Rem Koolhaas, Stefano de Martino, Madelon Vriesendorp, Elia Zenghelis and Zoe Zenghelis Richard Hall 31.05.2024
Begin again. Fail Better: Pichler and Hollein Hans Hollein and Walter Pichler Matt Page 29.05.2024
Louis-Hippolyte Lebas at Drawing Matter Louis-Hippolyte Lebas Editors and Nicholas Olsberg 27.05.2024
Notes from Rome Diane Lewis Anna Kostreva and Diane Lewis 23.05.2024
Peter Wilson in the Empire of Signs Peter Wilson Mark Dorrian 22.05.2024
Architectural Models and the Oriental Ideal of the Alhambra Rafael Contreras Asun González Pérez 20.05.2024
O.M. Ungers: Drawing a metaphor Hans Kolhoff, Rem Koolhaas, Arthur Ovaska, Peter Riemann and O.M. Ungers Diogo Lopes and Fanny Noël 17.05.2024
John Hejduk’s Farm Library John Hejduk Mehrshad Atashi and Lida Badafareh 15.05.2024
Banham in Buffalo Reyner Banham Brian Carter 13.05.2024
Hermann Czech: Approximate Line of Action Hermann Czech, Josef Frank and Hans Hollein Mikael Bergquist 09.05.2024
DMJ – Instruments of Uncertain Occupation Nat Chard 08.05.2024
Giuseppe Terragni’s Primordial Architecture Pietro Lingeri and Giuseppe Terragni Valerio Paolo Mosco 06.05.2024
In the Archive: New and Found 3 Osborn Engineering Company, John Freeman, James Gowan, Enzo Mari, Ugo La Pietra, Antoine-Laurent-Thomas Vaudoyer and John Zerning Editors 03.05.2024
The Well-Constructed Joke: Comic Architecture Paul Rudolph Holger Kleine 01.05.2024
Sugimoto and Architecture Hiroshi Sugimoto Hiroshi Sugimoto 29.04.2024
Sugimoto and Architecture: A Conversation between David Chipperfield and Ralph Rugoff Hiroshi Sugimoto David Chipperfield and Ralph Rugoff 29.04.2024
James Stirling, and the Industrialization of Architecture? James Stirling Lok-Kan Chau 26.04.2024
A Bath for Immortality Superstudio Clara Maria Puglisi 24.04.2024
Hans Hollein at Drawing Matter Hans Hollein Editors and Nicholas Olsberg 23.04.2024
­­­Constant’s Ladders as Mythic Entity Constant Alison Bartlett 22.04.2024
OMA: London—Foreplay Stefano de Martino, Matthias Sauerbruch, Ron Steiner, Elias Veneris and Alex Wall Richard Hall 19.04.2024
Mies van der Rohe: Clarity as the Aim Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Carlos Martí Arís 17.04.2024
Design Drawings Damage Atlas (2023) Neil Bingham 15.04.2024
Helsinki City Theatre: Timo Penttilä on the real purpose of drawings Timo Penttilä Gareth Griffiths 12.04.2024
DMJ – Enzo Mari, Formazione Dinamica di una Sfera Reticolata Enzo Mari Rosie Ellison-Balaam 10.04.2024
Shatwell Farm: Appendages Emily Priest 08.04.2024
C.S. Peach and the Cruciform Design of the Cathedral Charles Stanley Peach C.M. Howell 05.04.2024
Trevor Dannatt: St Mary’s Grove — Through the Door Trevor Dannatt Adrian Dannatt 03.04.2024
Erik Gunnar Asplund at Drawing Matter Erik Gunnar Asplund Editors and Nicholas Olsberg 02.04.2024
The Captive Globe Rem Koolhaas, OMA, Madelon Vriesendorp and Zoe Zenghelis Reinier de Graaf 28.03.2024
Masterplanning the University of London Charles Holden, Edwin Lutyens and C. Fitzroy Doll and Sons Bill Sherman 27.03.2024
Branzi, Observed: Autocatalytic, Earnestly Jaded Archizoom Associati and Andrea Branzi Julian Escudero Geltman 25.03.2024
Helmut Jacoby: The Amon Carter Museum Helmut Jacoby and Philip Johnson Malcolm Reading 22.03.2024
DMJ – The Sun as Drawing Machine: Towards the Unification of Projection Systems from Villalpando to Farish Francisco Javier Girón Sierra 20.03.2024
Connor Street: Made by Many Hands Cairn Architects Kieran Hawkins 18.03.2024
The Animated Wall: A Fragile Vigour Charles Rohault de Fleury Saar Meganck 14.03.2024
DMJ – Template and Talisman Aldo van Eyck Laura Harty 13.03.2024
Shatwell Farm: Sheds and Silos Emily Priest 11.03.2024
Geoffrey Bawa: Drawing from the Archives (2023) — Review Geoffrey Bawa Kathleen James-Chakraborty 08.03.2024
Artful Trades: Into a Market of Consumables OMA and Cedric Price Sarah Hearne 06.03.2024
Nobuo Sekine: The Weight of Things Nobuo Sekine Nanase Shirokawa 04.03.2024
Unveiling the Enigma: Jan Henriksson’s Örebro Riksbank, 1987. Felicia Liang and William Wikström 29.02.2024
Where to Find a Drawing of a Swiss Gold Vault Ludo Groen 28.02.2024
Tim Robinson: Deep Mapping Tom Cookson 26.02.2024
Reality Modeled After Images: Architecture and Aesthetics after the Digital Image (2022) — Review Emmanuel Brune, Michelangelo Buonarroti and Veronica Skeppe, Cecilia Lundbäck, and Ulrika Karlsson Liam Ross 24.02.2024
Houses for Printing: A Microcosm of the World Le Corbusier and Alberto Ponis Sarah Hearne 21.02.2024
Shatwell Farm: Cars Emily Priest 19.02.2024
Ludwig Wittgenstein (and Gustav III of Sweden), Designing Gardens Gustav III of Sweden and Ludwig Wittgenstein Tim Richardson 15.02.2024
DMJ – Grids and Squared Paper in Renaissance Architecture Fabio Colonnese 14.02.2024
Connor Street: Made by Many Hands Cairn Architects Kieran Hawkins 12.02.2024
Giuliano Fiorenzoli: Because of Seeing Architecture (2023) – Review Giuliano Fiorenzoli Stan Allen 08.02.2024
Architectural Covers: A Site of Design Roger Katan Sarah Hearne 07.02.2024
In the Archive: Alejandro Carrasco Hidalgo Rem Koolhaas, Adolfo Natalini, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Alison Smithson, Peter Smithson and Superstudio Alejandro Carrasco Hidalgo 05.02.2024
Charles Holden: A new campus for Bloomsbury Charles Holden Bill Sherman and Richard Temple 02.02.2024
Simon Fraser University Arthur Erickson and Geoffrey Massey Arthur Erickson 01.02.2024
Careful Crudeness Alison Smithson and Peter Smithson Karen Olesen 31.01.2024
Landing Square Scenarios: The Wilhelmina Pier & Luxor Theatre Bolles+Wilson and Peter Wilson Peter Wilson 29.01.2024
The Religious Architecture of Alvar, Aino and Elissa Aalto (2023) — Review Alvar Aalto C.M. Howell 26.01.2024
Josep Maria Jujol: Ribbons with Streamers Everywhere Juan Mercadé Brulles, Jesús Esquinas-Dessy and Isabel Zaragoza 25.01.2024
DMJ – Pencils, Computers, Cameras Itsuko Hasegawa Ahmed Belkhodja 19.01.2024
Visualizing the Renaissance Worksite and the problems of graphic translation   Francesco di Giorgio Jarne Geenens and Elizabeth Merrill 17.01.2024
Connor Street: Made by Many Hands Cairn Architects Kieran Hawkins 15.01.2024
Return to the Archive Hans-Dieter Nägelke 12.01.2024
Aqueduct of Malagueira—Complexity or Contradiction Álvaro Siza Rodrigo Lino Gaspar 10.01.2024
Glarner Wirtschaftsarchiv Helen Thomas 08.01.2024
Schmitz and Drévet: The Egyptian Pavilions at the 1867 ‘Exposition Universelle’ Jacques Drévet and Édouard Schmitz Anja Segmüller 15.12.2023
Alberto Ponis, The London Years Denys Lasdun and Alberto Ponis Gillian Darley 14.12.2023
DMJ – Canaletto’s Venetian Sketches and the Camera Obscura Philip Steadman 13.12.2023
The Polyhedrists (2022) – Review Rosie Ellison-Balaam 08.12.2023
DMJ – The Stereoautograph Pablo Garcia 06.12.2023
Connor Street: Made by Many Hands Cairn Architects Kieran Hawkins 04.12.2023
On Drawing Raimund Abraham and Walter Pichler Raimund Abraham 30.11.2023
Mapping Cities: Barcelona and Paris Dibujantes CNT Dibujantes CNT and Grand Marnier 29.11.2023
Guy Debord—An Art of War Guy Debord Laurence Le Bras and Emmanuel Guy 29.11.2023
Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild at Waddesdon Hippolyte Alexandre Destailleur Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild 24.11.2023
The ‘indispensable ingredients of sublimity’: Smirke and Papworth’s Designs for the Wellington Testimonial Robert Smirke Colum O'Riordan 20.11.2023
Trevor Dannatt: St Mary’s Grove — I’m Going to Get Medieval on Your Ass! Trevor Dannatt Adrian Dannatt 16.11.2023
Heinz Isler: Natural Hills on Different Edge Lines Heinz Isler John Chilton 14.11.2023
The Renewal of Dwelling (2023) – Review Rodrigo Lino Gaspar 13.11.2023
Protected: Emerging Ecologies: O.M. Ungers Rem Koolhaas and O.M Ungers 09.11.2023
The Manufacture of Architecture: Joseph Paxton and the Development of the Great Stove Sir Joseph Paxton Hugh Strange 09.11.2023
Fragments of a Polychrome Mosaic of a Roman Bath Building Konogan Beaufay 08.11.2023
Quantum Collecting: A Few Principles and Mechanisms for the Acquisition of Architectural Drawings Niall Hobhouse and Matt Page 06.11.2023
Connor Street: Made by Many Hands Cairn Architects Kieran Hawkins 03.11.2023
Drawing Research Platform, Somerset, 2023, ENAC Summer Workshop Alberto Johnsson, Arthur Masure, Daniel Nitsche, Toby Pullen and Alexander Turner 01.11.2023
Raffaello. Nato architetto (2023) – Review Raphael Dario Donetti 30.10.2023
Keep Digging and You Will Find What You Are Looking For: Alvar Aalto in Germany Alvar Aalto Sofia Singler 27.10.2023
DMJ – Drawing Instruments from Sir John Soane’s Office John Soane Sue Palmer 25.10.2023
Repton does a Bernini – A Crescent for The Ham Humphry Repton Timothy Mowl 24.10.2023
Upper Lawn Pavilion: Strategy and Detail, Drawing / Feeling everything at once Sergison Bates, Alison Smithson and Peter Smithson Stephen Bates 20.10.2023
Remembering Architecture Fraser Stables Fraser Stables 18.10.2023
Owen Jones and the V&A (2023) and Style and Solitude (2023) – Review Owen Jones and Gottfried Semper Adrian Forty 17.10.2023
Fragmentary Notes on Unclaiming the Life of a Drawing Níall McLaughlin Architects, John Hejduk and Níall McLaughlin Bahar Avanoğlu 13.10.2023
Judit Reigl: Invisible Cities Judit Reigl Janos Gat 10.10.2023
Gothic Put to Use: The Viollet-le-Duc Album Eugène Viollet-le-Duc Martin Bressani 06.10.2023
François Cointeraux: the Architect of the ‘Agricultural Proletariat’ François Cointeraux Anja Segmüller 05.10.2023
DMJ — Of Lines Terrestrial and Occult: Friedrich Gilly, Alberto Sartoris, Adolphe Appia, and the Matter of Perspective Adolphe Appia, Friedrich Gilly and Alberto Sartoris Ross Anderson 02.10.2023
Portals: The Visionary Architecture of Paul Goesch (2023) – Review Paul Goesch Stan Allen 29.09.2023
Gathered Moments: Asplund’s Villa Snellman Erik Gunnar Asplund Andrew Carr 28.09.2023
Hans Hollein & Spiritual Expression in Architecture Iakov Georgievich Chernikhov, Hans Hollein, Walter Pichler, Hans Poelzig, Giò Ponti, Robert Smithson, Bruno Taut and Fritz Wotruba C.M. Howell 22.09.2023
Work with your hands: AUB Summer School 2023 Timothy Christian Murphy 21.09.2023
Trevor Dannatt: St Mary’s Grove — Garage door trio Trevor Dannatt Adrian Dannatt 18.09.2023
Elbe and Marte Karen Lohrmann and Stefano de Martino 13.09.2023
Architecture and Real Abstraction: Adler & Sullivan Louis Sullivan and Adler & Sullivan Francesco Marullo 12.09.2023
Jérôme-Charles Bellicard: Metamorphoses Janine Barrier 08.09.2023
Fraser Stables: Remembering Architecture  Fraser Stables Matt Page 06.09.2023
Designs on Democracy (2022) – Review Ellis Woodman 05.09.2023
Denise Scott Brown ‘From Soane to the Strip’ Denise Scott Brown 01.09.2023
Trevor Dannatt: St Mary’s Grove — Hook & Extension Trevor Dannatt Adrian Dannatt 28.08.2023
Comins x Shatwell Tea House Various 25.08.2023
Capilla Pajaritos Alberto Cruz Alberto Cruz 24.08.2023
Diplomatics and Instrumentality of the Drawing / William Butterfield William Butterfield Nicholas Olsberg 21.08.2023
DMJ – The Art of Measuring Images: Albrecht Meydenbauer and the Invention of the Photographic Survey Albrecht Meydenbauer Emma Letizia Jones 18.08.2023
Thinking Through Twentieth-Century Architecture (2023) – Review Alvar Aalto, Le Corbusier, Michael Graves, Louis Kahn, Aldo Rossi and Robert Venturi André Patrão 17.08.2023
Chloethiel Woodard Smith Chloethiel Woodard Smith Kathleen James-Chakraborty 16.08.2023
I and We OMA Richard Hall 16.08.2023
Poetry and Architecture (2023) — Review Peter Carl 11.08.2023
Quinta da Malagueira Álvaro Siza Pier Vittorio Aureli 11.08.2023
Alberto Ponis: Casa Scalesciani Alberto Ponis Team SHICHAI拾柴 09.08.2023
Patrick Gwynne: Colour by Numbers Patrick Gwynne Neil Bingham 07.08.2023
A Gentler Giant Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi Leif Findlay 02.08.2023
Frank Lloyd Wright: Memorial to the Soil Frank Lloyd Wright David G. De Long 31.07.2023
Trevor Dannatt: St Mary’s Grove — Stone Head & Slab Trevor Dannatt Adrian Dannatt 26.07.2023
Denise Scott Brown. In Other Eyes: Portraits of an Architect (2022) – Review Denise Scott Brown Mark Pimlott 24.07.2023
Sant’Elia and Global Futurist Architecture Antonio Sant'Elia Filippo Tommaso Marinetti 21.07.2023
What Does a Drawing Sound Like? Sigfried Gideon and Sean Godsell Brian Carter 20.07.2023
Protected: Frank Lloyd Wright in London Frank Lloyd Wright 19.07.2023
The Palace of Dawn and Dusk / Palacio del Alba y del Ocaso Alberto Cruz Alberto Cruz 17.07.2023
Drawing Exercises: Design Process Matt Page and Fernando Poeiras 14.07.2023
Drawing Exercises: Creativity Matt Page and Fernando Poeiras 12.07.2023
Alberto Ponis: Pathways Alberto Ponis Team SHICHAI拾柴 12.07.2023
Learning From Machine Learning, on designer trees and architectural historiographies of the digital Mario Asprucci, Ernest Born, Le Corbusier, Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen, Hubert Rohault de Fleury, Antoine Lafréry, Louis-Hippolyte Lebas, Carlo Marchionni, Adolfo Natalini, Richard Neutra and Álvaro Siza Sylvia Lavin 11.07.2023
William Butterfield: Forms and Transformations William Butterfield Nicholas Olsberg 10.07.2023
Building as Drawing: The Cowshed (2021) at Shatwell Farm Helen Thomas 07.07.2023
A Christmas Card from Ralph Erskine Ralph Erskine Nicholas Ray 06.07.2023
Instagram, Indifference, and Postcritique in US Architectural Discourse MOS Architects, Andrew Kovacs, Bureau Spectacular and fala Joseph Bedford 05.07.2023
Trevor Dannatt: St Mary’s Grove — House Number & Gate Trevor Dannatt Adrian Dannatt 04.07.2023
John Hejduk’s Bye House: An Object in the Landscape John Hejduk Stan Allen and Marina Correia 29.06.2023
Alberto Ponis: Studio di Yasmin Alberto Ponis Team SHICHAI拾柴 23.06.2023
Material Reform, Building for a Post-Carbon Future (2023) – Review Material Cultures Elke Krasny 23.06.2023
Álvaro Siza: A Vertical Dream Álvaro Siza António Choupina and Álvaro Siza 21.06.2023
Casa Ugalde Sketch Josep Antoni Coderch Laura Bonell and Daniel Lopez-Doriga 19.06.2023
Modelling the Metropolis: The Architectural Model in Victorian London (2023) – Review Andrew Saint 15.06.2023
Drawing as Preservation Lisa Huang 14.06.2023
Trevor Dannatt: St Mary’s Grove — Gap and Sign Trevor Dannatt Adrian Dannatt 13.06.2023
Hardman & Co. Hardman & Co. Sarah James 09.06.2023
Through a Glass Darkly John Shaw Smith Niall Hobhouse 06.06.2023
Leonora Oppenheim: Shatwell Edition Print 05.06.2023
The First Exercise, One Door and One Window Tania Garduño Israde 01.06.2023
‘A free composition of bodies’: the Härlanda Church Peter Celsing Peter Celsing 30.05.2023
Nuno Melo Sousa: weight Nuno Melo Sousa Nuno Melo Sousa 26.05.2023
Nuno Melo Sousa: on big papers Nuno Melo Sousa Nuno Melo Sousa 26.05.2023
Nuno Melo Sousa: on small papers Nuno Melo Sousa Nuno Melo Sousa 26.05.2023
Nuno Melo Sousa: on walls Nuno Melo Sousa Nuno Melo Sousa 26.05.2023
Nuno Melo Sousa: authority Nuno Melo Sousa Nuno Melo Sousa 26.05.2023
On Authority Nuno Melo Sousa Nuno Melo Sousa 26.05.2023
Architectural Manuals and Pacific Speculations Sarah Treadwell 23.05.2023
Sverre Fehn and the Territorial Eye Sverre Fehn Erika Brandl 18.05.2023
Architects at Play (2023) – Review David Malaud Mathilde de Laage 15.05.2023
Bruno Taut’s ‘Alpine Architektur’ Bruno Taut Iain Boyd Whyte 12.05.2023
DMJ – From Hearths to Volcanoes: the Armenian glkhatun Guillaume Othenin-Girard 09.05.2023
Futures of the Architectural Exhibition (2023) – Review Paul Mosley 05.05.2023
Drawing Programme: A Drawing Matter Workshop Joseph Gandy, Patrick Hodgkinson, Adolf Loos, Carlo Maderno, Stefano de Martino, Aldo Rossi, James Stirling, Superstudio and Giuseppe Terragni Niall Hobhouse, Manuel Montenegro and Amy Teh 02.05.2023
DMJ 1 – The Geological Imagination Mark Dorrian and Kurt Forster 28.04.2023
Accademia Bridge Proposals: Venice Biennale 1985 Luc Deleu, Dario Passi and Peter Wilson Editors 28.04.2023
Peter Wilson: Ponte dell’Accademia Bolles+Wilson and Peter Wilson Adrian Hawker 26.04.2023
Nuno Melo Sousa: in cahiers Nuno Melo Sousa Nuno Melo Sousa 25.04.2023
T.O.P. Office and the Accademia Bridge T.O.P. OFFICE Luc Deleu 24.04.2023
Archive Politics Eduardo Souto de Moura and Álvaro Siza Pedro Baía and Carlos Machado e Moura 21.04.2023
Materia 5: Timber Gordon Shrigley 18.04.2023
Drawing Architecture: Conversations on Contemporary Practice (2022) – Review Emilie Appercé 14.04.2023
Avant-Garde as Method, Vkhutemas and the Pedagogy of Space, 1920 – 1930 (2020) – Review Vkhutemas Peter Carl 12.04.2023
The City in Dispute (2023) – Review  Aureli Mora 10.04.2023
Abelardo Morell Abelardo Morrell Rebecca Connor Reading 06.04.2023
Aldo Rossi: ‘Shards’ and Smooth Surfaces for an Architecture of Longue Durée Giovanni Battista Piranesi and Aldo Rossi Beatrice Lampariello 03.04.2023
MJ Long’s Doll House MJ Long and Colin St John Wilson Elena Palacios Carral 31.03.2023
Drawing Construction: A Drawing Matter Workshop Ove Arup, Charles Barry, William Butterfield, Le Corbusier, James Gowan, Nicholas Grimshaw, Heinz Isler, Studio Mumbai, Louis Sullivan, James Wines and Frank Lloyd Wright Niall Hobhouse, Manuel Montenegro and Amy Teh 29.03.2023
Álvaro Siza — An ‘Amoral’ Architect Álvaro Siza Eduardo Souto de Moura 27.03.2023
Richard Neutra’s Corona Avenue School Richard Neutra Nicholas Olsberg 22.03.2023
Vitruvius Without Text (2022) – Review Vitruvius Helen Thomas 20.03.2023
Nancy Goldring: Drawings and Foto-Projections Nancy Goldring Leann Davis Alspaugh and Nancy Goldring 17.03.2023
Protected: Collection News: Binazzi and UFO, Burton, Gounod, Siza, Visconti and more Editors 13.03.2023
Construct OMA, Madelon Vriesendorp and Zoe Zenghelis Richard Hall 13.03.2023
Ghost Parking Lot James Wines James Wines 10.03.2023
Drawing Sites: A Drawing Matter Workshop Henry Aston Barker, Le Corbusier, Hans Hollein, William Kent, Louis-Hippolyte Lebas, Francis Martinuzzi, Alberto Ponis and Peter Wilson Niall Hobhouse, Manuel Montenegro and Amy Teh 08.03.2023
Homegrown: Building a Post-Carbon Future (2023) – review Material Cultures Rosie Ellison-Balaam 06.03.2023
DMJ – Asphalt Tales and the Ends of History Robert Smithson and James Wines Nicholas Boyarsky 03.03.2023
DMJ – Shallow Cuts: The Geological Sectioning of Newcastle, NSW Michael Chapman 03.03.2023
Geography of Hope: Hans Hollein and John Hejduk John Hejduk and Hans Hollein Nicholas Olsberg 01.03.2023
Ila Bêka & Louise Lemoine on the Moriyama House Ryue Nishizawa What is a House For and Bêka & Lemoine 28.02.2023
Alison and Peter Smithson’s Collages as Reinventing Established Reality Alison Smithson and Peter Smithson Marianna Charitonidou 24.02.2023
Caruso St John Collected Works: Volume 1, 1990 – 2005 – Review Caruso St John Sofie De Caigny 21.02.2023
About Malagueira: Siza’s Poem on Page 27 of Sketchbook 01 Álvaro Siza Rodrigo Lino Gaspar 20.02.2023
Geography of Hope: Bruce Goff Bruce Goff Nicholas Olsberg 17.02.2023
In the Archive: de la Fuente, Unknown, OMA, Ellwood and Ponis Craig Ellwood, Jullian de la Fuente, OMA and Alberto Ponis Sarah Hearne 15.02.2023
Porto: Paving Work on Rua de António Sardinha Fernando Barroso and Mário Ramos Ivo Martins 14.02.2023
Aldo Rossi: Transforming Artefacts into Objects of Affection Aldo Rossi Marianna Charitonidou 13.02.2023
Architecture in Archives: The Collection of the Akademie der Künste (2016) – Review Paul Goesch, Karla Kowalski, Erich Mendelsohn and Hans Scharoun Irina Davidovici 10.02.2023
Emilio Ambasz’s ‘Italy, The New Domestic Landscape’ (1972) Emilio Ambasz, Archizoom Associati, Andrea Branzi, Adolfo Natalini, Ugo La Pietra, Gruppo Strum and Superstudio Editors 09.02.2023
Pier Vittorio Aureli: Ambiguous Drawings Paco Alfaro Anguita 07.02.2023
Letter of Authorisation to Discuss Late Ottoman Archive Drawings as Operational Images Ecem Arslanay and Mina Gürsel Tabanlıoğlu 06.02.2023
W. R. Lethaby: Philip Webb and His Work William Lethaby Hugh Strange 03.02.2023
Le Corbusier: The ‘Open hand’ as an expression of freedom? Le Corbusier Marianna Charitonidou 02.02.2023
Geography of Hope: John Lautner John Lautner Nicholas Olsberg 31.01.2023
Forecast and Fantasy: Architecture without Borders 1960s to 1980s – Review Archigram, Yuri Avvakumov and Mikhail Belov, Alexander Brodsky, Jozef Jankovič, Leonhard Lapin, Kirmo Mikkola, Jüri Okas, Natalia Prokuratova, Superstudio and Mare Vint Markus Lähteenmäki 30.01.2023
Shed for Carolyn George Gibbs 26.01.2023
Neighbours in Space and Time: Grafton Architects at the Soane Museum – Review Grafton Architects and John Soane Simon Henley 25.01.2023
Historic England Image Archive Arthur Prior-Palmer 23.01.2023
Grotto-Heavens: Rockeries, Dreamscapes and the Chinese Garden Ethan Loo 20.01.2023
DMJ – Dialogues between Architecture And Granite in Punta Sardegna Alberto Ponis Alberto Ponis 20.01.2023
Geography of Hope: Adolfo Natalini and Superstudio Adolfo Natalini and Superstudio Nicholas Olsberg 18.01.2023
Robert Bray: Design for a Playboy Duplex Penthouse, 1970 Robert Bray Philippa Lewis 17.01.2023
The Sasada Lab Felix Wilson 16.01.2023
W. R. Lethaby: Apprenticeship and Education William Lethaby Hugh Strange 13.01.2023
The ESB’s New Clothes Grafton Architects, Arthur Gibney, O’Mahony Pike and Sam Stephenson Colum O'Riordan 12.01.2023
Materia 4: Brick Burnham & Company Gordon Shrigley 10.01.2023
The City of Design OMA Emilio Ambasz 09.01.2023
The Wessex Project: Thomas Hardy, Architect: Part III Thomas Hardy Kester Rattenbury 06.01.2023
The Work of Ernest and Esther Born: World’s Fair Esther Born and Ernest Born Nicholas Olsberg 05.01.2023
Owen Luder: Practice at Work Owen Luder Kate Wharton 03.01.2023
The Wessex Project: Thomas Hardy, Architect: Part II Thomas Hardy Kester Rattenbury 21.12.2022
Drawing for James Stirling James Stirling Walter Nageli 20.12.2022
fala: butterflies fala fala 19.12.2022
The Garden Transcripts Eleanor Evason 16.12.2022
Beverly Buchanan: Here I am; I’m Still Here Beverly Buchanan Clara Maria Blasius 15.12.2022
fala: photography fala fala 13.12.2022
The Wessex Project: Thomas Hardy, Architect: Part I Thomas Hardy Kester Rattenbury 12.12.2022
DMJ – The Sound of Magma: Geographies of Infrasound, Vibrating Bodies, and Representing the Earth Adam Bobbette 09.12.2022
DMJ – ‘All the varieties of Nature’s works under ground’: the Geological Imagination of Alexander Pope Yue Zhuang 09.12.2022
Useless Terrain: The Ballynagrenia and Ballinderry Bog Joseph Heffernan 07.12.2022
Johan Celsing Buildings Texts (2021) – Review Johan Celsing Arkitektkontor Nina Lundvall 06.12.2022
Alberto Cruz: Observation, Act, Form – Review Matt Page 02.12.2022
Open Letters: Harvard GSD Kay Fisker and Louis Kahn Paul Mosley 02.12.2022
Gothic Sublime Sonny Evans 01.12.2022
Oscar Niemeyer’s Cathedral in Brasília Oscar Niemeyer Ciro Miguel 30.11.2022
W. R. Lethaby: The Church of Sancta Sophia, Constantinople William Lethaby Hugh Strange 28.11.2022
fala: collages fala fala 25.11.2022
The Routledge Companion to Architectural Drawings and Models (2021) – Review Desley Luscombe 24.11.2022
The Usonia Plot at Pleasantville Frank Lloyd Wright Editors 23.11.2022
Joan Littlewood’s Memos to Cedric Price Joan Littlewood and Cedric Price Ana Bonet Miró 21.11.2022
The Work of Ernest and Esther Born: Models for the City House Esther Born and Ernest Born Nicholas Olsberg 18.11.2022
From Afar Ajna Babahmetovic 17.11.2022
DMJ – Borromini’s Smudge Francesco Borromini Jonathan Foote 15.11.2022
DMJ – From Landscape to Mapscape: Robert Smithson’s Maps Robert Smithson Bernhard Siegert 15.11.2022
The Project of Independence: Architectures of Decolonization in South Asia, 1947-1985 (2022) – Review Le Corbusier, Yasmeen Lari, Habib Rahman, Charles Correa and Mahendra Raj and Raj Rewal Esra Akcan 10.11.2022
fala: execution drawings fala fala 07.11.2022
Queensway, Hong Kong Sony Devabhaktuni 04.11.2022
Heinz Isler Model Heinz Isler John Chilton and Paul Shepherd 02.11.2022
Sweet Disorder and the Carefully Careless: Ideas, Faces and Places (2022) – review Eric Parry and Robin Webster 31.10.2022
fala: renders fala fala 28.10.2022
Drawing Conversations: Letters to Clients Le Corbusier and José Oubrerie Paul Clarke 26.10.2022
W. R. Lethaby: The Builder’s Art and the Craftsman William Lethaby Hugh Strange 24.10.2022
How Big is Big – Does Scale Matter? A Reflection on Scale in Architecture and Drawing Federica Goffi and Devon Moar 21.10.2022
Vilanova Artigas: Drawing Models – Review Vilanova Artigas Laura Evans 20.10.2022
‘Then There Was War’: John Hejduk’s Silent Witnesses as Nuclear Criticism John Hejduk Mark Dorrian 19.10.2022
fala: wireframes fala fala 17.10.2022
Stendhal’s Autobiography: La Vie de Henri Brulard Christopher Woodward 14.10.2022
Two Way Traffic: Japanese Woodblock Prints Alex Faulkner 12.10.2022
Missing Link: Strategies of a Viennese Architecture Group (1970-1980) – Review Erik Wegerhoff 10.10.2022
Fronts and Faces fala Lera Samovich 07.10.2022
Roger Katan and Forum Louis Kahn and Roger Katan Sarah Handelman 05.10.2022
In the Archive: Petit, Lebas, Fontaine, Le Corbusier and Kolář Le Corbusier, Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine, Jirí Kolár, Louis-Hippolyte Lebas, Savinien Petit, Giovanni Battista Piranesi and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Raphael Haque 04.10.2022
fala: comprehensive fala fala 03.10.2022
Materia 3: Red Oxide James Stirling Gordon Shrigley 30.09.2022
Kay Fisker: Danish Functionalism and Block-based Housing (2022) – Review Kay Fisker Mark Pimlott 29.09.2022
Superstudio’s Collage Chest: A Chance Machine Superstudio Jonah Ginsburg 26.09.2022
Robert Maxwell: The Letter, the Lost Sketchbook and the Lecture Editors 23.09.2022
Where in the World are We? Melbourne Venice Studios 2022 Bolles+Wilson and Peter Wilson Peter Wilson 22.09.2022
fala: the single line fala fala 19.09.2022
After the Revolution: Dugourc in Spain François-Joseph Bélanger Iris Moon 16.09.2022
Dugourc’s Playing Cards Jean Démosthène Dugourc Iris Moon 14.09.2022
Ulmer House Extension Proposal: Baumschlager & Eberle Francesco Paini Francesco Paini 12.09.2022
Aldo Rossi: Dieses Ist Lange Her/ora Questo e Perduto Aldo Rossi Jaime Tillería Durango 09.09.2022
Krier/Culot: Architecture, language and process (1977) Maurice Culot and Leon Krier Robert Maxwell 07.09.2022
Lenin’s Tomb, the Second Version Niall Hobhouse and Markus Lähteenmäki 05.09.2022
Gurdwara Ekam Singh 01.09.2022
Mies van der Rohe and the Universal Space Project Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Landry Smith 30.08.2022
William Burges: Architectural drawing William Burges Editors 25.08.2022
On Bramante (2022) – Review Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan 22.08.2022
Edifice Philippa Lewis 19.08.2022
Turning Point: The US Embassy in Dublin John M. Johansen Cormac Murray 17.08.2022
Objects That Meet Antonio Lao and Lars Lerup Lars Lerup 15.08.2022
W. R. Lethaby: Architecture, Mysticism and Myth William Lethaby Hugh Strange 10.08.2022
Dalibor Vesely: Shared Horizons Dalibor Vesely Biba Dow 08.08.2022
Power & Public Space 10: Dank Lloyd Wright – Meme Space Matthew Blunderfield and Dank Lloyd Wright 05.08.2022
Power & Public Space 9: Ana Bonet Miró – Fun Palace Cedric Price Matthew Blunderfield and Ana Bonet Miró 03.08.2022
The Cod of São Victor Fernando Barroso and Mário Ramos Pedro Bandeira 01.08.2022
Power & Public Space 8: Markus LäHteenmäki – Lev Rudnev’s Monument to the Victims of the Revolution Lev Rudnev Matthew Blunderfield and Markus Lähteenmäki 29.07.2022
Alberto Pérez-Gómez: Architecture as Drawing Ferdinando Galli Bibiena, Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand, Daniel Libeskind and Vitruvius Mark Dorrian and Alberto Pérez-Gómez 28.07.2022
Power & Public Space 7: Mabel O. Wilson – Memorial to Enslaved Labourers, University of Virginia Matthew Blunderfield and Mabel O. Wilson 27.07.2022
Time’s Witness. History in the Age of Romanticism (2021) – Review Martin Bressani 25.07.2022
Power & Public Space 6: André Patrão – Eisenman, Derrida, and Chora L Works (Parc de la Villette) Matthew Blunderfield and André Patrão 22.07.2022
Power & Public Space 5: Mark Wallinger – State Britain Matthew Blunderfield and Mark Wallinger 20.07.2022
Freddie Phillipson ‘The Ulysses Project’ – Review Freddie Phillipson Peter Carl 18.07.2022
Power & Public Space 4: Jonas Žukauskas – Forest Parts Matthew Blunderfield and Jonas Žukauskas 15.07.2022
Materia 2: Corrugated Iron Nicholas Grimshaw and W. H. Saunders & Son Gordon Shrigley 14.07.2022
Power & Public Space 3: Manuel Herz – Babyn Yar Synagogue Matthew Blunderfield and Manuel Herz 13.07.2022
Elia Zenghelis: The Image as Emblem and Storyteller Elia Zenghelis Richard Hall 11.07.2022
Power & Public Space 2: Lauren Bon – Bending the River Back to the City Lauren Bon Matthew Blunderfield and Lauren Bon 08.07.2022
Power & Public Space 1: Liza Fior – The Dalston Eastern Curve Garden Liza Fior Matthew Blunderfield and Liza Fior 06.07.2022
Sir Edwin Lutyens, by his Son Edwin Lutyens Robert Lutyens 04.07.2022
Jan Tschichold and El Lissitzky: Foto-Auge (Photo-eye) Paul Stirton 29.06.2022
Hexenhaus (2021) – Review Peter Smithson and Alison Smithson Paul Clarke 27.06.2022
Roland Simounet: De La Verité en Architecture Roland Simounet Pierre Riboulet 24.06.2022
Workshop: On Siza’s March ’77 Sketchbook Álvaro Siza Manuel Montenegro 22.06.2022
Interview with Space Magazine Matt Page and Semi Park 20.06.2022
The Ulysses Project: Architecture and the City through James Joyce’s Dublin: Part II Freddie Phillipson 17.06.2022
The Ulysses Project: Architecture and the City through James Joyce’s Dublin: Part I Freddie Phillipson 16.06.2022
Growing up Modern: Childhoods in Iconic Homes (2021) – Review Gillian Darley 13.06.2022
Benjamin Wistar Morris and a new Metropolitan Opera House Morris & O'Connor Janet Parks 10.06.2022
The Ulysses Project: Architecture and the City through James Joyce’s Dublin: Introduction Freddie Phillipson Freddie Phillipson 08.06.2022
The Anatomy of the Architectural Book: Magical Moves Domenico Fontana André Tavares 06.06.2022
Opportunism Rem Koolhaas, OMA and Madelon Vriesendorp Richard Hall and Emma Rutherford 02.06.2022
Les Fêtes de Nuit (1937) René-André Coulon Robert Chenevier 30.05.2022
Walter Segal, Self-Built Architect (2021) – Review Walter Segal Jane Hall 26.05.2022
Clancy Moore: Less is more Clancy Moore Architects Chris Foges 24.05.2022
Hélène Binet: The Outsider Hélène Binet Hélène Binet 19.05.2022
William Dickinson’s Pocketbook: Rethinking Drawing & practice in Early C18th England William Dickinson and Grinling Gibbons Elizabeth Deans 18.05.2022
Robert Adam: The Long Gallery at Syon Robert Adam Stephen Astley, Adriano Aymonino, Markus Lähteenmäki and Frances Sands 13.05.2022
Shatwell farm open day – 18 June 2022 11.05.2022
Fernando Higueras: The Volcano, The Flower, and The Dromedary Fernando Higueras Guillermo S. Arsuaga 09.05.2022
CP138 Gordon Matta-Clark: Readings of the Archive (2020) – Review Gordon Matta-Clark Penelope Curtis 07.05.2022
Reflections on The Drawing Matter Archive Roz Barr, Jonah Ginsburg, Benjamin Machin and Sandra Porter 03.05.2022
Design Starts: Loughborough School of Architecture at Shatwell Farm Benjamin Machin 03.05.2022
An Artist Browsing the Collection Sandra Porter 03.05.2022
The Evolving Role of Drawing Erik Gunnar Asplund, Iakov Georgievich Chernikhov, Peter Eisenman, Michael Graves, Richard Neutra, Cedric Price, Aldo Rossi and James Stirling Nicholas Olsberg 29.04.2022
Reflections on my Internship Jonah Ginsburg 27.04.2022
Do You Remember How Perfect Everything Was? The Work of Zoe Zenghelis (2021) – Review OMA and Zoe Zenghelis Richard Hall 26.04.2022
Syon House and the Afterlife of Architectural Drawing Robert Adam Freddie Phillipson 22.04.2022
‘For the Curiosity of the Article’: Excerpts from Architectural Drawing (1870) William Burges William Burges 19.04.2022
Adaptations: A Teaching Studio at Cornell Robbrecht en Daem, James Gowan and Peter Märkli Roz Barr 19.04.2022
The Ruined Temple and Oberrealta Chapel John Ruskin Zachary Torres 14.04.2022
Materia: Render Gordon Shrigley 12.04.2022
The Iterative Power of Architecture’s Absence Herzog & de Meuron, OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen and École Peter Sealy 07.04.2022
The Being of Drawing (2021) – Review John Ruskin Matt Page 04.04.2022
Drawing as Advocacy Stephanie Davidson and Mary Vaccaro 28.03.2022
Drawing Out, Drawing In: Cartographies for ‘Out of the Sea’ Beth George 24.03.2022
In the Archive: Laugier, Eisen, Boulogne, Petitot, Percier, Dumont and Hadid Louis de Boulogne, Gabriel Pierre Martin Dumont, Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen, Zaha Hadid, Marc-Antoine Laugier, Charles Percier and Ennemondo Alessandro Petitot Christiane Matt 22.03.2022
Wood & Harrison: A Film About a City Wood & Harrison Paul Harrison and John Wood 21.03.2022
Inessential Colors: Architecture on Paper in Early Modern Europe (2021) – Review Jacques-Denis Antoine, Abraham-Louis-Rodolphe Ducros and Gabriel Pierre Martin Dumont Anthony Vidler 17.03.2022
Entering the Imperial Palace George Elliot, John Martin and Jonathan Martin Will Jennings 16.03.2022
Exhibition Design: Charging the Void Carlos Diniz, OMA and Superstudio Claire Oster 09.03.2022
Room at the Top?: Kate Macintosh, Denise Scott Brown and the Kingmaker-critic Denise Scott Brown and Kate Macintosh Emily Dan 07.03.2022
Tom de Paor: ‘i see Earth’, Building and Ground 1991–2021 – Review Tom de Paor Andrew Clancy 04.03.2022
Painting in Stone (2020) – Review Jonathan Foote 01.03.2022
The Extended Portal: Atcost Clancy Moore Architects Andrew Clancy 28.02.2022
What’s a Bludder Sketch? Bengt Lindroos Declan Quirke 28.02.2022
Pan Scroll Zoom 20: 10PM in Inner Mongolia Mark Dorrian 23.02.2022
The Edge of Architecture: Cornices in the Drawing Matter collection Jacques François Blondel, Charles Boston, Andre-Marie Chatillon, Giovanni Antonio Dosio, Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen, Jean Camille Formigé, Cass Gilbert, Michael Graves, Henri Labrouste, Luigi Moretti, Peter Märkli, George Niemann, Charles Percier, Paul Piot, Paul Rudolph, Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Mario Sironi, Philippe Starck, Eugène Viollet-le-Duc and James Wines Editors 21.02.2022
The Cornice: The Edge of Architecture Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright Maarten Delbeke 21.02.2022
Sigurd Lewerentz: Punctum. Seeing the Detail Sigurd Lewerentz Mikael Bergquist 14.02.2022
Growth or Composition? Colin Rowe to Louis Kahn Louis Kahn Michael Merrill 10.02.2022
Louis Kahn: The Importance of a Drawing (2021) – Review Louis Kahn Stan Allen 10.02.2022
Charles Stanley Peach: Pioneer in Power Charles Stanley Peach Andrew Jones 08.02.2022
The Urban Fact: Aldo Rossi, Student Housing, Chieti Aldo Rossi Kersten Geers, Stefano Graziani and Jelena Pancevac 07.02.2022
Postmodern Australia: Robert Pearce’s Drawings for Edmond and Corrigan Edmond and Corrigan Yvette Putra 01.02.2022
The Measure of It: An Essay on Measured Drawings George Saumarez Smith George Saumarez Smith 31.01.2022
Charles Jencks: Architect in the Jumping Universe Charles Jencks Lily Jencks 25.01.2022
The Architectural Models of Theodore Conrad: The ‘Miniature Boom’ of Mid-century Modernism (2021) – Review Theodore Conrad Emma Letizia Jones 25.01.2022
Montage-Entourage; Or The Politics Of The Seam Archizoom Associati, Hans Hollein, Paul Letarouilly, OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen and Superstudio Michael Young 24.01.2022
Álvaro Siza: The Adoration of the Magi Álvaro Siza António Choupina 19.01.2022
Pan Scoll Zoom 19: Pier Vittorio Aureli and Maria S. Giudici Pier Vittorio Aureli and Maria Shéhérazade Giudici Pier Vittorio Aureli, Fabrizio Gallanti and Maria S. Giudici 19.01.2022
Decoding Wittgenstein’s Stonborough Villa Ludwig Wittgenstein Akira Koyama 18.01.2022
In the Archive: New and Found 2 Frank Gehry, Michael Gold and Thomas Hardy Editors 12.01.2022
Infinite Patterns in I. M. Pei’s Furniture Diagrams I. M. Pei Daniel Luis Martinez 12.01.2022
Essex Coastal Cornice: Ex-Mould Charles Holland 11.01.2022
David K. Ross: Archetypes (2021) – Review and Excerpt David K. Ross Helen Thomas 11.01.2022
Sir John Soane’s Involvement in House Flipping John Soane Frances Sands 10.01.2022
Between the Layers: Transparent Paper as a Modernist Architectural Design Environment Fabio Colonnese 06.01.2022
Working with Tony Fretton Tony Fretton Architects and Tony Fretton Jonathan Sergison 04.01.2022
The Rural Homes of Marcelo Ferraz and Francisco Fanucci Francisco Fanucci and Marcelo Ferraz Abilio Guerra 13.12.2021
Stories from Architecture: Behind the Lines at Drawing Matter George Coke, Henri Guerbois, Gordon M Hills, Richard Neutra, P. O'Neil, William Beddoe Rees, Rex Savidge, A. Tod and Frank Lloyd Wright Adrian Forty, Niall Hobhouse and Philippa Lewis 13.12.2021
The Temple of Flora, Stourhead: A Paradise Revisited Henry Flitcroft Dudley Dodd 09.12.2021
In Defence of Metaphor Deanna Petherbridge Deanna Petherbridge 09.12.2021
Movements of the Drawing Hand Paul Clarke 08.12.2021
Analoge Architektur: Fire Station Project Analoge Architektur and Daniel Studer Daniel Studer 08.12.2021
Drawing Parallels: John Hejduk’s Wall House 1 John Hejduk Ray Lucas 06.12.2021
In the Archive: New and Found Charles Boston, Alphonse Eugène Hubert, William Kent and Antoine-Laurent-Thomas Vaudoyer Editors 01.12.2021
The I’Ansons: A Dynasty of London Architects & Surveyors Edward I'Anson Peter Jefferson Smith 30.11.2021
El Croquis 208: DOGMA familiar/unfamiliar 2002–2021 (2021): Review Dogma Leonard Ma 29.11.2021
The Philips Pavilion: Models as Structural Expression Le Corbusier and Iannis Xenakis Matthew Mindrup 23.11.2021
Álvaro Siza: Seven Early Sketchbooks Álvaro Siza Niall Hobhouse, Manuel Montenegro and Álvaro Siza 22.11.2021
Pan Scroll Zoom 18: Wolff Architects Wolff Architects Fabrizio Gallanti, Ilze Wolff and Heinrich Wolff 17.11.2021
The Urban Fact: Aldo Rossi, The School, Fagnano Olona Aldo Rossi Kersten Geers, Stefano Graziani and Jelena Pancevac 16.11.2021
A Short History of Alberto Ponis on the Sardinian Coast Alberto Ponis Sebastiano Brandolini 15.11.2021
Sigurd Lewerentz: Architect of Death and Life (2021): Review and Excerpts Sigurd Lewerentz Caroline Voet 15.11.2021
The Pursuit of Gothic Edward Blore Rosemary Hill 10.11.2021
Architectonic Landscapes Deanna Petherbridge Deanna Petherbridge 09.11.2021
Frank Lloyd Wright, House for Edith Carlson, 1939, Part II Frank Lloyd Wright Philippa Lewis 07.11.2021
Writing Prize 2021: Itsuko Hasegawa, Capturing an Infinite Distance Itsuko Hasegawa Ahmed Belkhodja 04.11.2021
Drawing Powers: Introduction Le Corbusier Fernando Poeiras 02.11.2021
Drawing Powers 2: The Object in the Drawing James Gowan, Zaha Hadid, Kate Macintosh, Superstudio and Peter Wilson Fernando Poeiras 02.11.2021
Drawing Powers 3: The Drawing in the Object James Gowan, Louis Kahn, Adolfo Natalini and Aldo Rossi Fernando Poeiras 02.11.2021
Drawing Powers 4: The Drawing-object Tony Fretton, Hans Hollein, Álvaro Siza and Philippe Starck Fernando Poeiras 02.11.2021
Drawing Powers: Conclusions Le Corbusier and Herzog & de Meuron Fernando Poeiras 02.11.2021
The Italian Job: Anthony Salvin, Sir John Benson and the Royal Cork Yacht Club, Cóbh Anthony Salvin Tom Spalding 27.10.2021
Alberto Ponis on Casa Scalesciani Alberto Ponis Alberto Ponis 27.10.2021
Hélène Binet: The Intimacy of Making, Three Historical Sites in Korea (2021): Review Hélène Binet Helen Thomas 25.10.2021
Frank Lloyd Wright, House for Edith Carlson, 1939, Part I Frank Lloyd Wright Philippa Lewis 21.10.2021
Álvaro Siza: Fast and Slow Lines Álvaro Siza Lok-Kan Chau 20.10.2021
Writing Prize 2021: Savinien Petit’s Chapelle a deux salles avec luminaire Savinien Petit Raphael Haque 18.10.2021
The Hidden Horizontal. Cornices in Art and Architecture: Exhibition Review Cammy Brothers 18.10.2021
The Metropolitan Opera House, NYC: Invisible guests Wallace K. Harrison and Tad Leski Kyna Leski 15.10.2021
Lines, Drawings, the Human Condition Ray Lucas Tim Ingold, Momoyo Kaijima, Andreas Kalpakci and Anh-linh Ngo 13.10.2021
Doodles: Stirling Wilford and Associates, 1984–2000 James Stirling Marco Iuliano 12.10.2021
Henri Guerbois: Department Store in King Street, 1921 Henri Guerbois Philippa Lewis 05.10.2021
Twelve Thousand Seven Hundred Forty-Two KM of Continuum Adolfo Natalini and Superstudio Farnoosh Farmer 04.10.2021
Porto School, B Side: Insurrectional Organization of Space Fernando Barroso and Mário Ramos Pedro Bandeira 29.09.2021
The Order of Terror Deanna Petherbridge Deanna Petherbridge 28.09.2021
Christoph Schlingensiefs Operndorf Afrika (2020): Review Diébédo Francis Kéré Erandi de Silva 27.09.2021
R for Representation Eero Saarinen Ralf Liptau 27.09.2021
Writing Prize 2021: Reading Material Rebecca Disney 23.09.2021
Writing Prize 2021: Live My Drawings Ying Xuan Chian 23.09.2021
Survey: Le Corbusier, Roland Garros stadium Le Corbusier Matthew Wells 21.09.2021
Clancy Moore Architects: Atcost Clancy Moore Architects, Andrew Clancy and Colm Moore Andrew Clancy and Colm Moore 20.09.2021
PC Harry Woodley: Plans of No 131 Cornwall Street, 1902 Harry Woodley Philippa Lewis 17.09.2021
An Overwhelming Concern with Shelter! (1966) Archigram, Haus-Rücker-Co, Hans Hollein, Walter Pichler, Paolo Soleri and Superstudio Gustav Metzger 16.09.2021
Disney: The Architecture of Staged Realities Saskia van Stein 10.09.2021
John Nash: Designs for Langham House, ca. 1812–1816 John Nash Philippa Lewis 06.09.2021
Capitol or Capital? Martin Pawley 02.09.2021
Notations (2016): Review & Excerpt Richard Hall 02.09.2021
Pan Scroll Zoom 17: Monadnock Monadnock Job Floris and Fabrizio Gallanti 01.09.2021
Cosmos Street Revisited Bolles+Wilson Peter Wilson 31.08.2021
The Silo at 40Hz Disinformation Joe Banks and Jonah Ginsburg 27.08.2021
Survey: John Goldicutt, Temple of Vespasian John Goldicutt and John Soane Matthew Wells 25.08.2021
Unpeopled Places Deanna Petherbridge Deanna Petherbridge 23.08.2021
Piranesi Unbound (2020): Review Giovanni Battista Piranesi Nicholas Savage 19.08.2021
Survey: Piazza Grande, Gubbio, Perugia Biba Dow Biba Dow 18.08.2021
Craving Primal Architecture Rory Chisholm Rory Chisholm 17.08.2021
Superstudio: Finding the Horizon Superstudio Gian Piero Frassinelli 12.08.2021
Where to Begin? – Juhani Pallasmaa Juhani Pallasmaa 12.08.2021
Besides, History (2018): Book Review Stan Allen 09.08.2021
The H-plan: Breuer, Stirling, Gowan James Gowan and James Stirling Anthony Vidler 05.08.2021
Galleries in the Valley Abigail Calva, Basil Harb, Erin Huang, Claire Oster and Sarah Tien 04.08.2021
Sketches from Algiers Le Corbusier and Fernand Pouillon Adam Voelcker 02.08.2021
Building the Gowan Shed James Gowan Jonah Ginsburg 30.07.2021
Steeling Stirling & Gowan’s Isle of Wight House Craig Ellwood, James Gowan and James Stirling Neil Jackson 28.07.2021
Pan Scroll Zoom 16: Luis Callejas Luis Callejas 28.07.2021
Insignificance 4: Self-reflexive Hermann Finsterlin Gordon Shrigley 26.07.2021
Cassius Goldsmith’s Grey Weather Gate House Cassius Goldsmith Marie-Henriette Desmoures 25.07.2021
Stirling & Gowan: The Isle of Wight House James Gowan and James Stirling James Gowan, J. M. Richards, Laurent Stalder, James Stirling and Ellis Woodman 21.07.2021
Postcards: The Nature of Images Luca Galafaro Luca Galofaro 21.07.2021
The James Clarke Remake Oscar Binder and Nikolaus Podlaha 20.07.2021
Drawing the Brunswick Centre Birkin Haward and Patrick Hodgkinson Birkin Haward 19.07.2021
Leicester Engineering Building: Completed! James Gowan and James Stirling James Gowan 14.07.2021
Forced Migrations, Barriers and Vanishing Asylums Deanna Petherbridge 13.07.2021
On Pristine Boxes and Primeval Huts Marc-Antoine Laugier Frank Bauer 13.07.2021
36 Elevations Calum Storrie Calum Storrie 12.07.2021
Leicester Engineering Building: Under Construction James Gowan and James Stirling James Gowan 08.07.2021
Pan Scroll Zoom 15: Other Architects Other Architects Fabrizio Gallanti, Grace Mortlock and David Neustein 07.07.2021
Luc Deleu & T.O.P. OFFICE: Future Plans, 1970–2020 (2021) – Review T.O.P. OFFICE Victoria Easton 07.07.2021
Shatwell Farm: A Step Up John Glew John Glew 06.07.2021
Letter to the Editors: What I See in Drawings Today… Aldo Rossi Andrea Leonardi 05.07.2021
Disinformation: Closed Circuit Disinformation Joe Banks 30.06.2021
The Cottage at Bromley Tim Anstey and Mari Lending 28.06.2021
Florian Beigel & Aru’s Pojagi House: Searching for the Essential Florian Beigel Louis Mayes 28.06.2021
Keeping a Notebook Simon Unwin 24.06.2021
From Diderot to Tokyo: Mechanical, Subjective and Digital Time Bolles+Wilson, Le Corbusier, Denis Diderot and Peter Wilson Peter Wilson 23.06.2021
Folding Landscapes: The Maps of Tim Robinson Declan Quirke 23.06.2021
Architectural Drawing (1983) George Collins 22.06.2021
26 Kingly Street Co-Op Editors 21.06.2021
Pan Scroll Zoom 14: Alfredo Thiermann Alfredo Thiermann 16.06.2021
The Language of Architecture: Peter Märkli’s system of proportion Peter Märkli Stacey Lewis 15.06.2021
Notes on Twelve drawings for the Governor’s Palace at Chandigarh Le Corbusier and José Oubrerie José Oubrerie 15.06.2021
Jesús Vassallo’s Epics in the Everyday (2019): Review & Excerpt Dan Graham, Caruso St John, Sol LeWitt, Herzog & de Meuron, Peter Smithson and Alison Smithson Helen Thomas 14.06.2021
Stephen Taylor: Haybarn Stephen Taylor Architects and Stephen Taylor Brendan Woods 14.06.2021
Drawing on History: Mirages, Interventions and Contestations Deanna Petherbridge Deanna Petherbridge 10.06.2021
The Over Under: Drawing as process Peter William Rae 10.06.2021
Insignificance 3: Mourning Work Fritz Ebhardt Gordon Shrigley 09.06.2021
The Future City Winold Reiss Paul Maher 09.06.2021
Notes on The Palace of the Assembly and Museum at Chandigarh Le Corbusier José Oubrerie 07.06.2021
Cartographies of the Imagination Charles Robert Cockerell, Guy Debord, Zaha Hadid, Alberto Ponis, Madelon Vriesendorp and Peter Wilson Kirsty Badenoch and Sayan Skandarajah 04.06.2021
This Blue Love: Aldo Rossi in Samos in late Summer 1989 Aldo Rossi Vincenzo Moschetti 02.06.2021
An Everyday Detail Priit Jürimäe 02.06.2021
Peekaboo! Stanford White and the Mystery Lantern for Madison Square Presbyterian Church McKim, Mead & White H. Horatio Joyce 01.06.2021
Pan Scroll Zoom 13: Tatiana Bilbao Tatiana Bilbao Tatiana Bilbao and Fabrizio Gallanti 01.06.2021
Hans Poelzig: Decorating the Empty Centre Hans Poelzig Hana Nihill 01.06.2021
I Cut Mount Fuji Every Day Kathy Prendergast Marie-Henriette Desmoures 31.05.2021
BOLLES+WILSON: Sketching-Over Albania Bolles+Wilson and Peter Wilson Peter Wilson 27.05.2021
Le Palais de Darius a Persepolis Charlotte Hart 27.05.2021
68½ degrees, Sverre Fehn and the Nordic Pavilion: Review & Excerpt Sverre Fehn Niall Hobhouse 26.05.2021
biq: Revealing Construction biq Neil Middleton 26.05.2021
Superstudio & Piranesi: Zeno is Immortal Giovanni Battista Piranesi and Superstudio Olivier Bellflamme 24.05.2021
Insignificance 2: Distinction – Polysemy Gordon Shrigley 19.05.2021
Evocation of Solemnity: Temple of Minerva François Soufflot le Romain Rodrigo Dominguez 19.05.2021
Notes on the 2020 Summer School: Encounters in landscape Marwa El Mubark 18.05.2021
Pan Scroll Zoom 12: Elizabeth Hatz Elizabeth Hatz 18.05.2021
To Assist Ruben Casqero 18.05.2021
Fernand Pouillon’s Survey of the Abbey of Le Thoronet Fernand Pouillon Oscar Mather 17.05.2021
Keshi Ghat Amrutha Viswanath 13.05.2021
Hans Hollein’s Immunological City Hans Hollein Dhruv Mehta 12.05.2021
Bovenbouw Architectuur: One Paper Model and Three Paper Collages Bovenbouw Ciaran Scannell 12.05.2021
Eric Gill On Designing War Graves (1919) Eric Gill and R S Gokhale Eric Gill 11.05.2021
Medieval Masons and Tracing-floors John Harvey Jennifer Smith 10.05.2021
The Intention of Suspension: Peter Wilson’s Clandeboye Fish Peter Wilson Gabrielle Eglen 10.05.2021
fala atelier: Seriously Playful fala Jack Huang 06.05.2021
Diagrams: Hans van der Heijden in Conversation with Richard Hall Hans van der Heijden Architect Richard Hall 05.05.2021
The Zilsel Thesis: A Review of Strata: William Smith’s Geological Maps (2020): Review Stan Allen 04.05.2021
Insignificance 1: Discipline Adler & Sullivan Gordon Shrigley 04.05.2021
Notes on Architectural Education and Drawing Álvaro Siza Rafael Sousa Santos 03.05.2021
Bulgakov’s ‘Golden City’ (1923) Aleksandra Ekster, Boris Gladkov and Vera Mukhina Cyril Babeev 03.05.2021
Crossing the Abyss Deanna Petherbridge Deanna Petherbridge 01.05.2021
14 Wine Street, Bristol Henry Crisp Lee Marable 29.04.2021
The Beaux-Arts Tradition Gabriel Pierre Martin Dumont Basile Baudez and Maureen Cassidy-Geiger 29.04.2021
Nobuo Sekine: Phase of Nothingness Nobuo Sekine Editors 27.04.2021
Order and Uncertainty in Architectural Drawing Leon Battista Alberti and Peter Wilson Luke Tipene 26.04.2021
Leicester Engineering building: Two Architects (1964) James Gowan and James Stirling Ellis Woodman 26.04.2021
Open Wide / Wide Open Angharad Davies 22.04.2021
Peter Märkli: My Facade Material Peter Märkli Editors 21.04.2021
Pan Scroll Zoom 11: Architecten Jan De Vylder Inge Vinck architecten jan de vylder inge vinck Fabrizio Gallanti, Inge Vinck and Jan De Vylder 19.04.2021
Physical & Digital Drawing Reuben Roberts 19.04.2021
Sébastien Marot’s Taking The Country’s Side (2019): Review & Excerpt Adam Caruso 19.04.2021
The Vitruvian Man: With Fresh Eyes Niamh Murphy 14.04.2021
The Architecture of Nothingness: Analysing Frank Lloyd Wright’s Unity Temple Alicja Andreasik Lyons, Frank Lyons and Frank Lloyd Wright Frank Lyons 12.04.2021
Shaping Landscape: Schinkel and Erratics Karl Friedrich Schinkel Tom Cookson 12.04.2021
Place and Displacement: Rubbings from Architecture Sam van Strien 12.04.2021
Balzac architecte (1856) Leon Gozlan 09.04.2021
Nancy Holt: Sky Mound Holt/Smithson Foundation 08.04.2021
Hans Hollein: From a Distance Hans Hollein Robert Crawford 07.04.2021
Adam Bede’s ‘Discourse on Building’ (1859) W H Colt Son & Co, Cassius Goldsmith, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, William F May, Arthur J Pictor and Anthony Salvin George Eliot 06.04.2021
Remembering a House in an Indiana Cornfield Larry Richards 31.03.2021
Flores & Prats Sala Beckett International Drama Centre (2020): Review & Excerpts Flores i Prats Architects Helen Thomas 30.03.2021
Casino Royale: Stynen’s unrealised sculpture garden Léon Stynen Emerald Liu 30.03.2021
André Arbus: Details Matter André Arbus Anna Healy 29.03.2021
Ritual and Repitition at San Cataldo Cemetery Adam Caruso and Aldo Rossi Marwa El Mubark 29.03.2021
Pan Scroll Zoom 10: Studio Othenin-Girard Guillaume Othenin-Girard 29.03.2021
Working with Gowan: Housing at East Hanningfield James Gowan Paul Notley 26.03.2021
Studio Mumbai’s Tape Drawing Bijoy Jain Irfan Safdag 25.03.2021
Derrida & Eisenman: Laugh(ing) of(f) the lyre Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi André Patrão 22.03.2021
Marie-José Van Hee: Seeing not Showing Marie-José Van Hee Tessa Baird 22.03.2021
Cedric Price: Urban Spaceman Cedric Price Ana Bonet Miró 22.03.2021
Pan Scroll Zoom 9: The Screen ClassRooms Anuj Daga 19.03.2021
Haunted: Robert Smithson’s ‘My House is a Decayed House’ Robert Smithson Suzaan Boettger 18.03.2021
The Floor Plan of a Room Hugh Strange Architects Thomas Hutton 17.03.2021
Building Desire: On the Barcelona Pavilion (2005) Ludwig Mies van der Rohe George Dodds 16.03.2021
Pan Scroll Zoom 8: Patrick Lynch Patrick Lynch 16.03.2021
Excerpt: Shadow Places Le Corbusier and Louis Kahn Simon Unwin 15.03.2021
Hans Poelzig: Der Golem Hans Poelzig Robert Wightman 11.03.2021
Lauretta Vinciarelli: Homogeneous and Non-Homogeneous Grids Peter Eisenman, OMA, Cedric Price, Lauretta Vinciarelli and Zoe Zenghelis Rebecca Siefert 11.03.2021
The MARS Group’s Plan for London, 1933-1944 Edwin Maxwell Fry, Arthur Korn, Felix Samuely and Morton Shand Mirjam Kupferschmid 08.03.2021
Glasgow School of Art: The Measure of Things Paul Clarke and Charles Rennie Mackintosh Paul Clarke 08.03.2021
Stanley Peach: Church Plan based on the Figure of Christ Charles Stanley Peach Mireya Fabregas 08.03.2021
Make me Hyper-Real: Image Ethics and the Architectural Visualisation Rex Savidge Daniel Innes 05.03.2021
Tradition and Modernity, Continuity and Critique Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Superstudio, Giuseppe Terragni and Lauretta Vinciarelli Rebecca Siefert 04.03.2021
Cedric Price: Westal Market Stall Prototypes Cedric Price Editors 01.03.2021
The Perpetual Race of Piranesi and the Tortoise Giovanni Battista Piranesi Marc McGowan 01.03.2021
Architecture’s Mirror Stage Gunnar Birkerts and Associates Michael Abrahamson 26.02.2021
Pan Scroll Zoom 7: MOS MOS Architects Fabrizio Gallanti, Michael Meredith and Hilary Sample 25.02.2021
Stan Allen’s Situated Objects (2020): Review & Excerpt Stan Allen Niall Hobhouse 24.02.2021
Re-presenting the Rococo Johann Michael Fischer David Valinsky 24.02.2021
Take One: Architects on Drawing Denys Lasdun, Graham Morrison, Richard Wentworth and Michael Wilford Editors 23.02.2021
In Search of an Honest Map Guy Debord Nicholas Herrmann 22.02.2021
Walter Pichler: Mystery and Mysticism Walter Pichler Harvey Herman 19.02.2021
Superstudio: Another Mirror Image 9999, Adolfo Natalini and Superstudio Ludwig Engel 17.02.2021
Singing Songs of Piccadilly: Review Editors 16.02.2021
Signature Zaha Hadid André Patrão 15.02.2021
Mother of All Drawings Deepiga Kameswaran 15.02.2021
The Problem with Rainbows Adolfo Natalini and Superstudio Adolfo Natalini 12.02.2021
Charlotte Skene Catling: The Dairy House Skene Catling de la Pena Françoise Astorg Bollack 11.02.2021
Sir John Soane’s Museum: Bound Legacy Ray Bradbury and John Soane Alexandra Politis 09.02.2021
The Architect and the Matador Eugène Viollet-le-Duc Thomas Gould 08.02.2021
On Tony Fretton and the Lisson Gallery Tony Fretton Architects and Tony Fretton Nicholas Logsdail 05.02.2021
Louis Kahn: In Praise of shadows Louis Kahn Emerald Liu 03.02.2021
Drawing the Curtain: Entangling rendering and theatrical space Thomas Hutton 02.02.2021
Carlos Diniz and the World Trade Center Carlos Diniz Sam van Strien 01.02.2021
Drawing Sacred Forests and Courtyards in South Benin Quentin Nicolaï 29.01.2021
Hello Iwona James Gowan Hamish Lonergan 27.01.2021
Elliott Glushak vs. The City of New York Philippa Lewis 27.01.2021
The House and the Sketch Bijan Thornycroft Bijan Thornycroft 25.01.2021
Two Early Paintings with OMA OMA, Elia Zenghelis and Zoe Zenghelis Zoe Zenghelis 25.01.2021
Viollet-le-Duc: Ruins in Reverse Eugène Viollet-le-Duc Thomas Gould 22.01.2021
Zahalternative Histories: O’Donnell + Tuomey on Zaha Hadid Sheila O'Donnell, O'Donnell + Tuomey and John Tuomey John Tuomey 19.01.2021
Aldo Rossi: Divination of a Drawing Aldo Rossi Chloe Spiby Loh 18.01.2021
Pan Scroll Zoom 6: Emily Wettstein Fabrizio Gallanti and Emily Wettstein 18.01.2021
Pier Vittorio Aureli’s Architecture of Abstraction Pier Vittorio Aureli Nicholas Andrew Pacula 15.01.2021
Architecture at the Edge Craig Moller Craig Moller and Marco Moro 13.01.2021
The Discreet Charm of the Bureaucratic Henry-Russell Hitchcock, Albert Kahn, Adolfo Natalini and Superstudio Michael Abrahamson 13.01.2021
Thomas Chippendale and Ornament Thomas Chippendale Tom Cookson 13.01.2021
The Meaning of Lines Charles Barry and A. W. N. Pugin Laura Bonell and Daniel López-Dòriga 11.01.2021
The Fun Palace: Light Adaptation Cedric Price Chase Galis 08.01.2021
The Values of Profiles (1951) Luigi Moretti Luigi Moretti 08.01.2021
Writing Prize 2020: Architectural Apparitions Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Anahat Chandra 07.01.2021
Malagueira: Conflict Resolution (1983) Álvaro Siza Álvaro Siza 04.01.2021
Christmas Reading List 2020 Editors 22.12.2020
Shower at Shatwell Farm Adam Blencowe 21.12.2020
Anna Atkins: Laying Out the Blueprints Nicholas Herrmann 21.12.2020
Startha Éagsula: GKMP architects on Charles Moore Charles Moore and GKMP architects GKMP architects 17.12.2020
Writing Prize 2020: Pens down, Braid up David Adjaye, Meschac Gaba and Gottfried Semper Cassandra Adjei 17.12.2020
Soane’s Temple Stye John Soane Rosie Ellison-Balaam 16.12.2020
Pan Scroll Zoom 5: Andrés Jaque Office for Political Innovation and Andrés Jaque Fabrizio Gallanti and Andrés Jaque 16.12.2020
Writing Prize 2020: The Anatomy of an Oyster Theatre Luc Laporte Emilie Banville 14.12.2020
Startha Éagsula: O’Donnell + Tuomey on Zaha Hadid Zaha Hadid and O'Donnell + Tuomey Sheila O'Donnell and John Tuomey 11.12.2020
Drawing, Collaging, Rendering Superstudio, Otto Wagner and Frank Lloyd Wright Cameron Lintott 09.12.2020
Vitruvius: Follow the Footprints Antonio di Pietro Averlino, Donato Bramante, Andrea Palladio and Antonio da Sangallo the Younger Paul Emmons 07.12.2020
Writing Prize 2020: Domestic Space, Registered Giovanni Battista Piranesi Laura Bonell and Daniel López-Dòriga 05.12.2020
Startha Éagsula: t o b Architect on James Gowan t o b Architect and James Gowan Thomas O’Brien 03.12.2020
Collection of Sections Allen Keith Yee 02.12.2020
Writing Prize 2020: Smudgy Logic – A Short Story Kengo Kuma Aris Kafantaris 30.11.2020
On a Handrail Tony Fretton Architects, Tony Fretton and OMMX Jon Lopez 30.11.2020
Startha Éagsula: Paul Dillon Architects on Florian Beigel and Philip Christou Paul Dillon Architects, Florian Beigel and Philip Christou Paul Dillon 26.11.2020
William Heath Robinson ‘Tightening the Green Belt’ William Heath Robinson Laura Freeman 26.11.2020
Aldo Rossi: The First Sketch and the Final Drawing Aldo Rossi Andrea Leonardi 25.11.2020
Drawing is discovery (1953) John Berger 24.11.2020
Outside In Archizoom Associati Emily Priest 23.11.2020
Startha Éagsula: David Leech Architects on Barthélemy Enfantin David Leech Architects and Barthélemy Enfantin David Leech 19.11.2020
Pan Scroll Zoom 4: Pezo von Ellrichshausen Pezo von Ellrichshausen Sofia von Ellrichshausen, Fabrizio Gallanti and Mauricio Pezo 18.11.2020
Sigurd Lewerentz: Siting the Axonometric Theo van Doesburg, Cornelis van Eesteren, Jacques Androuet du Cerceau the Elder, Peter Foster, John Hejduk, Sigurd Lewerentz and El Lissitzky Stan Allen 17.11.2020
Bramante: Five Dots Donato Bramante Guido Beltramini 16.11.2020
Writing Prize 2020: Appropriation and Drawing Aldo Rossi Marko Skoblar 13.11.2020
Startha Éagsula: Steve Larkin Architects on Walter Pichler Steve Larkin Architects and Walter Pichler Steve Larkin 12.11.2020
Paolo Portoghesi: The Field Theory Paolo Portoghesi Marco Vanucci 09.11.2020
All back to front: D’Aviler’s Cours D’Architecture Louis de Boulogne, Charles-Augustin D’Aviler and Jean Langlois Richard Emerson 09.11.2020
Writing Prize 2020: To Measure a Croissant Enric Miralles Emily Priest 09.11.2020
Tree Speech Adolfo Natalini, Aldo Rossi and Superstudio Sylvia Lavin 07.11.2020
Writing Prize 2020: Hugh Casson’s ‘Diary’ Hugh Casson Laura Freeman 06.11.2020
Startha Éagsula: Níall McLaughlin Architects on Basil Spence Níall McLaughlin Architects Níall McLaughlin 04.11.2020
Writing Prize 2020: Held Fast: SITE’s Ghost Parking Lot James Wines Anna Renken 03.11.2020
Trees Push Back Richard Neutra Sylvia Lavin 03.11.2020
Writing Prize 2020: The Best Future James Wines Cameron Lintott 02.11.2020
Startha Éagsula: Elizabeth Hatz on Frank Lloyd Wright Elizabeth Hatz and Frank Lloyd Wright Elizabeth Hatz 29.10.2020
Echo: SuperStudio & Hans Hollein Hans Hollein and Superstudio Matt Page 28.10.2020
Tony Fretton: Tolerance Tony Fretton Architects and Tony Fretton Richard Hall 27.10.2020
A New Administration Center For Los Angeles (1936) William Lee Woollett William Hamilton 27.10.2020
Trees Move In Gabriel Pierre Martin Dumont, Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen and Marc-Antoine Laugier Sylvia Lavin 22.10.2020
Qamutit Home Konstantin Ikonomidis Konstantin Ikonomidis 22.10.2020
Startha Éagsula: Grafton Architects on Paulo Mendes da Rocha Grafton Architects Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara 20.10.2020
Palladio’s Lines Andrea Palladio Sezin Sarıca 15.10.2020
Raymond Erith On Soane at Tendring Hall Raymond Erith, Marc-Antoine Laugier and John Soane Pierre du Prey 13.10.2020
S.A.U.L. 4th Year: De Rerum Natura / In the Manner Of Superstudio Gerard Carty, Elizabeth Hatz and Fionn O'Leary 13.10.2020
The Empire State Building: Elevators (1931) Shreve, Lamb and Harmon Bassett Jones 13.10.2020
Trees Make A Plan Giorgio Vasari and Antonio da Sangallo the Younger Sylvia Lavin 07.10.2020
Writing Prize 2020: Figures of War Archizoom Associati Francesco Marullo 29.09.2020
Pan Scroll Zoom 3: Andrew Clancy Andrew Clancy Andrew Clancy 28.09.2020
Writing Prize 2020: Drawing People Daniel Innes 23.09.2020
Pan Scroll Zoom 2: Flores & Prats Flores i Prats Architects Ricardo Flores, Fabrizio Gallanti and Eva Prats 01.09.2020
Superstudio: Monument Interrupted Adolfo Natalini and Superstudio Julian Lewis 31.08.2020
Paul László: Hertz Fallout Shelter Paul László Christine Bolli 31.08.2020
Soane’s Designs for Combe House, Continued George Basevi and John Soane Pierre du Prey 30.07.2020
Pan Scroll Zoom 1: Fabrizio Gallanti Fabrizio Gallanti 30.07.2020
Just Begin: The Convent Sainte-Marie-de-la-Tourette Le Corbusier, José Oubrerie and Iannis Xenakis Stan Allen and José Oubrerie 28.07.2020
The Wobbly Line: Asplund, Johansson and the Influence of Tessenow in Sweden 1915–1925 Erik Gunnar Asplund, Cyrillus Johansson and Heinrich Tessenow Jan Rydén 27.07.2020
Dating Siza: The Malagueira ‘Cupula’ Álvaro Siza Manuel Montenegro 23.07.2020
Hybrid Studio Brian Carter 23.07.2020
OMA in Scheveningen Rem Koolhaas, Willem Jan Neutelings and OMA Willem Jan Neutelings 22.07.2020
A Glasgow Effect Paul Stallan Paul Stallan 17.07.2020
Venice Biennale (1985) Dario Passi Dario Passi 14.07.2020
Siza at Sixteen Álvaro Siza Manuel Montenegro and Álvaro Siza 10.07.2020
The Birds’ Morning Hymn (1929) Robert Lorimer Robert Lorimer 10.07.2020
Notes on Port Royal, Jamaica Oliver Cox and Nathaniel Watts Paul Cox 07.07.2020
The Conservative (1941) Frederick Landseer Griggs Graham Greene 06.07.2020
Fresh and Surprised Julian Lewis Julian Lewis 02.07.2020
Library of Babel Cedric Price and James White James White 29.06.2020
The Real and Imagined Worlds of Álvaro Siza Álvaro Siza Bruno Silvestre 26.06.2020
Mies: The Berlin Building Expostition (1974) Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Philip Johnson 25.06.2020
Soane: Energy and Frustration John Soane Ptolemy Dean 24.06.2020
The Story of the Pool (1978) Rem Koolhaas and Madelon Vriesendorp Rem Koolhaas 19.06.2020
James Gowan: The Sheet for the Job Jantje Engels 17.06.2020
Staging Brancusi Asli Çiçek Sarah Handelman and Asli Çiçek 15.06.2020
Stirling at Stuttgart: Rear View / Up Views Charles Jencks, James Stirling, John Tuomey and Michael Wilford John Tuomey 15.06.2020
Mies: The Horizon Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Robin Evans 14.06.2020
Thomas Henry Wyatt’s Brook House Thomas Henry Wyatt Andrew Jones 12.06.2020
Ove Arup: Engineering the World Ove Arup and Hélène Binet Hugh Pearman 12.06.2020
Álvaro Siza: Drawn Closer Álvaro Siza Álvaro Siza 11.06.2020
SUPA Architects: Naked Plans SUPA Architects Christian Schweitzer and Ryul Song 06.06.2020
A Smoky Monument / Saunamonumentti Tuomas Toivonen Tuomas Toivonen 05.06.2020
Welfare Palace Hotel (1978) Rem Koolhaas and Madelon Vriesendorp Rem Koolhaas 04.06.2020
Instead of an Article (1958) Alvar Aalto Alvar Aalto 03.06.2020
W. E. B. Du Bois’ visionary infographics William Edward Burghardt Du Bois Sarah Handelman 02.06.2020
Michael Graves’ Rooftop Village (1985) Michael Graves and Charles Jencks David L. Gilbert 01.06.2020
Working with Asplund Erik Gunnar Asplund Herbert Korn 29.05.2020
Architectural Typefaces Adrien Vasquez 29.05.2020
Jaume Mayol / TEd’A Arquitectes: Drawn Closer Sarah Handelman and Jaume Mayol 28.05.2020
New Welfare Island (1978) Rem Koolhaas and Madelon Vriesendorp Rem Koolhaas 27.05.2020
Gallaratese & Fagnano Olona (1976) Aldo Rossi Aldo Rossi 26.05.2020
Eisenman: House VI (1985) Peter Eisenman and Charles Jencks Kathleen Enz Finken 21.05.2020
On William Kent (1771) Horace Walpole 19.05.2020
Calculated Aesthetics Livio Vacchini Asli Çiçek 19.05.2020
Ink on his Hands: Montano’s Visceral Roman Architectures Giovanni Battista Montano and Sebastiano Serlio Dijana O. Apostolski 18.05.2020
Hotel Sphinx (1978) Rem Koolhaas Rem Koolhaas 18.05.2020
L’Invasion de la Viande (1980) Jean Criton Elie Delamare-Debouteville 14.05.2020
Paul Robbrecht: Drawn Closer Robbrecht en Daem and Paul Robbrecht Paul Robbrecht 12.05.2020
Wright & Lautner: The Divorce Nicholas Olsberg 12.05.2020
The Decline of Architectural Drawing (1859) Henry Roberts C. H. Smith 11.05.2020
On Plans Barry Gasson and John Meunier John Meunier 10.05.2020
O’Donnell + Tuomey in Conversation Sheila O'Donnell and John Tuomey Sheila O'Donnell and John Tuomey 08.05.2020
Animals James Gowan James Gowan and Ellis Woodman 05.05.2020
The Ultimate Climes of John Lautner (1986) John Lautner Esther McCoy 04.05.2020
Drawing on the Nolli Plan Sheila O'Donnell 01.05.2020
Louis Kahn: Notes on a Scrap of Paper Brian Carter 30.04.2020
Scanning Shatwell Zachary Mollica, Jonathan Sellers and Lucas Wilson Lucas Wilson 30.04.2020
Grounded: Plans & Planning Richard Hall and Niall Hobhouse 29.04.2020
Plan with the form of a growling dog Tony Fretton 29.04.2020
Shape Charles Moore 28.04.2020
Cadbury-Brown: Royal College of Art Extension Henry Thomas Cadbury-Brown Lionel Brett 28.04.2020
Haiku John Cage John Cage 28.04.2020
Space Charles Moore 27.04.2020
BV Doshi: Drawn Closer Le Corbusier, Balkrishna Vithaldas Doshi, Louis Kahn and Iannis Xenakis Balkrishna Vithaldas Doshi and Sarah Handelman 23.04.2020
One Thing Leads to Another James Gowan and John Hejduk Richard Hall 23.04.2020
Daria’s Aria Giò Ponti Sarah Handelman 23.04.2020
Ruskin: Fairy Tales John Ruskin John Ruskin 22.04.2020
Allies & Morrison: The Art of Architecture Alfredo Caraballo and Allies & Morrison Gabor Gallov 18.04.2020
Charles Barry: Good and Bad Manners in Architecture Charles Barry and Charles Robert Cockerell David Blissett 17.04.2020
The San Cataldo Ossuary in the Age of Hyper-Objects Stefano Corbo Stefano Corbo 16.04.2020
Language & the Doorn Manifesto Peter Smithson 14.04.2020
The Garden of Earthly Delights Josef Frank, Gabriel Guevrekian and Josef Hoffmann Hamed Khosravi 09.04.2020
Postcard from Nowhere (Counterswimming) Rem Koolhaas Teresa Stoppani 08.04.2020
Yasmeen Lari: Drawn Closer Yasmeen Lari Helen Thomas 07.04.2020
Where Words Fail Arseniy Ivanovich Likholet Cyril Babeev and Matt Page 06.04.2020
Drawing Culture at SOM New York Gordon Bunshaft, Tom Killian and Skidmore Owings & Merrill Tom Killian 03.04.2020
Web of Intrigue Michael Sorkin Michael Webb 03.04.2020
Gowan on the English House James Gowan James Gowan 01.04.2020
Houses of Work and Play Álvaro Siza Patrick Lynch 30.03.2020
Retail Therapy Alexander Scott Carter A. Trystan Edwards 30.03.2020
Take One: Henry ‘Jim’ Cadbury-Brown and Richard Wentworth on the Royal College of Art Henry Thomas Cadbury-Brown 27.03.2020
Peter Blake & Adolfo Natalini: From Mies to Mickey Mouse Peter Blake and Adolfo Natalini Peter Blake 25.03.2020
Behind the Walls Albert Matt Page 23.03.2020
‘I chose a distant meadow’: The House that Neutra Built Richard Neutra Stephen Bayley 20.03.2020
Aalto on Asplund: Stockholm Exhibition (1930) Alvar Aalto and Erik Gunnar Asplund Alvar Aalto 09.03.2020
Take One: James Gowan and Sandra Lousada on the Leicester Engineering Building James Gowan and Sandra Lousada 06.03.2020
Colin Rowe: Piazza Augusto Imperatore (1995) Colin Rowe Colin Rowe 05.03.2020
Summerson: The Little House Eugène Viollet-le-Duc John Summerson 04.03.2020
Biba Dow on Giorgio Morandi: Group and Threshold Dow Jones Architects and Giorgio Morandi Biba Dow 03.03.2020
Seeing, and Disbelieving James Stirling Niall Hobhouse 02.03.2020
In the Archive: OMA, Neutelings, Hejduk, Gowan James Gowan, Zaha Hadid, John Hejduk, Rem Koolhaas, Willem Jan Neutelings, OMA, Zoe Zenghelis and Elia Zenghelis Richard Hall and Emma Rutherford 01.03.2020
Ronchamp: ‘Rough to the Touch’ Le Corbusier Robin Evans 28.02.2020
Leto Litho Leningrad William Firebrace 20.02.2020
Buckminster Fuller: Geodesic Chandelier Richard Buckminster Fuller 19.02.2020
The Iconography of Desolation Robert Smithson Robert Smithson 17.02.2020
In the Archive: Edouard Cabay Charles Barry, Charles Robert Cockerell, Superstudio and Michael Webb Edouard Cabay 16.02.2020
Next Year in Yemen Thomas Padmanabhan Thomas Padmanabhan 09.02.2020
Take One: Colin St John Wilson, MJ Long and Eric Parry on the British Library MJ Long, Eric Parry and Colin St John Wilson Editors 07.02.2020
Tony Fretton: Drawn Closer Tony Fretton Tony Fretton and Sarah Handelman 06.02.2020
La Casa Della Falsita Studio Alchymia, Andrea Branzi, Zaha Hadid, Haus-Rücker-Co, Charles Jencks, Alessandro Mendini, Bruno Minardi, Stefan Wewerka and Peter Wilson Peter Wilson 05.02.2020
Behind the Lines 14 René-André Coulon Philippa Lewis 03.02.2020
Basil Spence: Houses of Parliament Basil Spence 29.01.2020
Battersea Redevelopment Cedric Price 22.01.2020
A Chevrolet Truck John Chilka Stephen Bayley 20.01.2020
Spaghetti with Meatballs Andreas von Foerster Andreas von Foerster 20.01.2020
Origins in Translation Stephen Taylor Architects, Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen, Takeshi Hayatsu, Marc-Antoine Laugier, Sebastiano Serlio and Samuel Wale Mari Lending 20.01.2020
Watkin on Milizia: Frontispiece to The Lives of the Celebrated Architects, Ancient and Modern Francesco Milizia David Watkin 17.01.2020
Espelho Álvaro Álvaro Siza Mário Botta 15.01.2020
One Small Sketch for Mankind Raymond Loewy Stephen Bayley 13.01.2020
ETH Zurich: Casting the Cornice in Ticino Michael Graves, Emil Hoppe and George Niemann Emma Letizia Jones and Erik Wegerhoff 08.01.2020
Marie-José Van Hee: Drawn Closer Marie-José Van Hee Marie-José Van Hee 02.01.2020
Imaginal Cloud Spaces Sayan Skandarajah Sayan Skandarajah 31.12.2019
Other Lives: Charles Eisen and Laugier’s Essai sur l’Architecture Jean-Jacques Aliamet, Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen, Anne Fonbonne and Marc-Antoine Laugier Rebecca Williamson 26.12.2019
A Dose of Dosio Giovanni Antonio Dosio Laura Harty 24.12.2019
Surface-oriented Italo Calvino Rosa Nussbaum 18.12.2019
From a Little Below and to the Right Edwin Lutyens Niall Hobhouse 17.12.2019
Six Architects on their Dream Desks Roz Barr Architects, Lina Bo Bardi, Finn Juhl, Stephanie Macdonald, Jean-Charles Moreux, Richard Neutra, Jacobus Johannes Pieter Oud and Otto Schönthal Roz Barr, Biba Dow, Elizabeth Hatz, Emma Letizia Jones, Stephanie Macdonald and Helen Thomas 17.12.2019
Aldo & Adolf Adolf Loos and Aldo Rossi Aldo Rossi 13.12.2019
Leonhard Lapin: Objects on the Beach Leonhard Lapin Andres Kurg 13.12.2019
James Gowan Millbank: Sketches and Comments James Gowan Matt Page 09.12.2019
Adolphe Appia: ‘Luminous – Very Luminous’ Adolphe Appia Ross Anderson 27.11.2019
Liquid Paper Denis Diderot, Francesco di Giorgio and John Taylor Mark Dorrian 15.11.2019
Henry van de Velde and a Monument to Nietzsche Henry van de Velde Richard Hollis 13.11.2019
Ernest Gimson: Against Hotch-Potch Ernest Gimson Annette Carruthers, Mary Greensted and Barley Roscoe 11.11.2019
The Difficulty of Designing Furniture Álvaro Siza Álvaro Siza 07.11.2019
Giò Ponti: Plan chest designs, c.1955 Giò Ponti 07.11.2019
Francesco Milizia on Maderno, Posi and Jonson Carlo Maderno, Paolo Posi and Jan de Vylder Francesco Milizia 07.11.2019
Fontaine: Hide-and-Seek Robert Adam, Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine and Charles Percier Iris Moon 01.11.2019
What Lies Beneath Sarah Handelman 31.10.2019
The Office Copier and Baptism by Colour: Working for Rossi in the 1990s Aldo Rossi Maurizio Diton 25.10.2019
Tales from the Crypt Giles Gilbert Scott Stephen Bayley 18.10.2019
Behind the Lines 13 Richard Neutra Philippa Lewis 10.10.2019
Geoffrey Goes to Basildon Geoffrey Jellicoe Gillian Darley 10.10.2019
Gio Ponti: un disegno è un idea Giò Ponti Niall Hobhouse 07.10.2019
Cedric Price: The Evolving Image Cedric Price 03.10.2019
Behind the Lines 12 Gordon M Hills Philippa Lewis 23.09.2019
John Hejduk’s Axonometric Degree Zero John Hejduk and Arata Isozaki Stan Allen 23.09.2019
Josef Frank: Happy Accidentism Josef Frank Mikael Bergquist 21.09.2019
Harvey Wiley Corbett on Architectural Models of Cardboard Harvey Wiley Corbett 19.09.2019
Living in Colour Alberto Ponis Alberto Ponis 17.09.2019
Gio Ponti: ‘Come for Porchetta’ Giò Ponti Niall Hobhouse 23.08.2019
Le Corbusier and the Poetry of Objects Le Corbusier Danièle Pauly 22.08.2019
Dom Hans van der Laan: Drawing the Scottish Tartan Dom Hans van der Laan Caroline Voet 19.08.2019
Behind the Lines 11 Robert Schnebbelie Philippa Lewis 12.08.2019
Alternative Histories: Hild und K Architekten on James Gowan Hild und K Architekten and James Gowan 10.08.2019
Learning from the Tortoise Jean Aubert, Jean-Jacques Lequeu and Melchior Lorck William Firebrace 09.08.2019
The Matter of Drawing Freddie Phillipson 03.08.2019
Alternative Histories: Knapkiewicz & Fickert on Charles Barry Knapkiewicz & Fickert Architekten and Charles Barry Axel Fickert and Kaschka Knapkiewicz 31.07.2019
Alternative Histories: Professur Lehnerer ETH & Klara Bindl On SUperstudio Klara Bindl, Alexander Lehnerer, Adolfo Natalini and Superstudio 31.07.2019
Alternative Histories: Raamwerk on Tony Fretton Tony Fretton Architects, Tony Fretton and Raamwerk 31.07.2019
Alternative Histories: Sam Jacob Studio on Archizoom Archizoom Associati and Sam Jacob Studio 31.07.2019
Alternative Histories: Veldwerk Architecten on Gabriel Pierre Martin Dumont Veldwerk Architecten, Gabriel Pierre Martin Dumont, Jantje Engels and Marius Grootveld 31.07.2019
Alternative Histories: Nikolaus Bienefeld on James Gowan Nikolaus Bienefeld and James Gowan 30.07.2019
Alternative Histories: NoAarchitecten on Álvaro Siza Álvaro Siza and noAarchitecten 30.07.2019
Alternative Histories: Noreile Breen on Louis Kahn Noreile Breen and Louis Kahn 30.07.2019
Alternative Histories: Oda Pälmke Architektin on Archizoom Oda Pälmke Architektin 30.07.2019
Alternative Histories: muf architecture/art on John Hejduk John Hejduk and muf architecture/art 29.07.2019
Alternative Histories: Monadnock on James Stirling Monadnock and James Stirling 29.07.2019
Alternative Histories: Edelaar Mosayebi Inderbitzin Architekten on Alvar Aalto Alvar Aalto and Edelaar Mosayebi Inderbitzin Architekten 29.07.2019
Alternative Histories: Dierendonckblancke Architecten on Jean and HENRI Prouvé Dierendonckblancke Architecten, Jean Prouvé and Henri Prouvé 29.07.2019
Alternative Histories: AMUNT on Adolf Loos AMUNT and Adolf Loos 29.07.2019
Alternative Histories: Loeliger Strub Architektur on Emil Hoppe Loeliger Strub Architektur and Emil Hoppe 29.07.2019
Alternative Histories: Lilith Ronner van Hooijdonk on Edward Blore Edward Blore and Lilith Ronner van Hooijdonk 29.07.2019
Alternative Histories: ECTV on Tony Fretton ECTV and Tony Fretton 29.07.2019
Alternative Histories: Johansen Skovsted Arkitekter on Peter Märkli Johansen Skovsted Arkitekter and Peter Märkli 29.07.2019
Alternative Histories: David Kohn Architects on John Hejduk David Kohn Architects and John Hejduk 29.07.2019
Alternative Histories: Eagles of Architecture on Adolfo Natalini Eagles of Architecture, Adolfo Natalini and Superstudio 29.07.2019
Alternative Histories: Dyvik Kahlen Architects on Tony Fretton Dyvik Kahlen Architects and Tony Fretton 29.07.2019
Alternative Histories: OMMX on Adolfo Natalini Adolfo Natalini, OMMX and Superstudio 27.07.2019
Grandorge’s Pavilion David Grandorge David Grandorge 21.07.2019
Alternative Histories: Happel Cornelisse Verhoeven Architecten on Ernest Born Happel Cornelisse Verhoeven Architecten and Ernest Born 15.07.2019
Alternative Histories: ONO Architectuur on James Gowan James Gowan and ONO architectuur 15.07.2019
Alternative Histories: Murmuur Architecten on Álvaro Siza Murmuur Architecten and Álvaro Siza 08.07.2019
Alternative Histories: EM2N on Alexander Brodsky Alexander Brodsky and EM2N 08.07.2019
Alternative Histories: 2A+P/A on Aldo Rossi 2A+P/A and Aldo Rossi 08.07.2019
Alternative Histories: Charles Holland Architects on John Lautner Charles Holland Architects, Richard Buckminster Fuller and John Lautner 08.07.2019
Domestication and the Permutation of Interruption Dara Birnbaum and Tim Hupe Dara Birnbaum 02.07.2019
Alternative Histories: Stephen Taylor Architects on Robbrecht and Daem Stephen Taylor Architects, Hilde Daem, Robbrecht en Daem and Paul Robbrecht 01.07.2019
Lauretta Vinciarelli’s West Texas Types Lauretta Vinciarelli Caitlin Murray 26.06.2019
Alternative Histories: Rural Urban Framework on Joseph Scholz Rural Urban Framework and Jos Scholz 24.06.2019
Halsey Ricardo William Burges, William Nesfield, Halsey Ricardo, Richard Norman Shaw, George Edmund Street and Philip Webb Nicholas Olsberg 22.06.2019
Behind the Lines 10 Samuel Hardy Philippa Lewis 19.06.2019
On Cornices, Part I Karl Friedrich Schinkel Emma Letizia Jones 17.06.2019
Alternative Histories: Multerer Architekten on Louis Kahn Multerer Architekten and Louis Kahn 14.06.2019
Alternative Histories: fala atelier on Louis Kahn Louis Kahn and fala 14.06.2019
Ugliness and Judgment John Wood Timothy Hyde 19.04.2019
Alternative Histories: Havana architectuur on Michael Webb Michael Webb and Havana architectuur 18.04.2019
Alternative Histories: BeL on Walter Pichler BeL Sozietät für Architektur and Walter Pichler 15.04.2019
Alternative Histories: Smith and Taylor Architects on Erik Gunnar Asplund Smith and Taylor Architects and Erik Gunnar Asplund 10.04.2019
Informal Housing in Fars (Iran) and Kuwait, 1974 Eric Parry Eric Parry 05.04.2019
Zaha and Aldo Self Reflections 23.03.2019
Alternative Histories: Point Supreme Architects on Adolfo Natalini Point Supreme Architects and Adolfo Natalini 21.03.2019
Mystery as Ground Florian Beigel Architects, Lina Bo Bardi, Abraham Bosse, Philip Christou, Tony Fretton, Marie-José Van Hee, Louis Kahn, Sigurd Lewerentz, Álvaro Siza and Louis Sullivan Andrew Clancy 21.03.2019
Alternative Histories: General Architecture on Emil Hoppe General Architecture and Emil Hoppe 21.03.2019
Alternative Histories: Traumnovelle on Michael Gold Michael Gold and Traumnovelle 21.03.2019
Alternative Histories: Philip Christou on Le Corbusier Florian Beigel Architects, Philip Christou and Le Corbusier 21.03.2019
Alternative Histories: Flores i Prats Architects on Alberto Ponis Flores i Prats Architects and Alberto Ponis 20.03.2019
Alternative Histories: Dow Jones Architects on Robbrecht en Daem Dow Jones Architects, Hilde Daem and Robbrecht en Daem 15.03.2019
Alternative Histories: Bernd Schmutz on Jules Hardouin-Mansart Bernd Schmutz Architekten and Jules Hardouin-Mansart 14.03.2019
Drawing with Rafael Moneo, Madrid 1984 Stan Allen Stan Allen 14.03.2019
Alternative Histories: Doorzon Interieurarchitecten on Stefano de Martino Doorzon Interieurarchitecten, Stefano de Martino and OMA Stefanie Everaert and Caroline Lateur 13.03.2019
Alternative Histories: NP2F Architectes on Mario Sironi NP2F Architectes and Alberto Sironi 13.03.2019
Alternative Histories: Lütjens Padmanabhan On Michael Graves Lütjens Padmanabhan Architekten and Michael Graves 09.03.2019
Alternative Histories: Johan Celsing Arkitektkontor on Erik Gunnar Asplund Johan Celsing Arkitektkontor and Erik Gunnar Asplund 09.03.2019
Alternative Histories: Office Winhov on Burnham & Co. Burnham & Company and Office Winhov 09.03.2019
Alternative Histories: Studio Thys Vermeulen on Sergison Bates Sergison Bates, Jonathan Sergison and Studio Thys Vermeulen 09.03.2019
Zaha Hadid: Kurfürstendamm Zaha Hadid Michael Wolfson 08.03.2019
Alternative Histories: Rloaluarnad on Mario Sironi RLOALUARNAD and Mario Sironi 07.03.2019
Gowan and Stirling James Gowan Fred Scott 01.03.2019
Alternative Histories: Descloux Engelschall on Louis-François Trouard Descloux Engelschall and Louis-François Trouard 28.02.2019
Alternative Histories: Roz Barr Architects on John Freeman Roz Barr Architects and John Freeman 28.02.2019
Alternative Histories: Schneider Türtscher on Álvaro Siza Álvaro Siza and Schneider Türtscher 28.02.2019
Alternative Histories: East Architecture on Otto Wagner East Architecture and Otto Wagner 28.02.2019
Alternative Histories: Taka Architects on Peter Märkli Peter Märkli and TAKA architects 28.02.2019
Boompjes II Stefano de Martino and OMA Stefano de Martino 28.02.2019
Alternative Histories: Ryan W Kennihan Architects on John Nash Ryan W. Kennihan Architects and John Nash 24.02.2019
Alternative Histories: Stephen Bates on Henry Thomas Cadbury-Brown Stephen Bates, Sergison Bates and Henry Thomas Cadbury-Brown 22.02.2019
Alternative Histories: 31/44 Architects on William Butterfield 31/44 Architects and William Butterfield 22.02.2019
Alternative Histories: Carmody Groarke on Haus-Rücker-Co Carmody Groarke, Haus-Rücker-Co and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe 22.02.2019
Boompjes I Stefano de Martino and OMA Stefano de Martino 22.02.2019
Roosevelt Island Rem Koolhaas, OMA, Elia Zenghelis and Zoe Zenghelis Zoe Zenghelis 17.02.2019
Alternative Histories: Conen Sigl Architekten on Giuseppe Chiantarelli Conen Sigl Architekten and Giuseppe Chiantarelli 16.02.2019
Alternative Histories: Christ & Gantenbein on Louis Kahn Christ & Gantenbein and Louis Kahn 16.02.2019
Zaha Hadid: Azabu-Juban Zaha Hadid and Michael Wolfson Michael Wolfson 16.02.2019
Alternative Histories: Mikael Bergquist on Peter Märkli Mikael Bergquist and Peter Märkli 14.02.2019
Alternative Histories: De Smet Vermeulen architecten on Bruce Goff Bruce Goff and De Smet Vermeulen architecten 14.02.2019
Alternative Histories: Marie-José Van Hee on Hans Hollein Marie-José Van Hee and Hans Hollein 14.02.2019
Alternative Histories: Hans van der Heijden on Josef Hoffmann Hans van der Heijden Architect and Josef Hoffmann 14.02.2019
Alternative Histories: Clancy Moore Architects on Joseph Paxton Clancy Moore Architects, Sir Joseph Paxton and Gottfried Semper 14.02.2019
Alternative Histories: Caruso St John & Siw Thomas on Hans Poelzig Caruso St John and Siw Thomas 13.02.2019
Eric Parry: Iran, 1974 Eric Parry Eric Parry 10.02.2019
Alternative Histories: dePaor on Hans Poelzig Hans Poelzig 09.02.2019
Schinkel Karl Friedrich Schinkel Kurt Forster 08.02.2019
Eric Parry: India, 1975 Eric Parry Eric Parry 07.02.2019
Alternative Histories: Hayatsu Architects on Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen Hayatsu Architects, Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen and Marc-Antoine Laugier 06.02.2019
Alternative Histories: Gustav Appell Arkitektkontor on Erik Gunnar Asplund Gustav Appell Arkitektkontor and Erik Gunnar Asplund 06.02.2019
Alternative Histories: Witherford Watson Mann on Cedric Price Witherford Watson Mann and Cedric Price 04.02.2019
Alternative Histories: baukuh on John Hejduk John Hejduk and baukuh 04.02.2019
Alternative Histories: Bosshard, Tavor, van der Ploeg and Vihervaara on Bohdan Lachert Bohdan Lachert and Bosshard, Tavor, van der Ploeg and Vihervaara 03.02.2019
Behind the Lines 9 William Beddoe Rees Philippa Lewis 02.02.2019
Alternative Histories: Bovenbouw Architectuur on James Gowan Bovenbouw, James Gowan and Dom Hans van der Laan 01.02.2019
Alternative Histories: De Vylder Vinck Taillieu on Michael Graves Michael Graves and De Vylder Vinck Taillieu 31.01.2019
Alternative Histories: Hugh Strange Architects on Carlo Scarpa Hugh Strange Architects and Carlo Scarpa 31.01.2019
Alternative Histories: Bardakhanova Champkins on Virgilio Marchi Bardakhanova Champkins and Virgilio Marchi 25.01.2019
Drawing, Movement and Medium: Mark Dorrian in Conversation with Michael Webb, Episode 3 Michael Webb Mark Dorrian and Michael Webb 21.01.2019
Drawing, Movement and Medium: Michael Webb in Conversation with Mark Dorrian, Episode 2 Louis Kahn and Michael Webb Mark Dorrian and Michael Webb 21.01.2019
Drawing, Movement and Medium: Michael Webb in Conversation with Mark Dorrian, Episode 1 Michael Webb Mark Dorrian and Michael Webb 19.01.2019
Alternative Histories: Max Otto Zitzelsberger on Louis Tullius Joachim Visconti Louis Tullius Joachim Visconti and Max Otto Zitzelsberger 17.01.2019
Alternative Histories: Robbrecht en Daem Architecten on Le Corbusier Le Corbusier and Robbrecht en Daem 12.01.2019
Alternative Histories: Jonathan Sergison on Carlos Diniz Sergison Bates and Carlos Diniz 12.01.2019
Alternative Histories: GAFPA on Superstudio GAFPA, Adolfo Natalini and Superstudio 12.01.2019
Alternative Histories: Wim Goes Architectuur On Cassius Goldsmith Wim Goes Architectuur and Cassius Goldsmith 12.01.2019
Alternative Histories: Olivier Goethal On Paul Rudolph Olivier Goethals and Paul Rudolph 06.01.2019
Dance Dance Revolution Robert Adam, François-Joseph Bélanger and William Chambers Iris Moon 30.12.2018
Superstudio: In Yesterday’s Tomorrow Adolfo Natalini and Superstudio Eszter Steierhoffer 23.12.2018
Alternative Histories: Tony Fretton Architects on Erik Gunnar Asplund Tony Fretton Architects, Erik Gunnar Asplund and Tony Fretton 19.12.2018
OMA’S Nederlands Dans Theater Rem Koolhaas and Stefano de Martino Stefano de Martino 15.12.2018
Behind the Lines 8 Philippa Lewis 04.12.2018
Zaha Hadid Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas and OMA Desley Luscombe 27.11.2018
Lina Bo Bardi: Public Plaza and Museum of Art São Paolo Lina Bo Bardi Helen Thomas 26.11.2018
Mussolini and the Tomb of Augustus in the Spring of 1935 Vittorio Ballio Morpurgo John David Rhodes 20.11.2018
TEd’A Arquitectes TEd’A Arquitectes and Jaume Mayol Jaume Mayol and Irene Pérez 15.11.2018
Commonplace William Butterfield Nicholas Olsberg 12.11.2018
Theodore Conrad and Harvey Wiley Corbett Theodore Conrad and Harvey Wiley Corbett Jennifer Gray and Irene Sunwoo 11.11.2018
Madelon Vriesendorp Rem Koolhaas, OMA and Madelon Vriesendorp Niall Hobhouse and Madelon Vriesdendorp 04.11.2018
Behind the Lines 7 A. Tod Philippa Lewis 31.10.2018
V&A Dundee by Model Kengo Kuma 27.10.2018
Madelon Vriesendorp and Rem Koolhaas at Van Rooy Gallery, 1980 Kees Christiaanse, OMA and Madelon Vriesendorp Editors 23.10.2018
Marco Frascari Marco Frascari Federica Goffi 20.10.2018
Bruce Goff Bruce Goff Nicholas Olsberg 20.10.2018
Michael Graves: Fargo-Moorehead Cultural Bridge Michael Graves Jordan Kauffman 15.10.2018
The Continuous Monument, Shatwell Adolfo Natalini 09.10.2018
Buckminster Fuller’s Geodesic Sphere Richard Buckminster Fuller Helen Thomas 09.10.2018
Hugh Ferriss Harvey Wiley Corbett and Hugh Ferriss Helen Thomas 04.10.2018
Hugh Strange Architects: Drawing Matter Archive Hugh Strange Architects and Hugh Strange 02.10.2018
Ephraim Joris Ephraim Joris Ephraim Joris 28.09.2018
Siza and the Limits of Representation Álvaro Siza Niall Hobhouse 25.09.2018
Sans Humour? Giuseppe Roberto Martinenghi, Ennemondo Alessandro Petitot and Mario Sironi Niall Hobhouse 14.09.2018
Artists at Work Otto Greiner, Henri-Joseph Harpignies and Charles-Nicolas Cochin the Younger Deanna Petherbridge 14.09.2018
Le Corbusier: Sketch for the Governor’s Palace, Chandigarh, India Le Corbusier Niall Hobhouse 07.09.2018
Aux Citoyens Membres de La Commune attachés à la commissions des services publics Bruno Braquehais and Hector Horeau Matt Page 07.09.2018
Conjunction and Incongruity Ludovic Dumontier, Peter Märkli, Paul Piot, Richard Sadler, Nobuo Sekine, Peter Smithson and Hugh Strange Polly Gould 01.09.2018
Grunt Group: Unrolling the Netherfield Scroll Grunt Group 28.08.2018
Netherfield Scroll Two Grunt Group Michael Gold 28.08.2018
Netherfield Scroll One Chris Cross, Jeremy Dixon, Michael Gold and Edward Jones Chris Cross, Jeremy Dixon and Edward Jones 28.08.2018
Drawing Out Gehry Riet Eeckhout Riet Eeckhout 20.08.2018
Behind the Lines 6 Richard Bentley Philippa Lewis 13.08.2018
Richard J. Neutra Richard Neutra and Superstudio Nicholas Olsberg 10.08.2018
Yacht Club Path Alberto Ponis Alberto Ponis 02.08.2018
The Facade is the Window to the Soul of Architecture: Venice Architecture Biennale, 2018 Adam Caruso, Philip Heckhausen and Caruso St John Adam Caruso and Helen Thomas 01.08.2018
Onto an Epicycle of Cones Mark Ericson and Guarino Guarini Mark Ericson 30.07.2018
Foster + Partners: Cleveland Clinic Health Education Campus Foster + Partners Norman Foster 26.07.2018
arq : plan, Stan Allen, Helen Mallinson, Niall Hobhouse James Gowan and Antonio da Sangallo the Younger 20.07.2018
A Fragment of Wright’s Great City Dankmar Adler, Adler & Sullivan, Louis Sullivan, Otto Wagner and Frank Lloyd Wright Nicholas Olsberg 16.07.2018
Architectural Research Quarterly: Plan Adolf Loos 13.07.2018
Aldo Rossi Cabina Construction Aldo Rossi Tom Graham 10.07.2018
Three Timber Constructions David Grandorge David Grandorge 10.07.2018
Toyo Ito & Associates, Architects Toyo Ito Toyo Ito 06.07.2018
Freestanding: Sigurd Lewerentz Sigurd Lewerentz Helen Thomas 20.06.2018
Schinkel: ‘Precisely Loose’ Karl Friedrich Schinkel Lok-Kan Chau 19.06.2018
Architectural Ethnography: Japan Pavilion Momoyo Kaijima and Éva Le Roi Helen Thomas 12.06.2018
Talking to Drawings Sam Jacob, Deanna Petherbridge and Madelon Vriesendorp Sam Jacob 08.06.2018
Without Irony 1 James Gowan Niall Hobhouse 28.05.2018
Without Irony 3 Jesse Reiser and Aldo Rossi Niall Hobhouse 24.05.2018
Without Irony 2 Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen and Marc-Antoine Laugier Niall Hobhouse 23.05.2018
Elizabeth Hatz: Line, Light, Locus Elizabeth Hatz Elizabeth Hatz 23.05.2018
Alexander Brodsky: The Shed Alexander Brodsky 18.05.2018
Alberto Campo Baeza: Sketchbook No. 37 Alberto Campo Baeza Neil Bingham 12.05.2018
Behind the Lines 5 Cassius Goldsmith Philippa Lewis 10.05.2018
Empathy Álvaro Siza Andrew Clancy 08.05.2018
Letters from Nicholas Hawksmoor and Standford White Nicholas Hawksmoor and Stanford White 30.04.2018
Frank Lloyd Wright, Taliesin and Fallingwater Frank Lloyd Wright Adam Sutherland 29.04.2018
Jørn Utzon’s Sydney Opera House Jørn Utzon Mogens Prip-Buus 26.04.2018
Remembered Space Celia Scott Deanna Petherbridge 22.04.2018
Elena Manferdini Elena Manferdini Elena Manferdini 17.04.2018
David Kohn Architects David Kohn David Kohn 14.04.2018
Adolfo Natalini: The Last Supper Adolfo Natalini 05.04.2018
Nicholas Grimshaw Nicholas Grimshaw Nicholas Grimshaw 05.04.2018
Dominique Perrault Architecte Dominique Perrault Architecte Dominique Perrault 05.04.2018
Clancy Moore Architects: Conversation Pieces Clancy Moore Architects Colm Moore 01.04.2018
Eurolandschaft Dérive Peter Wilson Peter Wilson 01.04.2018
Behind the Lines 4 Angelier Philippa Lewis 28.03.2018
WilkinsonEyre WilkinsonEyre Chris Wilkinson 28.03.2018
Niall McLaughlin Níall McLaughlin Níall McLaughlin 17.03.2018
A. W. N. Pugin A. W. N. Pugin Peter Howell 13.03.2018
R. Norman Shaw E. S. Prior and Richard Norman Shaw Andrew Saint 11.03.2018
G. E. Street: Drawing on Moulding George Edmund Street 08.03.2018
Take Courage Freddie Phillipson Freddie Phillipson 08.03.2018
AL_A: V&A Exhibition Road Quarter AL_A Amanda Levete 05.03.2018
Louis Le Vau: Château de Meudon Louis Le Vau Basile Baudez, Alexandre Cojannot and Alexandre Gady 01.03.2018
Tony Fretton: Lisson Gallery 1 Tony Fretton Tony Fretton 27.02.2018
Herzog & de Meuron Herzog & de Meuron Herzog & de Meuron 23.02.2018
Notes on the Sketchbook Louis-Hippolyte Lebas, Adolfo Natalini, Walter Pichler, Cedric Price and Álvaro Siza Mark Dorrian 19.02.2018
Lütjens Padmanabhan Architekten: Swiss Ambassador’s Residence Lütjens Padmanabhan Architekten Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan 14.02.2018
Carlos Diniz: United States Embassy, Moscow Carlos Diniz 14.02.2018
Drawings’ Conclusions Stan Allen Stan Allen 08.02.2018
Behind the Lines 3 George Coke Philippa Lewis 07.02.2018
Better with Sun from West: US Embassy Moscow, The Commons Carlos Diniz Tim Abrahams 05.02.2018
Shatwell DrawingScape Ana Araujo 29.01.2018
Dom Hans Van Der Laan Saint Benedictusberg Abbey at Vaals Dom Hans van der Laan 25.01.2018
A Blueprint is… Blue Jean-Charles Moreux Neil Bingham 24.01.2018
Florian Beigel & Kisa Kawakami Beigel Kawakami Architects and Florian Beigel Architects Florian Beigel and Philip Christou 19.01.2018
Studio Mumbai: Saatrasta-Mahindra Tape Drawing Studio Mumbai Studio Mumbai Bijoy Jain 14.01.2018
Yona Friedman: Space-chain Structures Yona Friedman Manuel Orazi 11.01.2018
Gabriel Pierre Martin Dumont Gabriel Pierre Martin Dumont Editors 07.01.2018
The Politics of the Image Erik Gunnar Asplund, Archizoom Associati, François-Joseph Bélanger, William Kent, Superstudio and James Wines Maria S. Giudici, Joseph Mercer, Florian Scheucher, Keranie Theodosiou, Livia Wang, Sophie Williams and Feifei Zhou 05.01.2018
Alternative Histories: Atelier Tomas Dirrix & Boris de Beijer on Otto Schönthal Boris de Beijer, Atelier Tomas Dirrix and Otto Schönthal 01.01.2018
Parataxis Michael van der Gucht, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Otto Wagner Matthew Wells 28.12.2017
Sir William Chambers: Somerset House William Chambers 23.12.2017
Behind the Lines 2 P. O'Neil Philippa Lewis 19.12.2017
Anthony Salvin Anthony Salvin Matthew Wells 18.12.2017
Gilles-Marie Oppenord Gilles-Marie Oppenord David Pullins 15.12.2017
William Butterfield William Butterfield Nicholas Olsberg 06.12.2017
The Sacred Games of Art Patrick Lynch Patrick Lynch 01.12.2017
Herbert Matter Jay Connor and Herbert Matter Nicholas Olsberg 27.11.2017
Assemble: Collective Authorship Assemble Giles Smith and Adam Willis 18.11.2017
Dogma: The Room of One’s Own Pier Vittorio Aureli, Dogma, Toyo Ito, Louis Kahn, Leon Krier, Paul Letarouilly and Heinrich Tessenow Pier Vittorio Aureli and Martino Tattara 13.11.2017
Michael Gold: Crossed Swords Michael Gold 10.11.2017
Alvar Aalto’s city Alvar Aalto Markus Lähteenmäki 01.11.2017
The Clandeboye Drawings Peter Wilson Peter Wilson 27.10.2017
Archives, or Ardor François-Joseph Bélanger and Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine Iris Moon 26.10.2017
Blind Spots Sam Jacob Sam Jacob 20.10.2017
Lantau Commune Lok-Kan Chau Lok-Kan Chau 19.10.2017
Florian Beigel Architects: Stage House Florian Beigel Architects Florian Beigel and Philip Christou 12.10.2017
Peter Smithson: Obelisk Peter Smithson 12.10.2017
Cedric Price: FIR Project Cedric Price 12.10.2017
Stephen Taylor: Urban Rural Stephen Taylor Architects and Stephen Taylor 12.10.2017
James Wines: Ghost Parking Lot James Wines Christina Gray 05.10.2017
All Change on Change Alley M. Payne Celina Fox 05.10.2017
Aldo Rossi Jesse Reiser and Aldo Rossi Jesse Reiser 30.09.2017
Hugh Strange: the Archive Hugh Strange Architects and Hugh Strange 22.09.2017
Álvaro Siza: Sense Making Álvaro Siza 22.09.2017
Behind the Lines 1 Rex Savidge Philippa Lewis 22.09.2017
Drawing from a Deep Well Patrick Lynch Patrick Lynch 22.09.2017
Jesse Reiser & Nanako Umemoto (RUR) Jesse Reiser and Nanako Umemoto Jesse Reiser 13.09.2017
Architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu Architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu Jan De Vylder 07.09.2017
The Drawing as Actor 05.09.2017
USSR in Construction No. 9 1931 John Heartfield and Boris Iofan Marie Collier 01.09.2017
Drawings in Conversation Charles Robert Cockerell, Joseph Gandy and Joseph Gwilt Matthew Wells 01.09.2017
Child’s Play: Adolfo Natalini’s ‘Disegni Per Bambini’ Adolfo Natalini Sophia Banou 31.08.2017
Notes on the 2017 Summer School Nana Biamah-Ofosu and Bushra Mohamed 19.08.2017
Concrete Beach Stephanie Macdonald Stephanie Macdonald 13.08.2017
E. S. Prior’s Architectural Modelling E. S. Prior David Valinsky 02.08.2017
Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí 28.07.2017
Design Earth Earth Design Rania Ghosn and El Hadi Jazairy 27.07.2017
Dissecting Frank Lloyd Wright Andrew Clancy 25.07.2017
Enric Miralles: La Gran Casa Marciá Codinachs and Enric Miralles Javier Contreras 22.07.2017
Charles Percier Charles Percier Iris Moon 17.07.2017
A Souvenir and Survey François Soufflot le Romain Basile Baudez 22.06.2017
San Rocco John Hejduk and Michele Marchetti Helen Thomas 20.06.2017
Guy Debord Guy Debord Anthony Vidler 07.06.2017
Karl Friedrich Schinkel Karl Friedrich Schinkel Basile Baudez 07.06.2017
Celia Scott: L’Attente Celia Scott Katharine Eustace 31.05.2017
A Space / Two Spaces Anthony Vidler 30.05.2017
Zünd-Up: Erotische Architektur Zünd-Up Erik Wegerhoff 27.05.2017
Ferdinando Galli Bibiena Ferdinando Galli Bibiena John Cooper 19.05.2017
Two Ideas of the House Fred Scott Fred Scott 09.05.2017
A.L.T. Vaudoyer Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen, Marc-Antoine Laugier and Antoine-Laurent-Thomas Vaudoyer Basile Baudez 04.05.2017
Permanence Elizabeth Hatz Elizabeth Hatz 18.04.2017
Conen Sigl Architekten: Drawing in retrospect Conen Sigl Architekten, Pierre Chareau and Kazuo Shinohara Maria Conen 09.04.2017
Roz Barr Architects: The Maquette Roz Barr Architects Roz Barr 07.04.2017
Mario Sironi Mario Sironi David Vanderburgh 27.03.2017
The Town: The Dream of Unity in the 1960s Jean-Paul Jungmann Jean-Paul Jungmann 21.03.2017
A House for A Sculptor / A House for my Mother Ugo La Pietra and Celia Scott Celia Scott 17.03.2017
Eisenman: House II Peter Eisenman Stefano Corbo 17.03.2017
Galli da Bibiena Ferdinando Galli Bibiena Fabrizio Ballabio 10.03.2017
Narrative Architecture Nigel Coates Nigel Coates 10.03.2017
Relational Design Siv Helene Stangeland Siv Helene Stangeland 10.03.2017
On Architectural Drawing: Lina Bo Bardi and Beyond Lina Bo Bardi, Marcelo Ferraz and Giò Ponti Marcelo Ferraz 09.03.2017
Jørn Utzon Jørn Utzon Mogens Prip-Buus 03.03.2017
James Gowan: Inside the Sketchbook James Gowan Ellis Woodman 02.03.2017
Carlos Diniz: Weyerhaeuser Project Carlos Diniz Tim Abrahams 01.03.2017
Loggia Mercato Nuovo, Florence Giovanni Battista del Tasso and Giorgio Vasari Lauren Jacobi 27.02.2017
George Wilkinson: Building On The Stones Of Ireland George Wilkinson William Taylor 23.02.2017
Ange-Jacques Gabriel Ange-Jacques Gabriel Niall Hobhouse 22.02.2017
Paolo Soleri Paolo Soleri Tim Abrahams 22.02.2017
Viollet-le-Duc: Mont Blanc Eugène Viollet-le-Duc Martin Bressani 17.02.2017
Perry Kulper Perry Kulper Sophia Banou 14.02.2017
Lütjens Padmanabhan Architekten: Sketch modelling Lütjens Padmanabhan Architekten Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan 09.02.2017
Architecture and Geology Charles Robert Cockerell, Peter Eisenman, Zaha Hadid, Karl Friedrich Schinkel, George Edmund Street and Eugène Viollet-le-Duc William Mann 07.02.2017
Michael Webb Michael Webb Mark Dorrian 01.02.2017
Witherford Watson Mann: Waiting Women Witherford Watson Mann William Mann 31.01.2017
James Malton James Malton John Macarthur 30.01.2017
Superstudio: Cinematography Superstudio Markus Lähteenmäki 30.01.2017
Heathrow Airport Project Catrina Beevor Catrina Beevor 25.01.2017
Pier Leone Ghezzi Pier Leone Ghezzi Rachel Hapoienu 20.01.2017
L’art tue Aerolande Jean-Paul Jungmann 19.01.2017
Gordon Matta-Clark Gordon Matta-Clark Nicholas Olsberg 19.01.2017
Caruso St John Architects: Cultural and Tourist Centre Caruso St John Adam Caruso 18.01.2017
Projected Sections James Gowan Laurent Stalder 15.01.2017
Jessie Brennan Jesse Brennan, Peter Smithson and Alison Smithson Olivia Horsfall Turner 04.01.2017
Aitchison / Prendergast George Aitchison and Kathy Prendergast Helen Thomas 30.12.2016
Black Airground Eventstructure Research Group Jeffrey Shaw 23.12.2016
Philip Webb Philip Webb Adrian Forty 23.12.2016
Gowan: A Rather Beautiful Coherence James Gowan Charles Rice 12.12.2016
Brunswick Centre Patrick Hodgkinson and Peter Myers Peter Myers 05.12.2016
The Destruction of the City of Homs Deanna Petherbridge Deanna Petherbridge 28.11.2016
Marie–José Van Hee: Black Drawings Els Claessens, Marie-José Van Hee and Tania Vandenbussche 23.11.2016
A Public Convenience Peter Wilson Peter Wilson 18.11.2016
Charles Percier Charles Percier Niall Hobhouse 18.11.2016
Charles Barry: Travel Sketching Charles Barry Rachel Blissett 11.11.2016
The Black Drawings of Marie-José Van Hee Marie-José Van Hee Helen Thomas 09.11.2016
Louis Bricard Louis Bricard Nicholas Olsberg 08.11.2016
On Collecting Niall Hobhouse 03.11.2016
Paul Robbrecht Robbrecht en Daem and Paul Robbrecht Rosemary Willink 02.11.2016
Stone Adversaries – Ruskin’s Rocks, Hejduk’s Diamonds John Hejduk and John Ruskin Anthony Auerbach 24.10.2016
Mies: The Double or Panoramic Structure of the Perspective Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Desley Luscombe 24.10.2016
Alexander Brodsky Alexander Brodsky Marie Coulon 15.10.2016
Beevor Mull Architects: Pikpa Refugee Camp Beevor Mull Architects Robert Mull 13.10.2016
A Civic Utopia Exhibition Jacques-Denis Antoine and Mario Asprucci 08.10.2016
Some Thoughts on Sheds Carlos Diniz, Cedric Price and Rudolf M. Schindler Nicholas Olsberg 07.10.2016
Fontaine: Model for a Music Room Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine Ana Araujo 04.10.2016
Drawing Walmer Yard Peter Salter Peter Salter 04.10.2016
Malagueira and Évora, Portugal Álvaro Siza Cathy Hawley and Hugh Strange 19.09.2016
High Ground Álvaro Siza Colette Sheddick and Pierre d'Avoine 19.09.2016
Beyond Object-ness, a Good House Álvaro Siza Florian Beigel and Philip Christou 19.09.2016
Casswell Bank Architects: The Shed Project Casswell Bank Architects Alex Bank and Sam Casswell 18.09.2016
Barthélemy Enfantin Isambard Kingdom Brunel and Barthélemy Enfantin Helen Thomas 12.09.2016
Richard J. Neutra: Visitor Center at Gettysburg National Park Richard Neutra Nicholas Olsberg 22.08.2016
Notes on the 2016 Summer School James Gowan, Gordon Matta-Clark, Aldo Rossi, Álvaro Siza and Peter Smithson Helen Mallinson 21.08.2016
Cedric Price: Bathat Cedric Price Helen Mallinson 08.08.2016
Michael Graves Michael Graves Helen Thomas 07.08.2016
The Stones of John Ruskin John Ruskin Karen Eve Johnson, Nicholas Olsberg and John Ruskin 01.08.2016
Alexander Pope: ‘et sibi’ Niall Hobhouse 01.08.2016
Le Corbusier: Unité d’habitation Le Corbusier and Louis Sciarli 01.08.2016
From the Desk of John Summerson John Summerson 01.08.2016
Ray Bradbury: Letterhead Ray Bradbury and John Soane 01.08.2016
Fontaine: Market Stalls Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine Basile Baudez 01.08.2016
Jean-Baptiste Lassus Jean-Baptiste Lassus and Eugène Viollet-le-Duc Martin Bressani 01.08.2016
The Marriage of Reason and Squalor Pier Vittorio Aureli Pier Vittorio Aureli 01.08.2016
Mies van der Rohe: Neue Stadt Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Markus Lähteenmäki 22.07.2016
Friedensreich Hundertwasser Friedensreich Hunderstwasser Helen Thomas 15.07.2016
Charles de Wailly Charles de Wailly 10.06.2016
François-Joseph Bélanger François-Joseph Bélanger Olivia Edmondson 04.06.2016
Future Scenarios, Part II Armando Brasini, Iakov Georgievich Chernikhov, Louis Jean Desprez, Boris Iofan, Jirí Kolár, Charles Stanislas Leveillé, Gordon Matta-Clark, Paolo Posi, Cedric Price and Aldo Rossi Niall Hobhouse and Nicholas Olsberg 31.05.2016
Robert Bray: Six Designs for a Playboy Penthouse Pad Robert Bray 12.05.2016
The Imperial Palace of God George Elliot 09.05.2016
Ducros: Arch of Titus Abraham-Louis-Rodolphe Ducros 01.05.2016
Seven Farmyards Jean Démosthène Dugourc, Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine, Richard Mique, Cedric Price, John Soane and James Wines 22.04.2016
Five Obelisks Ferdinando Galli Bibiena, Charles Percier, Peter Smithson and Louis-Gustave Taraval 16.04.2016
The Birth of the Column Álvaro Siza Álvaro Siza 07.04.2016
Views of A Civic Utopia Louis-Pierre Baltard, Louis Combes, Jean-Charles Delafosse, Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine and Pierre Rousseau 06.04.2016
Robert Mylne Robert Adam and Robert Mylne Robert Adam 01.04.2016
Louis Kahn: Kansas City Office Building Louis Kahn 18.03.2016
This Was Tomorrow: Reinventing Architecture 1953–1978 Constant, Le Corbusier, Richard Buckminster Fuller, James Gowan, John Hejduk, Hans Hollein, Louis Kahn, Walter Pichler, Ugo La Pietra, Aldo Rossi, Álvaro Siza, Superstudio and Michael Webb Markus Lähteenmäki, Manuel Montenegro and Nicholas Olsberg 13.03.2016
Aldo Rossi: Architecture and the City (1982) Peter Eisenman and Aldo Rossi Peter Eisenman 11.03.2016
Etudes des fragments d’architecture Jean-Augustin Renard Jean-Augustin Renard 06.03.2016
Hans Hollein: Infinite Space Hans Hollein 04.03.2016
Hans Hollein: Everything is Architecture Hans Hollein Hans Hollein 04.03.2016
To Read A Drawing (1983) Peter Eisenman Peter Eisenman 12.02.2016
The Continuous Monument Adolfo Natalini and Superstudio Adolfo Natalini 05.02.2016
On Drawing Adolfo Natalini Adolfo Natalini 04.02.2016
Rem Koolhaas: EuroDisney Rem Koolhaas and OMA 29.01.2016
Robert Venturi: The Difficult Whole Robert Venturi 22.01.2016
Becoming One with the Landscape (1969) Carlos Diniz Carlos Diniz 15.01.2016
Henri Labrouste Henri Labrouste Barry Bergdoll 15.12.2015
Michael Webb: Sin Centre Michael Webb Michael Webb 05.12.2015
View the Action, Neck or Talk (1965) Michael Webb Michael Webb 04.12.2015
A Lung for the City (1984) Cedric Price Cedric Price 27.11.2015
Ville Spatiale Yona Friedman Yona Friedman 20.11.2015
Peter Märkli: Thinking Drawings Peter Märkli Florian Beigel and Philip Christou 15.11.2015
Believe in books (1998) John Hejduk John Hejduk 13.11.2015
Three Projects (1969) John Hejduk John Hejduk 12.11.2015
Archizoom, Andrea Branzi and the No-Stop City Archizoom Associati and Andrea Branzi Andrea Branzi 06.11.2015
The Lost Art of Drawing Michael Graves Michael Graves 04.11.2015
Dismantled Sketchbook James Gowan 02.11.2015
James Gowan: The Expandable House James Gowan Markus Lähteenmäki 01.11.2015
The Open Hand (1954) Le Corbusier Le Corbusier 01.11.2015
Zünd-Up: ‘Psycho-dynamic’ Street and Park System Zünd-Up 23.10.2015
A Brutal Matter (1962) Walter Pichler Walter Pichler 16.10.2015
Walter Pichler: 20 Sketches from the Archives Walter Pichler 13.10.2015
Haus-Rücker-Co. Haus-Rücker-Co 09.10.2015
Buckminster Fuller: Six Patents Richard Buckminster Fuller 02.10.2015
Jean-Baptiste Lassus’s Sainte-Chapelle Jean-Baptiste Lassus 01.10.2015
Buckminster Fuller 01.10.2015
Isolation or Participation? Ugo La Pietra Ugo La Pietra 11.09.2015
Preamble to a New World (1963) Constant Constant 04.09.2015
New Babylon (1963) Constant Constant 03.09.2015
John Lautner: House and Studio for Edgar Ewing John Lautner Nicholas Olsberg 28.08.2015
A Life of Their Own (1985) Paul Rudolph Paul Rudolph 28.08.2015
History & Origins Aldo Rossi Aldo Rossi 21.08.2015
Erik Gunnar Asplund: The Father Erik Gunnar Asplund Nicholas Olsberg 14.08.2015
The Hatred of Rendering (1930) Le Corbusier Le Corbusier 01.08.2015
Sketch from Vézelay from Letter to Mérimée (1843) Eugène Viollet-le-Duc Eugène Viollet-le-Duc 31.07.2015
Five Boxes Michael Craig-Martin Michael Craig-Martin 10.06.2015
Wagnerschule Emil Hoppe, Marcel Kammerer, Otto Schönthal, Otto Wagner and Wagnerschule 01.06.2015
François Soufflot le Romain: Ruins François Soufflot le Romain Editors 09.02.2015
Potomania (1982) Jacques Couëlle Jacques Couëlle 08.01.2015
The Changing Metropolis 1940s–1980s Le Corbusier, Cedric Price, James Stirling and Nicholas Vassilieve Niall Hobhouse and Nicholas Olsberg 29.11.2013
The Changing Metropolis 1815–1900 Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine, Edward I'Anson, David Laing and Louis Sullivan Niall Hobhouse and Nicholas Olsberg 27.11.2013
The Changing Metropolis 1900–1930s John Belcher, Hammond Burnham, Burnham & Company, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Nicholas Vassilieve and Frank Lloyd Wright Niall Hobhouse and Nicholas Olsberg 26.11.2013
Future Scenarios, Part III Ernest Born, Duilio Cambellotti, Constant, Charles-Marie Dulac, Fritz Ebhardt, Yona Friedman, Edwin Lutyens, Ugo La Pietra and Iannis Xenakis Niall Hobhouse and Nicholas Olsberg 03.06.2013
Future Scenarios, Part I George Elliot, Winold Reiss, Louis-Gustave Taraval and William Lee Woollett Niall Hobhouse and Nicholas Olsberg 30.05.2013
Displaced Persons Erik Gunnar Asplund, François-Joseph Bélanger, Le Corbusier, Gordon Cullen, Jean-Charles Delafosse, Carlos Diniz, René Herbst, Frederick Kiesler, D. Labouré, Jean-Baptiste Lassus, Antti Lovag, Richard Neutra, Paolo Posi, Bernard Poyet, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, François Soufflot le Romain, Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Robert Smirke, Giuseppe Terragni, Frank Lloyd Wright and Minoru Yamasaki Niall Hobhouse and Nicholas Olsberg 03.10.2012
Architectural Anxiety Richard Bentley, Etienne-Louis Boullée, Armando Brasini, William Butterfield, Henry Thomas Cadbury-Brown, Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine, Ange-Jacques Gabriel, Carlo Marchionni, Charles Moore, Cedric Price, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, François Soufflot le Romain, Basil Spence, Louis-Gustave Taraval and James Wines Niall Hobhouse and Nicholas Olsberg 28.09.2011
Simplification Erik Gunnar Asplund, Edward Blore, William Butterfield, Andre-Marie Chatillon, Iakov Georgievich Chernikhov, Peter Eisenman, Jacques Androuet du Cerceau the Elder, Hermann Finsterlin, Richard Buckminster Fuller, Louis Kahn, Innocenzo (Flaminio) Minozzi, Giovanni Battista Montano, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Aldo Rossi and Michael Webb Niall Hobhouse and Nicholas Olsberg 06.05.2011
Landscape Situations Erik Gunnar Asplund, Derek Boshier, François-Joseph Bélanger, Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen, William Kent, Marc-Antoine Laugier, Richard Neutra and Gilles-Marie Oppenord Niall Hobhouse and Nicholas Olsberg 21.01.2011